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  1. Uganda’s envoy: Bullying powers seek nuclear weapons
    Categories: Africa
    50058 AfranTehran, April 17, IRNA – Ugandan minister of state for international relations, Henry Okello Oryem said on Saturday that it is among legitimate rights of every nation to make use of peaceful nuclear energy.He made the remarks in the Intern...
  2. President : World nations resolved to stand bullying powers
    Categories: Africa
    50068 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said in Zimbabwe on Friday that the world nations have decided to stand the bullying powers.“Nations of the world, including African nations and governments and nations of Iran and Zimbabwe, have decided to st...
  3. Velayati: Sanctions against Iran ineffective
    Categories: Africa
    50079 AfranJakarta, Indonesia, April 27, IRNA -- Supreme Leader’s advisor Ali-Akbar Velayati said here on Tuesday that sanctions against Iran are ineffective and that the country will continue its peaceful nuclear activities.In a joint press confe...
  4. Iran attaches importance to ties with Africa, L America, Asia: VP
    Categories: Africa
    50086 AfranTehran, May 2, IRNA – First Vice-President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said on Sunday that Tehran attaches great importance to expansion of ties with African, Latin American and Asian countries.He made the remarks in a meeting with Guinea's Fo...
  5. President of Nigeria dies after long illness
    Categories: Africa
    50090 AfranNigeria President Umaru Yar'Adua died Wednesday night.Early Thursday, the president's office confirmed media reports that the president, who had been sick and virtually incommunicado for several months, had died late the previous night."Pres...
  6. Govt. ministries told to collaborate in national development drive
    Categories: Africa
    505 22Government ministries and departments have been urged to synergise their programmes and activities so that actions could have maximum impact as well as deliver positive results in the country’s drive for national development.Hon. Jato Sillah, T...
  7. Infrastructural decay at airports cause economic loss – AON
    Categories: Africa
    501 36The current state of infrastructural decay and incessant power outages at the airports in the in Nigeria has been condemned by the Airline Operators of Nigerian (AON).The AON also noted that besides huge economic losses, the national embarrassmen...
  8. President Jonathan, new VP pledge better working condition
    Categories: Africa
    501 42Both President Goodluck Jonathan and his newly sworn-in Vice President Arc Namadi Sambo have pledged to work together in the best interest of the country so that Nigeria can move ahead.The two, who spoke after the swearing-in ceremony of the new ...
  9. I am not authoritarian and I have nothing to apologise for – Kagame
    Categories: Africa
    50616President Paul Kagame of Rwanda, in the second and last part of his exclusive interview with UBC Reporter for Parliament & international affairs, Kasozi Nasser, speaks about his son joining the army, denies being authoritarian, and hints at st...
  10. Nigerian Doctors threaten to embark on strike
    Categories: Africa
    501 62Resident doctors in Nigeria have threatened to start a nationwide strike if the federal government fails to pay their Consolidated Salary Structure (CONMESS) as well as their arrears accrued from January 2010 to date.However, the doctors under th...
  11. Arrestation de l’ex Dg de la Somagaz et de ses directeurs administratif et financier pour motif
    Categories: Africa
    50218La police des crimes économiques a arrêté l’ex Directeur de la Somagaz El Mechri ould El Hadj, ainsi que les directeurs administratif et financier de cette société, tous suspectés d’implication dans un scandale de mauvaise gestion, auque...
  12. Le PM reçoit des proches de Rachid Moustapha
    Categories: Africa
    50275Dans un communiqué parvenu à Canalrim, le Comité de Suivi de l’avion porté disparu de Rachid Moustapha remercie le Premier ministre, Moulaye Ould Mohamed Laghdaf, pour avoir reçu des membres de la famille de l’homme d’affaires mauritani...
  13. Sebkha : Réception le 26 mai 2010 de deux ambulances et de 17 échographes
    Categories: Africa
    50292Discours de l'Ambassadeur de France, son excellence Michel Vandepooter. Monsieur le ministre de la Santé,Monsieur le Consul de Monaco,Monsieur le Représentant de l’UNICEF,Monsieur le Coordinateur du Programme National de la Santé et de la rep...
  14. ran called for formation of global front to lift Gaza siege
    Categories: Africa
    500106 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday strongly condemned the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime against the human rights activists on board Flotilla of six aid ships and called for formation of a global front to lift Gaza sie...
  15. Muslims unity will lead to fall of Zionist regime: VP
    Categories: Africa
    500114 AfranTehran, June 10, IRNA – First Vice-President Mohammad-Reza Rahimi said here on Thursday that the solidarity of Muslim states would result in fall of the Zionist regime.In a meeting with the visiting Speaker of the Omani Consultative As...
  16. German gov't motion to demand end to Israeli sea blockade on Gaza
    Categories: Africa
    500129 AfranBerlin, June 19, IRNA -- The German parliament is to discuss a government motion which calls for an end to Israel's sea blockade on Gaza, the Munich-based newspaper Sueddeutsche Zeitung reported in its Saturday edition.The motion which h...
  17. 50 Sudanese Christians Embrace Islam
    Categories: Africa
    500141 AfranAhlul Bayt News Agency (, The 50 new converts said the Shahaadatayn (Declaration of Faith: there is no God but Allah and Muhammad (PBUH) is the prophet of God) at the ceremony.Speaking at the function, Sheikh Karuri Friday prayer...
  18. Turkish PM: Israel must beg to be pardoned
    Categories: Africa
    500148 AfranTurkey's Prime Minister Recep Teyyip Erdogan Monday called Israeli forces' attack against Int'l Peace Flotilla a "piracy" urging Zionist regime to beg to be pardoned.Erdogan made the comment after a meeting with his Serbian counterpart at a...
  19. Black and bold: The true face of African defiance
    Categories: Africa
    506069Even in death, Fela Anikulapo Kuti, who, alongside Bob Marley and James Brown, electrified the world with explicitly anti-establishment and unapologetically ghetto-inspired black music, is still making waves. A tribute to the fallen revolutionary...
  20. LRA: Uganda’s worst export of the century
    Categories: Africa
    506089Joseph Kony could have been sent packing from the northern Uganda but this did not stop his Lord’s Resistance Army from showing its ugly head in South Sudan, DR Congo and Central African republic. As AFRAN/AMIN NASSER writes, a walk through Kon...
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