
MPs want Libyan leader to pay Shs2.6b

Members on the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee want the Libyan Leader to fulfil his promise to pay about Shs2.6 billion used in feeding and accommodating Afro-Arab youth conference delegates in Kampala in 2008. Col. Muammar Gadaffi is currently attending the 15th AU Summit in Kampala.
This became apparent yesterday after the accounting officer in the Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social development, Ms Christine Guwatudde, disclosed to the committee that despite her repeated letters on the matter to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, nothing has since come to fruition.
The letters were supposed to remind the Libyan leader about his obligation to pay the money that the government used to clear bills at the Commonwealth Speke Resort, Munyonyo after he personally asked that the conference be extended so he could address it.
Gadaffi’s request
“Our Brother Gadaffi is here and it’s important that he is reminded to fulfil his commitment-to pay the outstanding bills that government incurred on his behalf,” the Chairman of the committee, Mr Nandala Mafabi said.
Ms Gawatudde told the committee that the money was accrued after the conference was extended by four more days on the request of the Libyan leader who committed to foot any extra costs for the additional days.
The youth conference had been planned for only seven days but on Col.Gadaffi’s request it was pushed to 11 days. “We have a commitment (from Col. Gadaffi) that he will pay and have also written several letters about this matter but nothing has been forthcoming,” Ms Gawatudde said. The Libyan Ambassador, Mr Abdalla Bujeldain, was unavailable for comment yesterday.

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