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  1. Gambia confident Africa integration could be reality
    Categories: Africa
    505 46 Gambia confident Africa integration could be realityThe government of The Gambia has said it is confident that the dream to have Africa politically integrated could be achieved if every section of the African society is committed to this dream a...
  2. CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations
    Categories: Africa
    505 44 CJ Agim wants magistrates to live up to expectations The chief justice of The Gambia, His Worship, Mr. Emmanuel Agim has hailed the UNDP for their support in training magistrates on leadership skills, as he called on Gambian magistrates to live ...
  3. Majlis delegation to join peace flotilla
    Categories: Africa
    500108 AfranTehran, June 2, IRNA – A delegation comprising four Majlis deputies is to join the peace flotilla which has been attacked by Israeli forces on Monday, it was announced here on Wednesday.Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash, a member of the Secretari...
  4. Zionist regime preparing for massive attack on Gaza
    Categories: Africa
    500107 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Tuesday that the Zionist regime is preparing for a massive attack on Gaza strip in order to make up for its previous defeats.The President said that existence of the Zionist regime is intertwined wit...
  5. ran called for formation of global front to lift Gaza siege
    Categories: Africa
    500106 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday strongly condemned the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime against the human rights activists on board Flotilla of six aid ships and called for formation of a global front to lift Gaza sie...
  6. Attack against Aid Cargo Indicates End of Zionist Regime
    Categories: Africa
    500105 AfranIsrael's savage attack against human rights activists sailing on a convoy of six ships from Cyprus to Gaza in a symbolic effort to break the Israeli siege of the region signifies the imminent demise and collapse of the Zionist regime, I...
  7. Turkey urges world to punish Israel
    Categories: Africa
    500104 Afran'Israel' must be punished for its bloody massacre on aid ships bound for Gaza, Turkey's Prime Minister said Tuesday, urging international sanctions against the regime's lawlessness.Recep Tayyip Erdogan's remarks came a day after Ankara reca...
  8. President voices solidarity with Palestinian nation
    Categories: Africa
    500103 AfranIRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday strongly condemned the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime against the human rights activists on board Fleet of six aid ships and called for formation of a global front to lift Gaza siege....
  9. Int'l gathering on Imam Khomeini kicks off
    Categories: Africa
    500102 AfranThe 4th International gathering on Imam Khomeini and Foreign Policies kicked off in Tehran Wednesday morning.The gathering this year focuses on the status of justice in politics and international system and relations.The notion of justice i...
  10. Activists still in Israeli detention
    Categories: Africa
    500101 AfranThe Zionist regime has still not released hundreds of peace activists detained in international waters while trying to deliver humanitarian aid to the Gaza Strip.Tel Aviv arrested nearly 700 activists from 42 countries on board the Gaza Fre...
  11. Activists to send more aid ships to Gaza
    Categories: Africa
    500100 AfranPro-Palestinian activists said they would send more aid ships to the Gaza Strip despite the Zionist regime's attack on the international Fleet of Freedom, Russia Today TV network announced.The Zionist regime's forces attacked the internatio...
  12. Palestine, grave contemporary rights issue
    Categories: Africa
    50099 AfranIslamic Revolution Leader Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Khamenei issued a statement Tuesday in condemnation of the Monday bloody Israeli attack against Fleet of Freedom humanitarian aid ships, saying that the atrocity was an aggression against world ...
  13. Seminar in Zimbabwe to Discuss “Liberty and Human Dignity in Imam Khomeini’s View”
    Categories: Africa
    50098 AfranAhlul Bayt News Agency (, The Iranian Culture Center in Zimbabwe will organize the event which is expected to be attended by scholars, cultural experts, university students, religious figures and Iranians residing in the African c...
  14. African Shia Islamic Movement Marks Imam Khomeini(QS) week
    Categories: Africa
    50097 AfranAhlul Bayt News Agency (, The Academic Forum of the African Shia Islamic Movement in Nigeria organises a five-day( 1st to 4th of June 2010) programme to mark the annual Imam week at Congo Conference Hall of Ahmadu Bello Universit...
  15. Mottaki talks to OIC Sec Gen on new Israeli criminal act
    Categories: Africa
    50096 ARANTehran, June 1, IRNA – IRI Foreign Minister here Monday night talked on phone with OIC secretary general over recent Israeli criminal act of attacking in international waters a sea peace caravan killing over a dozen.The international flo...
  16. Ould Abdel Aziz en France pour le sommet France /Afrique.
    Categories: Africa
    50286Le président de la République, Monsieur Mohamed ould Abdel Aziz a quitté Nouakchott dimanche matin à destination de Nice pour prendre part au sommet Afrique/France qui aura lieu le 31 mai courant et le 1er juin prochain.Le Président de la Ré...
  17. Qaradawi : « la positon islamique s’accommode avec les conventions Internationales,...
    Categories: Africa
    50296...qui stipulent l’abolition de l’esclavage ». Dans un entretien accordé au site électronique « », le Président de l’Union International des Savants Musulmans, le Docteur Youssouf Al Qaradawi a répondu à un ensemble de ...
  18. Les journalistes mauritaniens ne sont plus autorisés à diffuser les informations militaires
    Categories: Africa
    50295APA-Nouakchott (Mauritanie) Les journalistes mauritaniens n’ont plus le droit de publier des informations relevant du domaine du secret militaire ou susceptibles d’être considérées comme telles, a averti le ministre mauritanien de la Défen...
  19. Le ministère des finances ajoute la langue arabe aux bulletins de paye
    Categories: Africa
    50294L'Agence Mauritanienne d'Information a appris, de sources du ministère des finances, que le département a introduit la langue arabe pour la première fois depuis l'indépendance dans les bulletins de salaire de l'Etat mauritanien, à côté du f...
  20. Le Cheikh Dedew sollicite la grâce présidentielle pour les condamnés salafistes
    Categories: Africa
    50293Le Cheikh Mohamed Hacen Ould Dedew a exhorté le président Ould Abdel Aziz à « prendre une position honorable en graciant les condamnés qui ont déclaré leur repentir ».L’érudit, qui s’exprimait sur Al Jazeera, aujourd’hui, a estimé ...
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