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  1. BUN SANNEH & CO: Prosecution witness reveals how NDEA top brass deals in cocaine
    505 40One Ousman Jatta of Kombo Brufut who identified himself as a shop keeper has testified in the trial against Ibrahim Bun Sanneh and four other accused persons who are standing trial before Justice Emmanuel Amadi of the Banjul High Court on 30 coun...
  2. 2011: Implementation of Uwais Report will ensure free, fair polls
    501 53As Nigeria holds the next general elections come 2011, Nigerians have been told to demand for the full implementation of the Justice Muhammad Uwais Panel Report of Electoral Reforms as the only way to guarantee free, fair and credible polls.A pol...
  3. UIA invites Libya to invest in the oil sector
    506023 KampalaDr Maggie Kigozi, the executive director of the Uganda Investment Authority, has asked Libyans to invest in oil exploration and drilling.While meeting the Libyan Ambassador to Uganda, Mr Abdalla Bujeldain and the visiting Chairman of Liby...
  4. Le COD mauritanien condamne la répression de la grève des dockers
    50212Nouakchott, Mauritanie (PANA)- La Coordination de l'opposition démocratique (COD), composée d'une dizaine de partis, condamne vivement la répression "sauvage" du mouvement de grève des dockers en Mauritanie.Dans une déclaration rendue publiqu...
  5. La BNM organise un forum international sur les finances islamiques en Mauritanie
    50242La BNM a organisé aujourd’hui au palais international des conférences de Nouakchott, un forum international sur les finances islamiques en Mauritanie, hautement élevé à son plus haut rang, en raison de sa supervision conjointe par Cheikh Yo...
  6. Le FONADH demande au gouvernement d’abolir la peine de mort.
  7. Protest against anti-Islam movie
    Making anti-Islam movie which insults the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), hurt the sentiments of over one billion Muslims across the world and sparked their outrage.
  8. Ali Larijani, chairman of the Parliament & Abdelmalek Sellal
  9. Pose première pierre Université islamique à Kossi (Sénégal)
    Afran SénégalPose de la première pierre de l’université islamique de Kossi (Kaolack Sénégal)La communauté tidjane de Médina Baye (Kaolack du Sénégal) a profité de la célébration de la naissance du prophète Mohammad pour procéder à la ...
  10. Iran FM: Iran eager to expand two-way, multilateral ties with Uganda
    50006 AfranForeign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said Friday that Iran is ready for stronger bilateral or multi-lateral cooperation with Uganda with an approach in its foreign policy to promote vision to Africa.Talking to Ugandan President Yoweri Museven...
  11. Sudanese stage demonstration against Israel, US
    Hundreds of Sudanese have staged a demonstration in the capital Khartoum to protest against an airstrike on a weapons factory blamed on Israel. On Wednesday night, the protesters chanted slogans against the Israeli regime and the United Stat...
  12. Ayatollah Khamenei receives Algerian Prime Minister
  13. Appel des religieux au dialogue national au Sénégal
    50407 Afran Sénégal Les chefs religieux de la cité de Tivaouane exigent de la part des politiques un dialogue national La religion n’a pas uniquement été le seul sujet de conversation des hommes religieux du Sénégal lors de la célébratio...
  14. Iran Keen to Expand All-Out Ties with Zimbabwe
    50007 AfranIranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Monday underlined Tehran's readiness to improve all-out ties with the south African state of Zimbabwe.Fortunately, the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Zimbabwe are moving forw...
  15. Flood in Nigeria
    The federal government may permanently relocate victims of the recent devastating floods in some states of the federation from their ancestral homes to guarantee the security of their lives and property. The National Emergency Manageme...
  16. President Rouhani & Abdelmalek Sellal
  17. Appel des religieux au dialogue national au Sénégal
    50407 Afran SénégalLes chefs religieux de la cité de Tivaouane exigent de la part des politiques un dialogue nationalLa religion n’a pas uniquement été le seul sujet de conversation des hommes religieux du Sénégal lors de la célébration, la ...
  18. Ahmadinejad: Zimbabwean nation’s resistance against oppressors historic
    50008 Afranthe Presidential Office website reported President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as saying so in a meeting here Monday evening with Zimbabwe’s Government Minister for Presidential Affairs, Didbemos Mutsa, while discussing expansion of comprehensive ...
  19. Underground City in Tunisia
    Underground City in Tunisia  
  20. 50102: Nigerian Saudi based Cleric arrested in Mecca in connection with al-Qaida
    A Nigerian based Saudi cleric, Dr Ahmad Gummi has been arrested by the Saudi authorities at his house in Mecca.Dr Gummi who is widely seen as a controversial Islamic preacher was arrested Thursday last week by the Saudi Arabian secret police although b...
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