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  1. Palestine, grave contemporary rights issue
    50099 AfranIslamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei issued a statement Tuesday in condemnation of the Monday bloody Israeli attack against Fleet of Freedom humanitarian aid ships, saying that the atrocity was an aggression against world ...
  2. Towards a tobacco-free society
    505 45 Towards a tobacco-free societyAs The Gambia joined the rest of the world to observe this year's World Tobacco Day, we wish to add our voice to the calls for people to distance themselves from tobacco usage so that the world can produce a healthy...
  3. Several thousand Iranians sign up to go to Gaza
    500123 AfranSeveral thousand Iranians have signed up to go to Gaza on a humanitarian rescue and siege-bust mission, Deputy Chief of Iran-based Society in Defense of Palestinian Nation (SDPN) told a press conference Monday.Mohammad-Ali Nurani told a pre...
  4. Uganda warned of aid cut due to EU debt crisis
    505041The International Monetary Fund has asked Uganda to exercise fiscal discipline in managing its 2010/2011 budget allocations. This, the IMF says will minimise the country’s exposure to the growing debt crisis in the European Union, Uganda’s ke...
  5. Common Market to ease SME market access
    506055Today marks a new era with the launch of the East African Common Market Protocol- a single economic bloc within which factors of production, goods and services will move unhampered. The five partner states including: Uganda, Kenya, Tanzania, Rwan...
  6. President Ahmadinejad reveals new US scenario against Iran
    500156 AfranTehran, July 24, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahamdinejad here Friday unveiled truth about new US-Zionist scenario against Iran, expressing sorrow that Russia, too, is now harmonizing with it.According to IRNA presidential affairs reporter...
  7. The security problem with Col. Gadaffi
    5060680All was going well just before the flamboyant Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadaffi, reached the security checkpoint at the venue of the ongoing 15th Ordinary Session of the African Union heads of state summit in Munyonyo on Sunday.Riding in a fou...
  8. Tracing the life of fallen former president Binaisa
    50692Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa, a lawyer, former President and Attorney General in the post independent government, died yesterday in Kampala, Fred Guweddeko writes about his life;The late Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa was President of Uganda from July 1979 ...
  9. luxury train fares
    Pride of Africa £10,600 per personThere are certainly choices you can make when you’re deciding on a way to get from Point A to Point B, or when you are planning a holiday away from the rat race of everyday life. Train travel is a popular means of...
  10. freak clothes of gaddafi!
  11. Colonialism
  12. 50415 Sénégal-Agriculture (Production Arachidière)
    Sénégal-50415CULTURE D’ARACHIDELa production dépasse un million de tonnesLes agriculteurs sénégalais retrouvent le sourire. La production arachidière, principale culture de rente du pays, a dépassé, pour la première fois, depuis deux décenn...
  13. Turkish PM defends Iran nuclear rights
    50016 AfranTurkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has stood up for Iran's nuclear program, saying it is "solely for peaceful purposes".In an interview with the BBC, Erdogan trashed Western claims that Iran is pursuing a nuclear weapons program.Spe...
  14. Sénégal-50425 Indépendance Energétique de l'Afrique
    Sénégal-50425Indépendance énergique en AfriqueUne option sur le triomphe du thermonucléaireL’ancien directeur de l’enseignement supérieur, le professeur Momar Marème Dieng, a préconisé samedi à Dakar l’adoption d’un modèle énergéti...
    50321 - 09042010African Union (AU) has embarked on a race to fight piracy, a major challenge for several coastal countries in the continent.An experts meeting on maritime security Ethiopia sought to develop a holistic policy to address the vice, which ...
  16. President: IRI after relations with all countries IRI after relations with all countries
    50044 AfranIRI President receiving Iran's new ambassador to Norway spoke of fostering relations with every country in the world, except the Zionist regime, as basis of the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy."Our ambassadors should notice that th...
  17. Nigeria’s anti-graft agency sued for N10 billion damages
    50115The former governor of Delta State, James Ibori has filed a law suit against the Nigeria’s anti-graft agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission at the Federal High Court, Asaba, Delta State, south-south Nigeria asking for N10 billion ...
  18. Peace, friendship for region, message of IRGC exercise
    50063 AfranTehran, April 21, IRNA – An IRGC commander said the Islamic Republic is to launch a joint exercise with Muslim nations in the Persian Gulf and Hormuz Strait soon.Spokesman of the military exercises of Holy Prophet 5 Brigadier General Ali-R...
    50505In its and strive to transform west African into a borderless region, bringing citizens closer together and promote region integration, the Economic community of west African state (ECOWAS) in collaboration with the government of the Gambia throug...
  20. Licence fee for Pedal bicycles introduced
    505 13 Licence fee for Pedal bicycles introducedThe office of the Inspector General of police has announced that pedal bicycles with effect from May 1st, 2010, will pay a sum of D100.00 as licence fee, a news release from the police Headquarters reve...
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