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  1. Liberia National Day
    Categories: Africa
  2. MPs want Libyan leader to pay Shs2.6b
    Categories: Africa
    5060681Members on the parliamentary Public Accounts Committee want the Libyan Leader to fulfil his promise to pay about Shs2.6 billion used in feeding and accommodating Afro-Arab youth conference delegates in Kampala in 2008. Col. Muammar Gadaffi is cu...
  3. The security problem with Col. Gadaffi
    Categories: Africa
    5060680All was going well just before the flamboyant Libyan leader, Col. Muammar Gadaffi, reached the security checkpoint at the venue of the ongoing 15th Ordinary Session of the African Union heads of state summit in Munyonyo on Sunday.Riding in a fou...
  4. Police arrest woman over twin bombings
    Categories: Africa
    5060682Police have arrested another suspect in connection to the July 11 bombings in Lugogo and Kabalagala. An Eritrean woman is suspected to be a fiancée to one of the alleged suicide bombers of Kyadondo Rugby Club is in police custody. However, Poli...
  5. President: All should pave way for rule of world’s `reformer’
    Categories: Africa
    500157 AfranTehran, July 27, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here on Monday that all have the duty to pave the way for rule of world’s `reformer’, the last Imam of Age, Hazrat Mahdi (May God hasten his reappearance).Addressing celeb...
  6. Enemy displeased with rule of atmosphere of hope at Iranian varsities
    Categories: Africa
    500158 AfranTehran, July 31, IRNA – IRI president said here Friday enemies are after propagating an atmosphere of pessimism at Iranian universities and are worried now that hope, dynamism, and jubilance prevails at them.According to IRNA, the info...
  7. Terrorists now target Ugandan embassies
    Categories: Africa
    506087A new video from al-Qaida-linked militants targeting Uganda and Burundi embassies worldwide has surfaced, raising security concerns in Kampala about the possibility of another terror strike.An American-based terror monitoring group on Friday put ...
  8. Why I kept Amelia for 31 years - Museveni
    Categories: Africa
    506088President Museveni on Friday night gave reasons why he kept outgoing Principal Private Secretary (PPS) Amelia Kyambadde for 31 years, praising her for being a loyal servant and keeping his “secrets.”While attending the official State House se...
  9. LRA: Uganda’s worst export of the century
    Categories: Africa
    506089Joseph Kony could have been sent packing from the northern Uganda but this did not stop his Lord’s Resistance Army from showing its ugly head in South Sudan, DR Congo and Central African republic. As AFRAN/AMIN NASSER writes, a walk through Kon...
  10. Stock of Uganda’s gross foreign reserve declines
    Categories: Africa
    506090The duration at which Uganda’s foreign exchange reserves can cover future months of imports has dropped from 5.2 months to 4.9 months. Foreign exchange reserves (also called Forex reserves or FX reserves) are only the foreign currency deposits ...
  11. Hamas rejects negotiations with Zionist Regime
    Categories: Africa
    500159 AfranHamas has ruled out any form of negotiations with the Zionist regime, saying US-pushed support by Arab leaders cannot legitimize peace talks with Tel Aviv."There is no legitimacy for the Palestinian-Israeli negotiations whether they were di...
  12. Egypt okays visas to IRI delegation - MP
    Categories: Africa
    500160 AfranEgyptian interest section in Tehran has announced that visas for an Iranian delegation for a visit to the Gaza Strip will be issued by the next week, an IRI parliament representative, Mahmoud Ahmadi Biqash, told reporters Sunday.The member ...
  13. Israel will be targeted by missiles if dares to attack Iran
    Categories: Africa
    500161 AfranTehran, Aug 1, IRNA – An Iranian expert here on Sunday warned that if the Zionist regime attacks Iran, the regime will be targeted by short-range and mid-range missiles of Hezbollah.A trategic affairs expert, Reza Sadrolhosseini, told ...
  14. Israel will be eliminated if makes mistake about Iran: MP
    Categories: Africa
    500162 AfranTehran, Aug 1, IRNA – The Zionist regime would be eliminated from the earth if it makes a mistake vis-à-vis Iran, a member of the Iranian Parliament (Majlis) said Sunday.Tehran “will respond each anti-Iran move of the Zionist regim...
  15. Attempt by Zionist regime on Iran will expedite its annihilation
    Categories: Africa
    500163 AfranTehran, August 1, IRNA -- Deputy Secretary-General of Hezb-e Mo'talefe-ye Eslami -- the Islamic Coalition Party -- for International Affairs Hamid Reza Taraghi said on Sunday that Israeli attempt on Iran will drive the Zionist regime to ...
  16. President says ready to talk with Obama at next UN meeting
    Categories: Africa
    500164 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that he is ready to confer with his US counterpart President Barack Obama on global developments at the upcoming UN General Assembly.President Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian nat...
  17. Former head of state Binaisa passes on
    Categories: Africa
    506090Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa, the last surviving former Ugandan head of state died at his home in Kampala yesterday. He was 90. Mr Binaisa, who famously declared that the chair (power) is sweet, with the statement: Entebbe ewooma, during his 11month ...
  18. Government declares 5 days of mourning
    Categories: Africa
    5060691The government has declared five days of mourning fallen former president Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa, starting today. According to the funeral programme released by the government yesterday, the late Binaisa is to be buried on Wednesday at a yet t...
  19. Tracing the life of fallen former president Binaisa
    Categories: Africa
    50692Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa, a lawyer, former President and Attorney General in the post independent government, died yesterday in Kampala, Fred Guweddeko writes about his life;The late Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa was President of Uganda from July 1979 ...
  20. Binaisa’s death ends chronicle of Uganda’s former presidents
    Categories: Africa
    5060694Former President Godfrey Lukongwa Binaisa’s death on Thursday means Uganda is one of only a handful of democracies without a living ex-president. Former Ugandan leaders General Tito Okello Lutwa, Apollo Milton Obote, Field Marshal Idi Amin Dad...
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