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  1. Bharti promises to make calls affordable
    506053Bharti Airtel, an Indian telecom company that bought Zain’s business operations in 15 countries of the much adored fast-growing market of Africa, made its first step on the continent in Uganda recently. Mr Manoj Kohli, the international chief e...
  2. South Africa's donations distributed among the people of Gaza
    500154 AfranPretoria, July 20, IRNA - South African Government and public donations were distributed among the under siege people of Gaza on Tuesday after a successful crossing over Rafah.The aids composed of 12 tons of medical and pharmaceutical do...
  3. Banana prices dropping
    5060675We are in the second quarter of 2010 and the weather is relatively hot. Because of the unfavourable condition food production has been affected, reflecting negatively on prices.However, the price of matooke one of the most consumed food item in ...
  4. Attempt by Zionist regime on Iran will expedite its annihilation
    500163 AfranTehran, August 1, IRNA -- Deputy Secretary-General of Hezb-e Mo'talefe-ye Eslami -- the Islamic Coalition Party -- for International Affairs Hamid Reza Taraghi said on Sunday that Israeli attempt on Iran will drive the Zionist regime to ...
  5. Guinea-Bissau Independence Day
  6. Nigerian Couple Stuns Genetic Experts, Give Birth To White Baby Girl.
    This is quite interesting. A Nigerian couple living in London gave birth to a blue-eyed and blonde haired white (not albino) baby girl. Pop it for the full story.Blue-eyed blonde Nmachi, whose name means “Beauty of God” in the Nigerian couple’...
  7. Life Of Tree In Kenya
  8. Enjoy a Short Break in Zanzibar
    Anyone keen to round off their African holiday in style should consider a short break in Zanzibar for the final leg of their trip, particularly if they are looking for rest and relaxation. Zanzibar is an excellent place to unwind if you have t...
  9. African Countries slipping down in Tech Rankings
      The World Economic Forum recently published the Network Readiness Index which ranks the impact of ICT on the competitiveness of various countries world wide. Relatively, African countries are not doing well. Only Algeria, Nigeria,...
  10. 2015: A year of action on climate change
    For climate activists, all roads lead to Paris in December 2015, where the UN Climate.
  11. 50404 Evenements en Casamance (Senegal)
    SENEGALReprise des hostilités en CasamanceAprès plusieurs mois d’accalmie, les combats ont repris en Casamance (sud du pays) où l’armée affronte, depuis 28 ans, les rebelles du Mouvements des forces démocratiques de la Casamance (Mfdc). Ces de...
  12. Sénégal 50413 Guinée Bissau: Mort du Général Tagmé
    Sénégal-50413Guinée Bissau Mort du Général Batista Tagmé Na WaieCinq militaires présumés assassinsCinq militaires présentés, par l’armée, comme étant les assassins présumés, du général Batista Tagmé Na Waie, avaient été interpellé...
    50501 The GambiaThe Gambian leader His Excellency Sheikh Professor Alhagie Dr. Yahya Jammeh has under scored the importance of patriotism and honesty in achieving our national development objectives, as enshrined in the country’s Vision 2020 blueprin...
  14. Conférence sur le terrorisme au Sahel mardi 16 Mars à Alger
    50204 MauritaniaUne conférence ministérielle de coordination des pays de la région sahelo-saharienne, où sévissent des groupes islamistes armés, se tiendra mardi à Alger, a annoncé samedi le ministère algérien des Affaires étrangères dans u...
  15. Senegal 50422 DREPANOCYTOSE
    Senegal-50422LUTTE CONTRE LA DREPANCYTOSE80% des Sénégalais se soignent par la médicine traditionnelleLa médecine traditionnelle joue un rôle, de tout premier plan, dans le traitement des maladies. Près de 80% des Sénégalais se soignent aujourd...
  16. Iran Calls for Muslim Protest against FIFA Ban on Islamic Code of Dressing
    50031 AfranTEHRAN (FNA)- The secretary general of Iran's National Olympic Committee on Saturday urged the world Muslim states to protest at a FIFA ban on Islamic code of dressing for women in the First Youth Olympic Games to be held in Singapore this s...
  17. Iran invites all to Tehran disarmament meeting
    50035 AfranTehran, April 6, IRNA – The Foreign Ministry spokesman invited Tuesday the countries which advocate nuclear disarmament to attend Tehran’s nuclear disarmament meeting on April 17-18.Ramin Mihman-Parast made the remarks at his first weekl...
  18. Nigeria’s electoral boss to quit only after tenure ends
    50113The head of Nigeria’s electoral umpire, the Independent National Electoral Commission (INEC) Prof. Maurice Iwu insisted that he would continue with his assignment given to him by the federal government until the end of his tenure expected to rou...
  19. Brazil, India, S.Africa urge diplomacy on I.R.Iran
    50053 AfranBrazil, India and South Africa agreed in a trilateral summit Thursday that more diplomacy was required in the international standoff with the Islamic Republic of Iran over its controversial nuclear program.Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lul...
  20. Nigeria to establish Sovereign Wealth Fund
    50119The creation of Sovereign Wealth Fund by the Nigeria’s government is underway to carter for some of the earnings from the foreign transactions to serve as another reserve for the country for future needs.Already, the Nigeria’s National Economi...
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