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  1. Investors discuss business improvement
    50627 KampalaThe Global Competitiveness Report 2009, places Uganda at the 119th position underlining the fact that Uganda’s investment climate leaves a lot to be desired.This ranking is mostly attributed to infrastructural inefficiency.The report com...
  2. Téléphonie mobile : Maroc, le pays le plus cher du monde arabe
    50215Un organisme a enquêté dans 19 pays d’Afrique du Nord et du Moyen-OrientArab Advisors Group, entreprise jordanienne de consulting, a montré dans une étude publiée début mai, que le Maroc a des tarifs de téléphonie les plus chers du monde...
  3. Le CSA réalise des projets aux impacts socioéconomiques positifs sur les autochtones
    50245Le Commissariat à la Sécurité Alimentaire a lancé ces derniers jours, dans plusieurs localités rurales du pays, un vaste programme d’appui socioéconomique au profit des populations autochtones, portant sur la réalisation de nombreux proje...
  4. Conférence des donateurs de Bruxelles: Enjeux multiples.
    50290Le gouvernement mauritanien prépare «activement et fiévreusement» la table ronde des partenaires au développement et bailleurs de fonds, prévue les 22 et 23 juin prochains, à Bruxelles. Un rendez-vous annoncé à deux reprises et toujours r...
  5. Turkey urges world to punish Israel
    500104 Afran'Israel' must be punished for its bloody massacre on aid ships bound for Gaza, Turkey's Prime Minister said Tuesday, urging international sanctions against the regime's lawlessness.Recep Tayyip Erdogan's remarks came a day after Ankara reca...
  6. Imam Khomeini's predictions on Israel proven true: Sheikh Attar
    500113 AfranBerlin, Jun 5, IRNA -- Imam Khomeini's (RA) prediction on the savage nature of the Zionist regime has been proven to be true in the wake of Israel's recent deadly assault of the Gaza aid convoy, said Iran's Ambassador to Germany Ali-Reza...
  7. PGCC condemns expansion of Zionist settlments
    500128 AfranSecretary General of the Persian Gulf Cooperation Council (PGCC), Abdul-Rahman al-Attiyah on Thursday condemned the Zionist regime's move for construction of about 1600 residential units in the north of Holy Quds.Attiyah said that the Zioni...
  8. Turkey closed its airspace to Israel
    500140 AfranAnkara prevented an Israeli aircraft making its way to Poland to fly in its airspace, the Yedioth Ahronoth daily reported.The cargo plane was carrying more than 100 officers and non-commissioned officers to a tour of Auschwitz camps.Civilia...
  9. Iran-Mali presidents underline expansion of bilateral ties
    500147 AfranBamako, July 7, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and his Malian counterpart President Amadou Toumani Toure in a press conference expressed their intention for expansion of bilateral ties.President Ahmadinejad said that Mali is amon...
  10. South Sudan promises to crush terrorists
    506068Mr David Amuor Majur is Secretary General of South Sudan Youth Forum for Referendum. With the Focus on the African Union Summit in Kampala shifting to what the African heads of state and government will resolve on the strategy on Somalia, Mr Amou...
  11. Why I kept Amelia for 31 years - Museveni
    506088President Museveni on Friday night gave reasons why he kept outgoing Principal Private Secretary (PPS) Amelia Kyambadde for 31 years, praising her for being a loyal servant and keeping his “secrets.”While attending the official State House se...
  12. Chad Independence
  13. Mazai Mara Park of Kenya
    Masai Mara Park is a protected area in southern Kenya, along its border with Tanzania. The Mazai Mara Park covers an area of 1,510 sq km and is the most visited Park in Kenya. It was first protected in 1948 but officially declared a national reserve...
  14. Nigeria: Enthusiastic Voters Hope for Fair Outcome
    Jos, Nigeria — In this central Nigerian city with a history of inter-communal strife, the delayed kick-off of Nigeria's three-week long elections process was greeted by long lines of determined, hopeful voters. Despite logistical confusion at s...
  15. Camel Thorn Trees, Namibia
    Photograph by Frans LantingTinted orange by the morning sun, a soaring dune is the backdrop for the hulks of camel thorn trees in Namib-Naukluft Park.
  16. African Jewelry
    The History of African Jewelry Begins with the Birth of the Art The history of African jewelry is largely believed to indicate the birthing point for this art form. Evidence of early beads has been found on this continent dating back some 7...
  17. Underground City in Tunisia
    Underground City in Tunisia  
  18. 50102: Nigerian Saudi based Cleric arrested in Mecca in connection with al-Qaida
    A Nigerian based Saudi cleric, Dr Ahmad Gummi has been arrested by the Saudi authorities at his house in Mecca.Dr Gummi who is widely seen as a controversial Islamic preacher was arrested Thursday last week by the Saudi Arabian secret police although b...
  19. Mottaki lauds Zimbabweans' struggle with global arrogance
    50009 AfranIn the meeting, Mottaki lauded the struggles of the Zimbabwean people with global arrogance and their efforts to attain independence.At the meeting, Mottaki congratulated the Zimbabwean envoy on anniversary of their revolution and said exist...
  20. IRI, Algeria study expansion of mutual ties
    50013 AfranIRI's Interior Minister, Mostafa Mohammad-Najjar in a meeting with Algerian Ambassador to Tehran, Sofian Maimouni on Saturday highlighted the geographical situation of Iran and Algeria in the Persian Gulf and the Mediterranean Sea region and...
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