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  1. Larijani congratulates Nowruz to counterparts
    Categories: Africa
    50011 AfranIRI parliament speaker Ali Larijani Tuesday in separate statements to his counterparts worldwide congratulated the advent of Nowruz, the auspicious New Iranian Year Day to all enthusiasts of civilization, literature and human morality.The st...
  2. President: Iranians show world how to fight terrorism
    Categories: Africa
    50015 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said Thursday that Iranians have shown the world how to fight against terrorism.He made the remarks in his address to the local residents of this southern provincial capital city where he is visiting during the ...
    Categories: Africa
    [caption id="attachment_111" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="His Highness the Aga Khan interacts with conference delegates moments before the official opening of the Pan African Media conference held at the Kenyatta Conference Centre"][/captio...
  4. Mottaki departs for Algiers
    Categories: Africa
    50025 AfranTehran, March 31, IRNA – Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki, heading a delegation, departed Tehran for Algiers on Wednesday morning.The visit aims to expand bilateral ties with Algeria.During the visit, the Iranian delegation is to prepar...
  5. Manif contre le monument de la Renaissance
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal 50427 Manifestation contre le Monument de la renaissance AfricaineL’opposition marche contre « la statue »La manifestation organisée le samedi 03 avril dernier par la coalition des partis de l’opposition du Sénégal et des membres de...
  6. president: We are against nuclear bomb
    Categories: Africa
    50042 AfranTehran, April 9, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here on Friday that Iran is against nuclear bomb.Addressing the Fourth National Nuclear Festival, President Ahmadinejad said those seeking nuclear bomb are against human logic.“W...
  7. Sénégal : Me Abdoulaye Wade invité de Mahmoud Ahmadinejad au sommet du G 15
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal-50429Sommet du G 15 le 15 Mai prochain à TéhéranAbdoulaye Wade invité du Président Mahmoud AhmadinejadLe chef de l’Etat du Sénégal, Me Abdoulaye Wade a fait part lors du dernier Conseil des ministres, jeudi dernier, de l’invitation...
  8. IRI to host anti-terrorism conference in Sept
    Categories: Africa
    50059 AfranSpeaking at Tehran's nuclear disarmament conference, Secretary of the IRI Supreme Council of National Security Saeed Jalili said the world was eager to know whether the US and its allies were not able to fight terrorism or didn't want to."If...
  9. President :Certain powers want to deprive nations of nuclear right
    Categories: Africa
    50069 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, who is in Kampala on an official visit, said certain powers, with the motto of non-proliferation, want to deprive nations of their right to gain access to nuclear energy.Speaking in a dinner banquet hosted by U...
  10. Muslims asked to embrace peace for development
    Categories: Africa
    50080 AfranAhlul Bayt News Agency (, Sheikh Nkansah Agyekum, National Imam of the Ghana Muslim Mission, has called on Muslims to ensure that peace and unity prevailed among them.He said Islam stood for peace and that anything short of peace ...
  11. Energy minister warns against illegal sale of fuel
    Categories: Africa
    505 15 Energy minister warns against illegal sale of fuelThe minister of Energy, Sira Wally Ndow-Njie has warned staff of the National Water and Electricity Company (NAWEC) involved in selling fuel belonging to the company to stop such acts.The ministe...
  12. President Umaru Yar`adua is dead… to be buried today
    Categories: Africa
    50126Nigerian President Umaru Musa Yar’adua is dead. He passed away on Wednesday night in the Presidential Villa, Aso Rock, Abuja.His remains will be flown to his hometown, Katsina, Katsina State in the North-Western part of Nigeria early this mornin...
  13. <strong>505 22 </strong> <strong>Government ministries and departments have been urged to synergise their programmes and activities so that actions could have maximum impact as well as deliver positive results in the country’s drive for national developm
    Categories: Africa
    505 23Mr. Leo Igwe, West Africa representative of the International Humanist and Ethical Union has called on the African Commission to urgently take steps to address many religion-related human rights abuses in Africa and to pressure African states to ...
  14. Nigeria’s biggest gas project to take off in Bayelsa
    Categories: Africa
    501 37One of the leading foreign oil firms in Nigeria, Shell Petroleum Development Company (SPDC) said the company is set to inaugurate the country’s biggest integrated oil and gas project in Gbaran-Ubie, Bayelsa State. The facility, according to the...
  15. Jonathan advised not to contest presidency in 2011
    Categories: Africa
    501 45In order to focus on consolidating the dividends of democracy to Nigerians, President Goodluck Jonathan has been advised not to get involve in the race to 2011 presidency.The advice came from a former Nigerian Ambassador to Germany Prof. Tunde Ad...
  16. Building on the legacy of a family business
    Categories: Africa
    50619Everyone sees the family business as a safety net. If you fail in the corporate world, you can always put your talent to work at the family business. But if your family doesn’t prepare, that safety net likely won’t be around for the next gener...
  17. Ugandan President Museveni supports business partnerships
    Categories: Africa
    50628 KampalaPresident Yoweri Museveni has instructed the Ministry of Finance to come up with a policy on the Private-Public Partnership (PPP) within two months.The PPP is where a government project is largely funded by the private sector. In many cas...
  18. Les tours opérateurs rassurants sur la destination Mauritanie.
    Categories: Africa
    50220Nous, agences et tours opérateurs mauritaniens (SoMaSert, Bontemps+ Voyages, AMST, TAYBA, Hôtel Halima, Mauritania Airways, Chemins de Sable, Tour opérateur français) avons fais venir 17 agences de voyages et 4 journalistes de la presse franç...
  19. Les étudiants mauritaniens en Algérie protestent énergiquement
    Categories: Africa
    50277Des sources concordantes d’Alger affirment que les étudiants mauritaniens en Algérie ont investi les bâtiments de l’Ambassade et ont pris le staff de celle-ci en otage. Cela se serait produit hier jeudi, pendant les horaires d’ouverture o...
  20. Le ministère des finances ajoute la langue arabe aux bulletins de paye
    Categories: Africa
    50294L'Agence Mauritanienne d'Information a appris, de sources du ministère des finances, que le département a introduit la langue arabe pour la première fois depuis l'indépendance dans les bulletins de salaire de l'Etat mauritanien, à côté du f...
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