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  1. Iran to host G15 summit, Foreign Ministry spokesman
    Categories: Africa
    50036 AfranTehran, April 6, IRNA -- Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehmanparast said on Tuesday that Tehran has planned to host the G15 Summit of leaders on May 17 to help promote mutual and regional cooperation.Speaking to reports in his weekly brie...
  2. Finance Minister bans first class travel for government officials
    Categories: Africa
    50112The newly sworn-in Minister of State for Finance Mr. Remi Babalola has placed a ban on government officials and other public servants especially working in the various agencies under the ministry to stop using public funds to pay for first class t...
  3. President Stresses Iran, Algeria's Capacity to Create New World Order
    Categories: Africa
    50052 AfranIranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad called for Iran-Algeria cooperation to form a new world order based on a humane outlook.Speaking in a meeting with Algeria's visiting Minister of Religious Affairs Bouabdellah Ghlamallah here in Tehran o...
  4. President: IRI has no belief in nuclear weapons
    Categories: Africa
    50061 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the Islamic Republic of Iran has no belief in nuclear weapons and considers it as ineffective adding that a lofty human, Islamic culture as Iran has is as much powerful as atomic bomb.President Ahmadinejad ...
  5. Obama loses more than anybody else by new possible resolution against Iran: President
    Categories: Africa
    50074 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that President Obama will sustain a loss more than anybody else by issuing a new possible resolution against Iran, because the philosophy of his presidentship was changing inhuman and harsh face of the US g...
  6. Gambia’s Ex-Drug Chief & co Deny Charges
    Categories: Africa
    505 10 Gambia’s Ex-Drug Chief & co Deny Charges The former National Drug Enforcement Agency boss, Mr. Ibrahim Bun Sanneh and four other drug enforcement officials were yesterday arraigned before Justice Emmanuel Ahmadi of the Banjul High Court...
  7. DM: Iran produces medium-sized passenger plane
    Categories: Africa
    50087 AfranDefense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said on Sunday that design and production of medium-sized passenger planes with 100-150 seats have earlier begun in the country.According to a report by the Publicity Department of the ministry...
  8. Conference urges Palestinians' unity across world
    Categories: Africa
    50092 AfranThe 8th conference of Palestinian nationals in Europe was held in Berlin, Germany.The conference with the motto of "Our return and the liberation of our prisoners is definite" focused on the difficulties that Palestinians refugees were facin...
  9. Forum blames bad governance for human rights violations
    Categories: Africa
    505 28The increase in human rights violation in Africa the systematic denial of democratic change and the refusal to recognize the fundamental rights of the human being as well as the unacceptable reversal of constitutional order with no regard for the...
  10. SME sector forms the engine of growth
    Categories: Africa
    Nasser 50609 KampalaSmall and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Uganda employ more than 2.5m people, constitute up to 90 per cent of the private sector and contribute over 70per cent to total GDP. It must be noted that the newly launched National Developmen...
  11. Committee wants N64bn runway contract revoked
    Categories: Africa
    501 49The recently awarded N64 billion contract for the construction of the Abuja Airport runway project to Julius Berger Plc should be revoked, the House of Representatives Committee on Aviation has recommended. The committee argued that the contract...
  12. Happy Africa Day
    Categories: Africa
  13. Une table ronde sur la Mauritanie se déroulera en juin à Bruxelles
    Categories: Africa
    50207Nouakchott (PANA via Mauritanie-web) - Une table des bailleurs de fonds et des partenaires au développement sur la Mauritanie aura lieu les 22 et 23 juin à Bruxelles, la capitale de la Belgique, indique un communiqué publié mercredi à Nouakch...
  14. Le ministre de la Défense appelle les journalistes à la prudence dans la publication d’informations relatives à l’armée
    Categories: Africa
    50239Le ministre de la Défense a appelé aujourd’hui, au cours de la journée de réflexion organisée par son département sur le thème « la relation entre l’armée et la presse », les journalistes à être très vigilants dans le traitement d...
  15. La Mauritanie élue au Conseil exécutif de l’organisation arabe des industries et des mines
    Categories: Africa
    50281L’élection de la Mauritanie au conseil exécutif de l’organisation arabe des industries et des mines a eu lieu ce jeudi matin au cour d’une réunion ministérielle de l’organisation tenue dans la capitale qatari, Doha.Selon des sources é...
  16. Mottaki talks to OIC Sec Gen on new Israeli criminal act
    Categories: Africa
    50096 ARANTehran, June 1, IRNA – IRI Foreign Minister here Monday night talked on phone with OIC secretary general over recent Israeli criminal act of attacking in international waters a sea peace caravan killing over a dozen.The international flo...
  17. Tamba says PW1 is an avowed liar, PW2 a confirmed drug dealer
    Categories: Africa
    505 48 Tamba says PW1 is an avowed liar, PW2 a confirmed drug dealerThe former chief of defense, Lt. Gen Lang Tombong Tamba has called upon the Banjul High Court, presided over by Justice Emmanuel Amadi to discountenance the testimony of the prosecutio...
  18. Gaza protesters hack website of UK’s leading Zionist paper
    Categories: Africa
    500120 AfranLondon, June 11, IRNA – The website of the Jewish Chronicle was replaced Friday morning by a ‘virtual protest’ against the continuing siege of Gaza following last week’s Israeli massacre and seizure of humanitarian relief boats i...
  19. Sudanese professor welcomes idea of holding Muslim world publishers conference
    Categories: Africa
    500135 AfranTehran, June 21, IRNA – A Sudanese university professor said here Monday that the Conference of Muslim World Publishers is a good initiative taken by Iran for the first time in history.Speaking to IRNA on the sidelines of the Internati...
  20. Bharti promises to make calls affordable
    Categories: Africa
    506053Bharti Airtel, an Indian telecom company that bought Zain’s business operations in 15 countries of the much adored fast-growing market of Africa, made its first step on the continent in Uganda recently. Mr Manoj Kohli, the international chief e...
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