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  1. Opposition party, AC advice Jonathan not to appoint Akunyili as electoral umpire
    501 59An opposition party in Nigeria, the Action Congress (AC) has advised President Goodluck Jonathan against appointing Information and Communications Minister, Dora Akunyili as the Independent National Electoral Commission ([INEC) chairman, as being...
  2. Nigeria increases gas price by 400%
    501 64 The Federal Government of Nigeria has approved a 400 percent increase in price of gas to power for the domestic market.President Goodluck Jonathan on behalf of Nigeria approved the increased price on gas from $0.2/ ...
  3. Arrestation des trois présumés auteurs de la fausse alerte de l’agence BMCI.
    50221Selon des sources bien informées, la police a arrêté, mercredi, les trois présumés auteurs de la fausse alerte à la bombe donnée mardi dans une agence bancaire à Tevragh Zeina.Dans la journée d’hier, des unités cynophiles de la police ...
  4. taux de mortalité maternelle en baisse de 50% en Mauritanie
    50278Le taux de mortalité maternelle a connu une baisse de 50%, passant de 800 cas de décès pour 100 000 en 2002, à 404 cas de décès pour 100 000 accouchements en 2009, indique un rapport récent du ministère de la Santé, publié jeudi.Cette di...
  5. Les journalistes mauritaniens ne sont plus autorisés à diffuser les informations militaires
    50295APA-Nouakchott (Mauritanie) Les journalistes mauritaniens n’ont plus le droit de publier des informations relevant du domaine du secret militaire ou susceptibles d’être considérées comme telles, a averti le ministre mauritanien de la Défen...
  6. CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations
    505 44 CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations The chief justice of The Gambia, His Worship, Mr. Emmanuel Agim has hailed the UNDP for their support in training magistrates on leadership skills, as he called on Gambian magistrates to live ...
  7. Raid on Gaza aid convoy, indication to weakness of Zionists: VP
    500117 AfranQom, June 10, IRNA – First Vice-President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said here Wednesday attack on Gaza Peace Flotilla was an indication of weakness of Zionist regime.Addressing a local seminar on water held in this central provincial capita...
  8. Ghana expert says new int'l system of relation needs to be developed
    500132 AfranTehran, June 20, IRNA – A Ghana publisher said here Sunday that a new international system of relationship, based on fairness and justice, needs to be drawn up.“This unfair world needs to be changed. We need to have a comprehensive m...
  9. Muslim council secretary disowns Basajjabalaba
    506050The wrangles in the Muslim community yesterday went a notch higher with the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council secretary general Sheikh Siraj Kavuma disowning his chairperson, Mr Hassan Basajjabalaba.Accompanied by over 40 district kadhis at the UMSC ...
  10. Nasrallah urges execution of Israeli spies
    500152 AfranHezbollah Secretary General Sayyed Hasan Nasrallah called on Friday to execute the death sentences against the spies without delay, praising in this context the stance of President Michel Sleiman who expressed readiness to sign any death se...
  11. Trade body partners with Africa consultants
    The International Trade Centre has partnered with Africa’s trade consultants to increase the exporters’ competitiveness at the international market.Ms Aicha Pouye, the ITC director of business and institutional support, said in Entebbe on Tuesday t...
  12. Israel will be targeted by missiles if dares to attack Iran
    500161 AfranTehran, Aug 1, IRNA – An Iranian expert here on Sunday warned that if the Zionist regime attacks Iran, the regime will be targeted by short-range and mid-range missiles of Hezbollah.A trategic affairs expert, Reza Sadrolhosseini, told ...
  13. Swaziland Independence
  14. Mysterious ‘Bearded’ Antelope Discovered in Kenya
    Veteran wildlife photographer Paolo Torchio made a bizarre discovery while visiting Kenya’s Masai Mara National Reserve: a mysterious “bearded” antelope. While one expert suggests the animal might only be suffering from hypertrichosis, a cond...
  15. Madagascar Independence Day
    HTML clipboardDuring World War II, Madagascar was aligned with Vichy France until 1942, when it was conquered by the British; in 1943 the Free French regime assumed control. From 1947 to 1948 there was a major uprising against the French, who crushe...
  16. An African Songbird
    A female northern wheatear with a light level geolocator attached to its back, in a picture by Heiko Schmaljohann of the Institute of Avian Research Wilhelmshaven, Germany, released on February 15. The tiny songbird -- weighing just two tablespoons of ...
  17. 800 pieces of ivory in bust
    Guinea police seize 800 pieces of ivory in bust Guinea police seized over 800 pieces of ivory, including sculptures and elephant tusks, in the capital Conakry during a raid that led to six arrests, police said Friday. The arrests were made ...
  18. Children pay price of CAR conflict
    Children playing in Bangui monastery is a rare sight of joy as hundreds of thousands have been displaced by fighting.
  19. Revolution islamique d Iran
    a Révolution Islamique a marqué le début d’une évolution fondamentale et essentielle dans les principes et les valeurs régissant la société iranienne. Doté d’une culture brillante, riche, et ancienne, et après une période de stagnation du...
  20. Sénégal 50410 le Sénégal va accueillir des anciens génocidaires
    Sénégal-50410GENOCIDE RWANDAISLe Sénégal va accueillir des anciens génocidairesLes anciens génocidaires rwandais vont passer le reste de leurs séjours au Sénégal. Dakar a, en effet, accepté d’accueillir les condamnés qui ne peuvent plus re...
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