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  1. President: UNSC serves domineering powers
    Categories: Africa
    50066 AfranIran’s President Mahmood Ahmadinejad said here on Thursday that the UN Security Council, which should be guarantor of nations’ security, serves certain domineering powers.Addressing a press conference along with his Zimbabwean counterpar...
  2. S.Africa cables moved after giraffes electrocuted
    Categories: Africa
    South Africa's power utility has moved cables in a wildlife sanctuary after several giraffes were electrocuted when they walked into the low-hanging wires, a conservation official said Friday. At least four giraffes have died since June 2011 i...
  3. US-funded media “peddling black propaganda war” against Iran
    Categories: Africa
    50078 AfranLondon, April 26, IRNA -- A veteran British journalist says some media are “peddling lies and black propaganda war” against Iran under the financial support of the US administration.Yvonne Ridley told IRNA that such media as VOA Persian,...
  4. Une délégation de Tawassoul visite la Moughataa de Maghaama
    Categories: Africa
    50246Une délégation du Rassemblement National pour la Reforme et le Développement (Tawassoul) a rendu visite du 13 au 16 Mai 2010, dans la Moughattaa de Maghaama, situé dans la wilaya de Gorgol.Cette délégation présidée par Oumar Mahmoud Ba est...
  5. Why I kept Amelia for 31 years - Museveni
    Categories: Africa
    506088President Museveni on Friday night gave reasons why he kept outgoing Principal Private Secretary (PPS) Amelia Kyambadde for 31 years, praising her for being a loyal servant and keeping his “secrets.”While attending the official State House se...
  6. African Jewelry
    Categories: Africa
    The History of African Jewelry Begins with the Birth of the Art The history of African jewelry is largely believed to indicate the birthing point for this art form. Evidence of early beads has been found on this continent dating back some 7...
  7. Velayati: Sanctions against Iran ineffective
    Categories: Africa
    50079 AfranJakarta, Indonesia, April 27, IRNA -- Supreme Leader’s advisor Ali-Akbar Velayati said here on Tuesday that sanctions against Iran are ineffective and that the country will continue its peaceful nuclear activities.In a joint press confe...
  8. 50 Sudanese Christians Embrace Islam
    Categories: Africa
    500141 AfranAhlul Bayt News Agency (, The 50 new converts said the Shahaadatayn (Declaration of Faith: there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the prophet of God) at the ceremony.Speaking at the function, Sheikh Karuri Friday prayer...
  9. 10 year-old Tunisian chess player refuses to compete with Zionist entity, becomes instant hero in Arab world
    Categories: Africa
    Tunisian boy boycotts Zionist entity athlete in chess tournament Ten-year old Tunisian chess player refuses to compete against Zionist entity in worldwide chess tournament. Boycotter wins immediate fame from Arab countries, Palestinians for 'show of br...
  10. Hello world!
    Categories: Africa
    Welcome to Afran. This is the first region on the cyber place for conecting Iran and africa's world. Just you can start blogging!
  11. President: Iranians show world how to fight terrorism
    Categories: Africa
    50015 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that Iranians have shown the world how to fight against terrorism.He made the remarks in his address to the local residents of this southern provincial capital city where he is visiting during the ...
    Categories: Africa
    [caption id="attachment_111" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="His Highness the Aga Khan interacts with conference delegates moments before the official opening of the Pan African Media conference held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre"][/captio...
  13. Mottaki departs for Algiers
    Categories: Africa
    50025 AfranTehran, March 31, IRNA – Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, heading a delegation, departed Tehran for Algiers on Wednesday morning.The visit aims to expand bilateral ties with Algeria.During the visit, the Iranian delegation is to prepar...
  14. Manif contre le monument de la Renaissance
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal 50427 Manifestation contre le Monument de la renaissance AfricaineL’opposition marche contre « la statue »La manifestation organisée le samedi 03 avril dernier par la coalition des partis de l’opposition du Sénégal et des membres de...
  15. president: We are against nuclear bomb
    Categories: Africa
    50042 AfranTehran, April 9, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here on Friday that Iran is against nuclear bomb.Addressing the Fourth National Nuclear Festival, President Ahmadinejad said those seeking nuclear bomb are against human logic.“W...
  16. Sénégal : Me Abdoulaye Wade invité de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad au sommet du G 15
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal-50429Sommet du G 15 le 15 Mai prochain à TéhéranAbdoulaye Wade invité du Président Mahmoud AhmadinejadLe chef de l’Etat du Sénégal, Me Abdoulaye Wade a fait part lors du dernier Conseil des ministres, jeudi dernier, de l’invitation...
  17. IRI to host anti-terrorism conference in Sept
    Categories: Africa
    50059 AfranSpeaking at Tehran's nuclear disarmament conference, Secretary of the IRI Supreme Council of National Security Saeed Jalili said the world was eager to know whether the US and its allies were not able to fight terrorism or didn't want to."If...
  18. President :Certain powers want to deprive nations of nuclear right
    Categories: Africa
    50069 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is in Kampala on an official visit, said certain powers, with the motto of non-proliferation, want to deprive nations of their right to gain access to nuclear energy.Speaking in a dinner banquet hosted by U...
  19. Muslims asked to embrace peace for development
    Categories: Africa
    50080 AfranAhlul Bayt News Agency (, Sheikh Nkansah Agyekum, National Imam of the Ghana Muslim Mission, has called on Muslims to ensure that peace and unity prevailed among them.He said Islam stood for peace and that anything short of peace ...
  20. Energy minister warns against illegal sale of fuel
    Categories: Africa
    505 15 Energy minister warns against illegal sale of fuelThe minister of Energy, Sira Wally Ndow-Njie has warned staff of the National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) involved in selling fuel belonging to the company to stop such acts.The ministe...
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