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  1. Reps set to reconstitute standing committees
    Categories: Africa
    50116Nigeria’s lower parliamentarians, the House of Representatives have concluded arrangements to reconstitute its 84 standing committees on resumption from its current recess.This was announced by the Chairman, House Committee on Rules and Business...
  2. ran called for formation of global front to lift Gaza siege
    Categories: Africa
    500106 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday strongly condemned the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime against the human rights activists on board Flotilla of six aid ships and called for formation of a global front to lift Gaza sie...
  3. Qaradawi : « la positon islamique s’accommode avec les conventions Internationales,...
    Categories: Africa
    50296...qui stipulent l’abolition de l’esclavage ». Dans un entretien accordé au site électronique « », le Président de l’Union International des Savants Musulmans, le Docteur Youssouf Al Qaradawi a répondu à un ensemble de ...
  4. PSFU sets Common Market stage with Directory
    Categories: Africa
    506042With only a few days to the East African Common market; organisations are laying strategies as they seek to get an upper hand in setting the pace for competition. Ms Sarah Nakibuuka, the PSFU public relations officer said in an interview with Dai...
  5. Protest against anti-Islam movie
    Categories: Africa
    Making anti-Islam movie which insults the holy Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), hurt the sentiments of over one billion Muslims across the world and sparked their outrage.
  6. Procès en Mauritanie : la France reconnaissante mais contre la peine de mort
    Categories: Africa
    50241La France « est reconnaissante à la Mauritanie de ses efforts pour retrouver et juger les auteurs de l’assassinat » de quatre de ses compatriotes, mais rappelle son « opposition de principe à la peine de mort », a déclaré mercredi le min...
  7. Procès des salafistes : Dahoud Ould Sebty écope une peine de 10 ans d’emprisonnement ferme
    Categories: Africa
    50244Au rythme de ses verdicts et peines, tantôt cléments, tantôt lourds, la Cour Criminelle vient aujourd’hui de prononcer une sentence de 10 ans d’emprisonnement ferme contre l’activiste salafiste Dahoud Ould Sebty.L’amende prononcée cont...
  8. President’s remarks at UN Conference set precedent to implement NPT
    Categories: Africa
    50089 AfranTehran, May 4, IRNA – Proposals made by President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad at the NPT Review Conference at the United Nations in New York set precedent for the international community's resolve to uphold Non-Proliferation Treaty and get rid ...
  9. president: We are against nuclear bomb
    Categories: Africa
    50042 AfranTehran, April 9, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here on Friday that Iran is against nuclear bomb.Addressing the Fourth National Nuclear Festival, President Ahmadinejad said those seeking nuclear bomb are against human logic.“W...
  10. President: UNSC serves domineering powers
    Categories: Africa
    50066 AfranIran’s President Mahmood Ahmadinejad said here on Thursday that the UN Security Council, which should be guarantor of nations’ security, serves certain domineering powers.Addressing a press conference along with his Zimbabwean counterpar...
  11. President: Unfair materialistic system is on verge of collapse
    Categories: Africa
    50012 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the unfair materialistic system in the world is on verge of collapse and the world needs a new humanistic and just order.According to the report of Presidential Office website on Tuesday, President Ahmadine...
  12. President: Tehran Declaration is a right step to raise nations’ demands
    Categories: Africa
    500111 AfranTehran, June 5, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the May 17 Iran-Turkey-Brazil fuel swap declaration is a step in right direction to express demands of whole the world nations.“The declaration defends a fact and we should t...
  13. President: IRI,Central Africa have common views
    Categories: Africa
    50054 AfranIRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad in a meeting with Central African Foreign Minister Antoni Gumbi said Iran is ready to boost its cooperation with the country in all fields.Referring to numerous potential and resources of Central Africa, he ...
  14. President: IRI to present new ideas in D8 Summit
    Categories: Africa
    500145 AfranIranian nation has specific ideas for establishment of a new world order and a human management of the global interaction based on justice, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said on Tuesday adding he would present several ideas in the D8 Summit...
  15. President: IRI has no belief in nuclear weapons
    Categories: Africa
    50061 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the Islamic Republic of Iran has no belief in nuclear weapons and considers it as ineffective adding that a lofty human, Islamic culture as Iran has is as much powerful as atomic bomb.President Ahmadinejad ...
  16. President: IRI after relations with all countries IRI after relations with all countries
    Categories: Africa
    50044 AfranIRI President receiving Iran's new ambassador to Norway spoke of fostering relations with every country in the world, except the Zionist regime, as basis of the Islamic Republic of Iran's foreign policy."Our ambassadors should notice that th...
  17. President: Iranians show world how to fight terrorism
    Categories: Africa
    50015 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that Iranians have shown the world how to fight against terrorism.He made the remarks in his address to the local residents of this southern provincial capital city where he is visiting during the ...
  18. President: Iran to turn into exporter of nuclear technology
    Categories: Africa
    50041 AfranTehran, April 9, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Friday that Iran will in the near future turn into an exporter of nuclear technology.Addressing the Fourth National Nuclear Festival, President Ahmadinejad said thanks to thei...
  19. President's speech in National Nuclear Festival
    Categories: Africa
    50038 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Friday that there is no barrier to Iranian nuclear scientists today in the field of nuclear energy and they can meet related national requirements.Addressing National Nuclear Festival, President Ahmadi...
  20. President Yar`adua to be buried today at 2pm
    Categories: Africa
    50127The remains of late Nigeria’s President Umaru Musa Yar’adua is expected to reach his home town, Katsina, Katsina State in the North-Western part of the country for final burial at 2pm.Senior government officials, former leaders, traditional ru...
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