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  1. Parliaments votes in favour of Free Trade Zone Commission Bill
    Categories: Africa
    501 47Members of the Federal House of Representatives yesterday passed through second reading a bill seeking to repeal the Nigerian Export Processing Zones Authority Act 1992 to give way for the establishment of the Nigerian Free Trade Zone Commission....
  2. Palestine, grave contemporary rights issue
    Categories: Africa
    50099 AfranIslamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei issued a statement Tuesday in condemnation of the Monday bloody Israeli attack against Fleet of Freedom humanitarian aid ships, saying that the atrocity was an aggression against world ...
  3. Ould Abdel Aziz sera-t-il au coup d’envoi de la coupe du monde 2010 ?
    Categories: Africa
    50282Le président sud-africain a invité tous les chefs d’Etat africains à honorer par leur présence, les cérémonies du coup d’envoi et de la finale du Mondial 2010. Le président de la république Ould Abdel Aziz sera-t-il aux abonnés absent...
  4. Ould Abdel Aziz en France pour le sommet France /Afrique.
    Categories: Africa
    50286Le président de la République, Monsieur Mohamed ould Abdel Aziz a quitté Nouakchott dimanche matin à destination de Nice pour prendre part au sommet Afrique/France qui aura lieu le 31 mai courant et le 1er juin prochain.Le Président de la Ré...
  5. Opposition wants Jonathan to drop facebook idea
    Categories: Africa
    501 40The opposition in Nigeria under the aegis of Conference of Nigeria Political Parties (CNPP) yesterday advised President Goodluck Jonathan to drop the idea of setting up a facebook account as his contribution to the debate for electoral reform.CNP...
    Categories: Africa
    50313 18032010There is excitement among residents on whose land in Manda Bay the port is set to be constructed. Now living in the sprawling slums on Lamu Island after they fled Manda Bay due to insecurity, these residents hope to be compensated for the...
  7. Opposition party, AC advice Jonathan not to appoint Akunyili as electoral umpire
    Categories: Africa
    501 59An opposition party in Nigeria, the Action Congress (AC) has advised President Goodluck Jonathan against appointing Information and Communications Minister, Dora Akunyili as the Independent National Electoral Commission ([INEC) chairman, as being...
  8. Obama loses more than anybody else by new possible resolution against Iran: President
    Categories: Africa
    50074 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that President Obama will sustain a loss more than anybody else by issuing a new possible resolution against Iran, because the philosophy of his presidentship was changing inhuman and harsh face of the US g...
  9. Nuclear arms use, religiously forbidden: Supreme Leader
    Categories: Africa
    50060 AfranTehran, April 17, IRNA – The use of nuclear arms is Haram (religiously forbidden) and it is incumbent on all to protect humankind from the grave disaster, the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution said Saturday.Ayatollah Ali Khamenei ma...
  10. NPC boss call for caution over states’ rejection of census results
    Categories: Africa
    501 55The Chairman of the National Population Commission (NPC), Samaila Danko Makama, has called on the states that have gone to census tribunal to be cautiousness of the need for the country to stabilize in order to face other national issues that hel...
  11. Nouakchott connaitra en juin et juillet des pénuries d’eau sans précédent
    Categories: Africa
    50285Le soleil commence à devenir brulant dans la capitale, accompagné de vents chauds qui obligent les personnes et les animaux à se désaltérer régulièrement.Mais, il n’y a pas suffisamment d’eau disponible et les maigres bourses ne permett...
  12. Nouakchott 4e croissance économique en Afrique du Nord, mieux qu’Alger et Tripoli.
    Categories: Africa
    50214Selon le rapport économique sur l’Afrique (ERA-2010), présenté hier au siège de la Commission économique pour l’Afrique (CEA) à Addis-Abeba (Ethiopie), Nouakchott se classe en 4e position en Afrique du Nord en termes de croissance du Pro...
  13. North African Storm
    Categories: Africa
  14. North African cuisine
    Categories: Africa
    North Africa lies along the Mediterranean Sea and encompasses within its fold several nations, including Morocco, Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Mauritania, and Egypt. This is a region marked by geographic, political, social, economic and cultural diversity,...
  15. North Africa During Ramadan
    Categories: Africa
    Ramadan in 2013 will start on Tuesday, the 9th of July and will continue for 30 days until Wednesday, the 7th of August. Ramadan is the ninth month of the Islamic calendar. Deemed the most holy month of the year, it represents the revelation o...
  16. Nigeria’s presidential election likely to hold on Jan or April 2011
    Categories: Africa
    The Nigeria’s electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) has fixed January 22 or April 23 for the conduct of election into the office of the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria during the upcoming 2011 polls.Howev...
  17. Nigeria’s opposition leader, Buhari blast western over democratic failure
    Categories: Africa
    50131Nigeria’s opposition leader and former Head of State General Muhammadu Buhari accused the western powers and ruling class for the failure of democratic progress in the country, saying that, they succeeded in faltering the democracyBuhari who was...
  18. Nigeria’s federal workers threaten to embark on strike
    Categories: Africa
    50121Nigeria’s federal civil servants have vowed to go ahead with their planned five day warning strike starting if the federal government fails to announce their demand for salary increament.The warning strike will begin today despite pleas from Act...
  19. Nigeria’s electoral boss to quit only after tenure ends
    Categories: Africa
    50113The head of Nigeria’s electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Prof. Maurice Iwu insisted that he would continue with his assignment given to him by the federal government until the end of his tenure expected to rou...
  20. Nigeria’s biggest gas project to take off in Bayelsa
    Categories: Africa
    501 37One of the leading foreign oil firms in Nigeria, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) said the company is set to inaugurate the country’s biggest integrated oil and gas project in Gbaran-Ubie, Bayelsa State. The facility, according to the...
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