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  1. Common Market to ease SME market access
    Categories: Africa
    506055Today marks a new era with the launch of the East African Common Market Protocol- a single economic bloc within which factors of production, goods and services will move unhampered. The five partner states including: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwan...
  2. President Ahmadinejad reveals new US scenario against Iran
    Categories: Africa
    500156 AfranTehran, July 24, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad here Friday unveiled truth about new US-Zionist scenario against Iran, expressing sorrow that Russia, too, is now harmonizing with it.According to IRNA presidential affairs reporter...
  3. The security problem with Col. Gadaffi
    Categories: Africa
    5060680All was going well just before the flamboyant Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadaffi, reached the security checkpoint at the venue of the ongoing 15th Ordinary Session of the African Union heads of state summit in Munyonyo on Sunday.Riding in a fou...
  4. Tracing the life of fallen former president Binaisa
    Categories: Africa
    50692Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa, a lawyer, former President and Attorney General in the post independent government, died yesterday in Kampala, Fred Guweddeko writes about his life;The late Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa was President of Uganda from July 1979 ...
  5. luxury train fares
    Categories: Africa
    Pride of Africa £10,600 per personThere are certainly choices you can make when you’re deciding on a way to get from Point A to Point B, or when you are planning a holiday away from the rat race of everyday life. Train travel is a popular means of...
  6. freak clothes of gaddafi!
    Categories: Africa
  7. Colonialism
    Categories: Africa
  8. African Traditions
    Categories: Africa
    African Tradition is expressed through many different art forms, such as music, dance, art, sculpture and beadwork. These traditions are deeply ingrained into the whole African culture. Many African languages are “tone languages,” mean...
  9. The police shootings at a Lonmin mine in South Africa
    Categories: Africa
    Police officers claim they killed 34 striking miners in self defence at Marikana platinum mine owned by UK company  
  10. Zarif meets Nigerian counterpart
    Categories: Africa
    Nigeria can be the center of regional cooperation in Africa, Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said here Monday.         Zarif made the remarks in a meeting with his visiting Nigerian counterpart Geoffrey Onye...
  11. 50101-Nigeria:Ag President Goodluck Jonathan, Ministers to meet Yar’adua
    Categories: Africa
    Following the miraculous return of Nigeria’s President Umar Musa Yar’adua into the country, strong indications emerged yesterday that arrangement have been concluded for Acting President Goodluck Jonathan and members of the federal Executive Counci...
  12. FM: ties with Kenya growing and dynamic
    Categories: Africa
    50005 AfranIran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki described ties with Kenya as good, growing and dynamic.Making the remark in a meeting with his Kenyan counterpart Moses Wetang'ula in Nairobi on Saturday, he referred to the political will existin...
  13. Sénégal-50416-Vente automobile au Sénégal
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal-50416AUTOMOBILELes marques japonaises dominent le marché sénégalaisLe marché sénégalais de l’automobile est dominé par les marques japonaises. Quarante pour cent des véhicules vendus, en 2009, au Sénégal, sont d’origine nippone,...
  14. Iran sends 7th vessel to Aden
    Categories: Africa
    50017 AfranTehran, March 17, IRNA – The Islamic Republic of Iran’s Navy sent Wednesday a vessel (the 7th one) to the Gulf of Aden to fight pirates and protect the country’s shipping lines from piracy.A number of Iran’s Navy commanders as well a...
  15. President suggests OIC chief to appoint female deputy
    Categories: Africa
    50019 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Wednesday suggested the head of the Organization of the Islamic Conference to appoint a woman as his deputy.In a letter to the OIC Secretary General, Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu, the Iranian president suggested him ...
  16. Spilt Nigeria into two, Gaddafi advice
    Categories: Africa
    Nigeria should be divided into two separate independent nations along the Muslims-Christian dichotomy to solve the unending recurring sectarian violence in the country, Libyan president Muammar Gaddafi has said.Gaddafi suggested this yesterday while de...
  17. Iran urges nuclear states to disarm to help international peace
    Categories: Africa
    50036 Afran The Islamic Republic of Iran on Saturday called on the nuclear states to disarm in a bid to bring about an atmosphere of peace and security in the international community. President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad made the call in a ceremony to inaugur...
  18. Tehran to pave way for global nuclear disarmament: FM official
    Categories: Africa
    50045 AfranTehran, April 10, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast on Saturday stressed that Tehran is trying to pave the way for global nuclear disarmament with the help of other independent states.Talking to IRNA, he said that the I...
  19. Reps set to reconstitute standing committees
    Categories: Africa
    50116Nigeria’s lower parliamentarians, the House of Representatives have concluded arrangements to reconstitute its 84 standing committees on resumption from its current recess.This was announced by the Chairman, House Committee on Rules and Business...
  20. President leaves Tehran for 2-nation African tour
    Categories: Africa
    50064 AfranIRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad started a three-day official visit to Zimbabwe and Uganda on Thursday. He will be heading a high-ranking politico-economic delegation.On the first leg of his two-nation tour, President Ahmadinejad is to arri...
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