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  1. ATA congress ends with pledge to build new partnership for tourism development
    505 50 (ATA congress ends with pledge to build new partnership for tourism developmentThe Africa Travel Association's 35th Annual Congress ended with a commitment among Africa's tourism stakeholders to boost efforts to develop new public-private partne...
  2. Lebanese ship "Maryam" to set sail for Gaza
    500121 AfranA ship carrying Lebanese pro-Palestinian woman activists would set sail for Gaza.Samar El Hajj, a Lebanese lawyer and political activist said women activists with different religious backgrounds would be on board of the ship.The ship is nam...
  3. Iran to help control Gulf of Mexico oil spill upon US demand
    500137 AfranTehran, June 22, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said Tuesday Iran would help control the raging oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico if the US asked for the country’s help.“If the US government asks for Iran’s h...
  4. Common Market dawns amidst uncertainty
    506054Raising regional economic hopes• In full gear, the Common Market will allow goods to be sold across borders without any tariffs and non-tariff barriers. Goods will essentially be duty free so a trader in Uganda may decide to sell their products...
  5. Al Shabaab man arrested on US plane to Uganda
    506060 A 20-year-old man accused of providing material support to al Shabaab militant group that claimed responsibility for the July 11 bomb attacks here has been arrested in New York, US authorities announced on Wednesday. He was arrested as he tried...
  6. Liberia National Day
  7. Former head of state Binaisa passes on
    506090Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa, the last surviving former Ugandan head of state died at his home in Kampala yesterday. He was 90. Mr Binaisa, who famously declared that the chair (power) is sweet, with the statement: Entebbe ewooma, during his 11month ...
  8. Botswana Independence Day
  9. Egypt’s day of prayer for martyrs
    Egyptian Christians and Muslims alike gathered in Cairo’s central Tahrir Square on Sunday to unite in prayer for those who have lost their lives in the past 13 days of anti-government protests. The melting pot of Egyptian society showed the govern...
  11. List of Jungle Birds
    Even though jungles have always been a subject of fascination for mankind, many of us wouldn't be able to answer some basic questions, like, what animals live in the jungle? Intriguing because if you sit down to compile a list of all the jungle a...
  12. A man was as happy as the Egyptions
    After the victory of Mohammed Morsi in Egypt elections, Ismail Haniyeh by attending among the people of Gaza City shows his happiness.
  13. Italian police arrest Eritrean gang who smuggled migrants
    Alleged human traffickers who had arranged more than 20 boat trips from north Africa to Europe picked up in sting operation in Italy and Germany
  14. 50405 Evenements en Casamance (suite) Senegal
    Conflit en Casamance au sud du SénégalQuelle paix pour cette partie du pays?De nombreux cessez-le feu ont été signés, au cours de ces 25 dernières années, entre l’Etat et le Mfdc. Le dernier en date remonte au 31 décembre 2004, à Ziguinchor....
  15. Sénégal-50414-redéploiement des forces françaises en Afrique
    CINQUANTE ANS APRES LES INDEPENDANCES DE SES ANCIENNES COLONIESLa France révise son dispositif militaire en AfriqueCinquante ans après les indépendances des anciennes colonies françaises d’Afrique subsaharienne, la France cherche à redéployer s...
    50502 The GambiaThe soaring food prices and high cost of energy has put the Gambia’s inflation outlook at the risk despite the Dalasis stability and growth in Agriculture, Central bank Governor said in a recently tightly-held press briefing at the ba...
  17. Al-Qaïda: l'otage espagnole libérée s'est convertie à l'islam
    50205 MauritaniaAl-Qaïda au Maghreb islamique a annoncé vendredi que l'humanitaire espagnole gardée otage 100 jours en Mauritanie avait été libérée car elle s'était volontairement convertie à l'islam. Dans un communiqué diffusé sur les sites...
  18. Senegal-50423 Tempête du désert
    Senegal-50423OPERATION TEMPETE DU DESERTL’Etat du Sénégal attrait devant la Cpi par des anciens militairesLe président Abdoulaye Wade, est le premier chef d’Etat sénégalais à être attrait devant la Cours pénale internationale (Cpi) de la Ha...
  19. Iran ranks 5th in world in disaster management
    50032 AfranThe Chair of Iran's Red Crescent Society asserted that in the recent report of the International Federation of Red Cross (IFRC) and Red Crescent Societies, Iran was ranked fifth in disaster management. Ahmed Esfandiari said emergency encampm...
    50319 – 09042010MUSLIM LEADERS remained cautious on going public with their stand on the Proposed Constitution.They said they were still consulting and holding meetings before taking a position. Prof. Abdullghafoor H.S. Elbusaidy, Chairma of Supreme ...
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