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    Categories: Africa
    Seven Heads of State and Government on Tuesday pressurised Sudan to ensure free and fair elections during its first democratic polls in 25 years, scheduled for next month. President Kibaki led his counterparts from the Inter-Governmental Authority and ...
  2. Arrivée à Nouakchott du ministre malien des Affaires étrangères
    Categories: Africa
    50203 MauritaniaLe ministre malien des Affaires étrangères, Moctar Wane, est arrivé dimanche à Nouakchott pour une visite de travail de quelques jours en Mauritanie, a-t-on appris de source officielle. Cette visite survient dans un contexte marqué...
  3. Sénégal 50421 Deficit de pilotes maritimes
    Categories: Africa
    Senegal-50421DEFICIT DE PILOTES MARITIMESLe Sénégal annonce la création d’une académie des mersLe pilote maritime est un métier d’avenir. Mais, rares sont les jeunes qui acceptent de s’orienter vers cette formation qui peut durer plus de dix...
  4. Persian New year marked at hospital in Tanzania
    Categories: Africa
    50030 AfranIran and Tanzania Friendship Society held a festival on the occasion of the new Iranian year in Darussalam.The festival was held at a hospital in the city with participation of IRI's Cultural Attaché and Ambassador to Tanzania, members of t...
  5. Finance Minister bans first class travel for government officials
    Categories: Africa
    50112The newly sworn-in Minister of State for Finance Mr. Remi Babalola has placed a ban on government officials and other public servants especially working in the various agencies under the ministry to stop using public funds to pay for first class t...
  6. President Stresses Iran, Algeria's Capacity to Create New World Order
    Categories: Africa
    50052 AfranIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Iran-Algeria cooperation to form a new world order based on a humane outlook.Speaking in a meeting with Algeria's visiting Minister of Religious Affairs Bouabdellah Ghlamallah here in Tehran o...
  7. President: IRI has no belief in nuclear weapons
    Categories: Africa
    50061 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the Islamic Republic of Iran has no belief in nuclear weapons and considers it as ineffective adding that a lofty human, Islamic culture as Iran has is as much powerful as atomic bomb.President Ahmadinejad ...
  8. Obama loses more than anybody else by new possible resolution against Iran: President
    Categories: Africa
    50074 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that President Obama will sustain a loss more than anybody else by issuing a new possible resolution against Iran, because the philosophy of his presidentship was changing inhuman and harsh face of the US g...
  9. Gambia’s Ex-Drug Chief & co Deny Charges
    Categories: Africa
    505 10 Gambia’s Ex-Drug Chief & co Deny Charges The former National Drug Enforcement Agency boss, Mr. Ibrahim Bun Sanneh and four other drug enforcement officials were yesterday arraigned before Justice Emmanuel Ahmadi of the Banjul High Court...
  10. DM: Iran produces medium-sized passenger plane
    Categories: Africa
    50087 AfranDefense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said on Sunday that design and production of medium-sized passenger planes with 100-150 seats have earlier begun in the country.According to a report by the Publicity Department of the ministry...
  11. Conference urges Palestinians' unity across world
    Categories: Africa
    50092 AfranThe 8th conference of Palestinian nationals in Europe was held in Berlin, Germany.The conference with the motto of "Our return and the liberation of our prisoners is definite" focused on the difficulties that Palestinians refugees were facin...
  12. Forum blames bad governance for human rights violations
    Categories: Africa
    505 28The increase in human rights violation in Africa the systematic denial of democratic change and the refusal to recognize the fundamental rights of the human being as well as the unacceptable reversal of constitutional order with no regard for the...
  13. Government restates commitment to Silicon Valley dream
    Categories: Africa
    505 35The Gambia’s minister for Information and Communication Infrastructure, Alhaji A. Cham has restated The Gambia government’s continued and unflinching commitment to the development of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the count...
  14. NERC set to review Nigeria’s electricity distribution
    Categories: Africa
    501 48The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) said it will start the process to enforce operational standards to aim at reviewing the country's electricity grid code and distribution code to meet present realities.Administrator of NERC, M...
    Categories: Africa
    50620Uganda has urged India and other countries to invest in the fast-growing communications sector in Uganda. Addressing delegates at the ongoing World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) 2010, Uganda’s High Commissioner to India, His Ex...
  16. Alain Joyandet salue la coopération franco-mauritanienne
    Categories: Africa
    50208Alain Joyandet, secrétaire d’Etat français à la Coopération et à la Francophonie, en visite à Nouakchott, a estimé que la coopération entre la France et la Mauritanie "se déroule très bien"." Nous avons fait le tour des dossiers de la ...
  17. Les secrets d’une "armée" très organisée : témoignages de Ould Sidina et compagnons
    Categories: Africa
    50240Un rapport de la Direction générale de la sécurité nationale (DGSN), daté du 24 janvier 2008, consigne les auditions des trois Mauritaniens condamnés, mardi 25 mai, à la peine de mort pour l’assassinat, en 2007, de quatre Français.Ces au...
  18. Ould Abdel Aziz sera-t-il au coup d’envoi de la coupe du monde 2010 ?
    Categories: Africa
    50282Le président sud-africain a invité tous les chefs d’Etat africains à honorer par leur présence, les cérémonies du coup d’envoi et de la finale du Mondial 2010. Le président de la république Ould Abdel Aziz sera-t-il aux abonnés absent...
  19. 64th Ecowas Council of Ministers Session opens
    Categories: Africa
    505 49 (64th Ecowas Council of Ministers Session opens)The 64th Ordinary Session of the Ecowas Council of Ministers opened Monday at the conference hall of the sub-regional body headquarters in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.The two-day meeting brings to...
  20. Élection du député de Moudjéria comme président du groupe parlementaire du parti au pouvoir
    Categories: Africa
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