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  1. Energy minister warns against illegal sale of fuel
    505 15 Energy minister warns against illegal sale of fuelThe minister of Energy, Sira Wally Ndow-Njie has warned staff of the National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) involved in selling fuel belonging to the company to stop such acts.The ministe...
  2. President Umaru Yar`adua is dead… to be buried today
    50126Nigerian President Umaru Musa Yar’adua is dead. He passed away on Wednesday night in the Presidential Villa, Aso Rock, Abuja.His remains will be flown to his hometown, Katsina, Katsina State in the North-Western part of Nigeria early this mornin...
  3. <strong>505 22 </strong> <strong>Government ministries and departments have been urged to synergise their programmes and activities so that actions could have maximum impact as well as deliver positive results in the country’s drive for national developm
    505 23Mr. Leo Igwe, West Africa representative of the International Humanist and Ethical Union has called on the African Commission to urgently take steps to address many religion-related human rights abuses in Africa and to pressure African states to ...
  4. Nigeria’s biggest gas project to take off in Bayelsa
    501 37One of the leading foreign oil firms in Nigeria, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) said the company is set to inaugurate the country’s biggest integrated oil and gas project in Gbaran-Ubie, Bayelsa State. The facility, according to the...
  5. CBN proposes fresh consolidation of banks
    501 43Nigeria’s apex bank, the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) says it will undertake another round of banking consolidation to further stimulate and strengthen the national economy.The fact was made known by the CBN Governor Sanusi Lamido Sanusi while...
  6. Why I fell out with Generals, says Kagame
    50617Kagame on accountability“In addressing the problems of Rwanda that we have faced and I think which extend beyond our borders in politics or in our social and economic lives I believe strongly, I have a conviction, that there is one element that ...
  7. Indians Community to build hospital in Uganda
    50624 KampalaTHE Indian community plans to build a multibillion 2,000-bed hospital, expected to be the country’s biggest.The development comes out of a co-operation between Devi Shetty, the chairman of the India- based Narayana Hrudalaya Hospitals an...
  8. spectaculaire de l’Euro par rapport à l’Ouguiya.
    50219Ces derniers jours, le cours de l’euro par rapport à l’ouguiya a connu une chute spectaculaire. Au marché parallèle, l’euro a été vendu, hier, à 345 UM au lieu de 365 UM.Interrogés, les « marchands des devises » du marché de la cap...
  9. La BAD accorde à la Mauritanie un financement de plus de 5 millions USD
    50276La Banque africaine de développement (BAD) a accordé à la Mauritanie une rallonge budgétaire de 5,4 millions de dollars (1 dollar=253 ouguiyas), pour le financement du projet Aftout Essahli destiné à alimenter la capitale mauritanienne en ea...
  10. Le ministère des finances ajoute la langue arabe aux bulletins de paye
    50294L'Agence Mauritanienne d'Information a appris, de sources du ministère des finances, que le département a introduit la langue arabe pour la première fois depuis l'indépendance dans les bulletins de salaire de l'Etat mauritanien, à côté du f...
  11. Majlis delegation to join peace flotilla
    500108 AfranTehran, June 2, IRNA – A delegation comprising four Majlis deputies is to join the peace flotilla which has been attacked by Israeli forces on Monday, it was announced here on Wednesday.Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash, a member of the Secretari...
  12. Larijani: Zionist lobby pulling Obama’s leg
    500116 AfranTehran, June 10, IRNA – Parliament Speaker Ali Larijani said here Wednesday unfortunately Americans have staged a naïve game in New York nowadays, which we believe it is Zionist lobby pulling Obama’s leg from behind the scene.Accord...
  13. Senegalese FM highlights Tehran Declaration
    500131 AfranSenegalese Foreign Minister, Madicke Niang in a meeting with his Iranian counterpart Manouchehr Mottaki said the presence of the Senegalese high ranking officials in Iran during the current sensitive situation shows the nation's solidarity ...
  14. President: Iran ready for dialogue on nuclear program
    500143 AfranTehran, June 28, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here on Monday that Iran is ready for talks on its nuclear program.“Iran will continue dialogue but it has its own conditions,” said President Ahmadinejad, adding that Iran...
  15. Iran has always been resistant when faced with sanctions
    500150 AfranDamascus, July 15, IRNA – Sec Gen of Democratic Front for Liberation of Palestine strongly condemned new US and EU sanctions against Iran Wednesday saying Iran has always been resistant when faced with such sanctions.According to IRNA ...
  16. Burundi, Uganda top East Africa’s most corrupt list
    5060671Burundi has been named the most corrupt country in the region, according to the 2010 East African Bribery Index which was launched by Transparency International in Nairobi on Thursday.The index, which was previously confined to Kenya, Uganda and...
  17. Hamas rejects negotiations with Zionist Regime
    500159 AfranHamas has ruled out any form of negotiations with the Zionist regime, saying US-pushed support by Arab leaders cannot legitimize peace talks with Tel Aviv."There is no legitimacy for the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations whether they were di...
  18. 20 Ugandans await death in China over drugs
    5060102The number of Ugandans who have been condemned to death by hanging in China for trafficking in illegal drugs has risen to 20, the country’s envoy to Beijing has said.Ambassador Charles Madibo Wagidoso told Ugandan journalists on tour in China ...
  19. Great Places in South Africa-2
    The Eastern Cape is one of South Africa’s most impoverished provinces in terms of average monthly expenditure, but it is also home to some of the country’s most spectacular and beautiful scenery. The Great Karoo, which spans the Eastern, Wester...
  20. Zanzibar People and Culture
    HTML clipboard IntroductionThe word ZANZIBAR is of Persian or Arabic origin. The Persians derive the name from Zangh Bar, meaning "the Negro Coast." On the other hand the Arabs deduce the name from the Arabic Zayn Z'al Barr, meaning "Fair is this l...
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