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  1. Célébration de la journée Mondiale des télécommunications
    50216Lancement officiel du Premier Service SMS pour les Offres d’Emploi Appels d’offres et Informations économiques par Beta ConseilsA l’occasion de la journée mondiale des télécommunications, le 17 mai, le département chargé des nouvelles ...
  2. Central Africa Cuisine
    Central Africa stretches from the Tibesti mountains in the north to vast rainforest basin of the Congo River, and has remained largely free of culinary influences of the outside world, until the late 19th century, with the exception of the widespread a...
  3. Chad Independence
  4. Children pay price of CAR conflict
    Children playing in Bangui monastery is a rare sight of joy as hundreds of thousands have been displaced by fighting.
  5. China 'ready for talks' on new UN sanctions on Iran
    50601 UgandaIran's top nuclear official is holding talks in China amid signs that Beijing has relaxed its opposition to a new round of UN sanctions against Tehran.The US ambassador to the UN, Susan Rice, said China was ready to hold "serious" talks wit...
  6. China Poly va réaliser une usine de traitement des produits halieutiques
    50202 MauritaniaLa China Poly Group Corporation va construire une usine de traitement et de transformation des produits halieutiques en Mauritanie, pour un investissement de 100 millions de dollars, annonce-t-on de source officielle. L'accord en ce sen...
  7. CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations
    505 44 CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations The chief justice of The Gambia, His Worship, Mr. Emmanuel Agim has hailed the UNDP for their support in training magistrates on leadership skills, as he called on Gambian magistrates to live ...
  8. Colonialism
    50323 - 13042010The Common Market for Eastern and Southern African states converge in Cairo this week with more than 500 industry leaders, international investors and ministers from more than 19 countries in the continent to weigh emerging opportunitie...
  10. Committee wants N64bn runway contract revoked
    501 49The recently awarded N64 billion contract for the construction of the Abuja Airport runway project to Julius Berger Plc should be revoked, the House of Representatives Committee on Aviation has recommended. The committee argued that the contract...
  11. Common Market dawns amidst uncertainty
    506054Raising regional economic hopes• In full gear, the Common Market will allow goods to be sold across borders without any tariffs and non-tariff barriers. Goods will essentially be duty free so a trader in Uganda may decide to sell their products...
  12. Common Market to ease SME market access
    506055Today marks a new era with the launch of the East African Common Market Protocol- a single economic bloc within which factors of production, goods and services will move unhampered. The five partner states including: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwan...
  13. Concessionaires indebted FAAN over N10 billion
    501 51Major concessionaires in Nigeria indebted the Federal Airport Authority of Nigeria to the tune of N10 billion, the Senate Committee on Aviation has revealed.The revelation came yesterday during a budget defense session attended by the management ...
  14. Conférence des donateurs de Bruxelles: Enjeux multiples.
    50290Le gouvernement mauritanien prépare «activement et fiévreusement» la table ronde des partenaires au développement et bailleurs de fonds, prévue les 22 et 23 juin prochains, à Bruxelles. Un rendez-vous annoncé à deux reprises et toujours r...
  15. Conférence sur le terrorisme au Sahel mardi 16 Mars à Alger
    50204 MauritaniaUne conférence ministérielle de coordination des pays de la région sahelo-saharienne, où sévissent des groupes islamistes armés, se tiendra mardi à Alger, a annoncé samedi le ministère algérien des Affaires étrangères dans u...
  16. Conference urges Palestinians' unity across world
    50092 AfranThe 8th conference of Palestinian nationals in Europe was held in Berlin, Germany.The conference with the motto of "Our return and the liberation of our prisoners is definite" focused on the difficulties that Palestinians refugees were facin...
    50315The local oil industry has yet again been hit by a confidence crisis after oil major Royal Dutch Shell Plc finally admitted it was exiting the country.In a press statement, the firm said it planned to quit the downstream business in 21 African cou...
  18. Congratulation on 13 Rajab; the birthday of Amir-Al-Mo'menin Ali (AS)
    How was Imam Ali-Ibn-Abi Taleb born? "This was the time when all of us saw with our own eyes that the wall of Kaabah broke apart and Fatima bint-e-Asad entered into the Kaabah. Then the wall again united.We ran terrified and trembling to our ho...
    We extends our sincere congratulations on the onset of the Month of Rajag al-Murajjab, the month of Allah, the Almighty, the which is loaded with the blessings of the Creator. Apart from the auspicious births of noble personalities and infallible...
  20. Coordination de l’Opposition Démocratique : Communiqué de presse
    50291Dans le cadre des actions de lutte et de mobilisation qu’elle mène conformément à la Constitution et aux impératifs du devoir national, la Coordination de l’Opposition Démocratique a présenté - à travers sa jeunesse - une lettre au wal...
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