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  1. FG to reveal final decision on Brass LNG this year
    501 39The federal government has again restated its backing to the management of the Brass LNG Limited in taking Final Investment Decision (FID) on the project this year to enable the company to fast-tracking commercial exploitation of the country's na...
  2. EFCC to use agreement to obtain court order over Siemens
    501 44The Nigeria’s anti-graft agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has called on the federal government to use the agreement between Nigeria and Germany to obtain a copy of judgment in the case of Siemen’s bribery allegation...
  3. Opposition party, AC advice Jonathan not to appoint Akunyili as electoral umpire
    501 59An opposition party in Nigeria, the Action Congress (AC) has advised President Goodluck Jonathan against appointing Information and Communications Minister, Dora Akunyili as the Independent National Electoral Commission ([INEC) chairman, as being...
  4. Nigeria increases gas price by 400%
    501 64 The Federal Government of Nigeria has approved a 400 percent increase in price of gas to power for the domestic market.President Goodluck Jonathan on behalf of Nigeria approved the increased price on gas from $0.2/ ...
  5. Arrestation des trois présumés auteurs de la fausse alerte de l’agence BMCI.
    50221Selon des sources bien informées, la police a arrêté, mercredi, les trois présumés auteurs de la fausse alerte à la bombe donnée mardi dans une agence bancaire à Tevragh Zeina.Dans la journée d’hier, des unités cynophiles de la police ...
  6. taux de mortalité maternelle en baisse de 50% en Mauritanie
    50278Le taux de mortalité maternelle a connu une baisse de 50%, passant de 800 cas de décès pour 100 000 en 2002, à 404 cas de décès pour 100 000 accouchements en 2009, indique un rapport récent du ministère de la Santé, publié jeudi.Cette di...
  7. Les journalistes mauritaniens ne sont plus autorisés à diffuser les informations militaires
    50295APA-Nouakchott (Mauritanie) Les journalistes mauritaniens n’ont plus le droit de publier des informations relevant du domaine du secret militaire ou susceptibles d’être considérées comme telles, a averti le ministre mauritanien de la Défen...
  8. CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations
    505 44 CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations The chief justice of The Gambia, His Worship, Mr. Emmanuel Agim has hailed the UNDP for their support in training magistrates on leadership skills, as he called on Gambian magistrates to live ...
  9. Raid on Gaza aid convoy, indication to weakness of Zionists: VP
    500117 AfranQom, June 10, IRNA – First Vice-President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said here Wednesday attack on Gaza Peace Flotilla was an indication of weakness of Zionist regime.Addressing a local seminar on water held in this central provincial capita...
  10. Ghana expert says new int'l system of relation needs to be developed
    500132 AfranTehran, June 20, IRNA – A Ghana publisher said here Sunday that a new international system of relationship, based on fairness and justice, needs to be drawn up.“This unfair world needs to be changed. We need to have a comprehensive m...
  11. Muslim council secretary disowns Basajjabalaba
    506050The wrangles in the Muslim community yesterday went a notch higher with the Uganda Muslim Supreme Council secretary general Sheikh Siraj Kavuma disowning his chairperson, Mr Hassan Basajjabalaba.Accompanied by over 40 district kadhis at the UMSC ...
  12. Israel still holding media equipment seized from Gaza flotilla
    500151 AfranLondon, July 14, IRNA -- The UK government is continuing to press Israel for the return of electronic and media equipment seized during its attack on the Gaza Freedom Flotilla in international waters six weeks ago, according to Foreign ...
  13. Tariff barriers continue to hinder EAC trade flow - research
    5060672Researchers have cautioned Uganda against the continued existence of Non Tariff Barriers, in the Common Market, which affect the follow of trade between Uganda and East Africa member states.In a study conducted by Dr. Luke Okumu and Prof James N...
  14. Egypt okays visas to IRI delegation - MP
    500160 AfranEgyptian interest section in Tehran has announced that visas for an Iranian delegation for a visit to the Gaza Strip will be issued by the next week, an IRI parliament representative, Mahmoud Ahmadi Biqash, told reporters Sunday.The member ...
  15. Heritage founder to earn Shs293b from oil deal
    5060104While Uganda tries to wring some money out of Heritage, the firm’s owners are laughing all the way to their offshore banks,Nasser reports,As far as investments go, this must be one of the most profitable ever.Anthony Leslie Rowland “Tony” ...
  16. Batá drum:Nigerian Music instrument
    Batá drums (from left: Okónkolo, Iyá, Itótele)A Batá drum is a double-headed drum shaped like an hourglass with one cone larger than the other. The percussion instrument is used primarily for the use of religious or semi-religious purposes for the...
  17. Kenyan’s Olympic gold medalist, Sammy Wanjiru is dead.
    The 24 year old is the first Kenyan to win an Olympic gold medal in the men’s marathon eventKenyan long distance runner, Sammy Wanjiru, died on Monday morning after jumping from a balcony at his Rift Valley home, police said.As at the time of report...
  18. Central Africa Cuisine
    Central Africa stretches from the Tibesti mountains in the north to vast rainforest basin of the Congo River, and has remained largely free of culinary influences of the outside world, until the late 19th century, with the exception of the widespread a...
  19. Africa Day
  20. Nigerian Wonders of Nature
    Nigeria is an amazing country which has many natural wonders, historical and cultural reasons to visit. But, it delivers on the wild side with variety of wonders of nature that must be experienced on any visit to a certain country. Nigeri...
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