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  1. NERC set to review Nigeria’s electricity distribution
    Categories: Africa
    501 48The Nigerian Electricity Regulatory Commission (NERC) said it will start the process to enforce operational standards to aim at reviewing the country's electricity grid code and distribution code to meet present realities.Administrator of NERC, M...
    Categories: Africa
    50620Uganda has urged India and other countries to invest in the fast-growing communications sector in Uganda. Addressing delegates at the ongoing World Telecommunication Development Conference (WTDC) 2010, Uganda’s High Commissioner to India, His Ex...
  3. Alain Joyandet salue la coopération franco-mauritanienne
    Categories: Africa
    50208Alain Joyandet, secrétaire d’Etat français à la Coopération et à la Francophonie, en visite à Nouakchott, a estimé que la coopération entre la France et la Mauritanie "se déroule très bien"." Nous avons fait le tour des dossiers de la ...
  4. Les secrets d’une "armée" très organisée : témoignages de Ould Sidina et compagnons
    Categories: Africa
    50240Un rapport de la Direction générale de la sécurité nationale (DGSN), daté du 24 janvier 2008, consigne les auditions des trois Mauritaniens condamnés, mardi 25 mai, à la peine de mort pour l’assassinat, en 2007, de quatre Français.Ces au...
  5. Ould Abdel Aziz sera-t-il au coup d’envoi de la coupe du monde 2010 ?
    Categories: Africa
    50282Le président sud-africain a invité tous les chefs d’Etat africains à honorer par leur présence, les cérémonies du coup d’envoi et de la finale du Mondial 2010. Le président de la république Ould Abdel Aziz sera-t-il aux abonnés absent...
  6. African Shia Islamic Movement Marks Imam Khomeini(QS) week
    Categories: Africa
    50097 AfranAhlul Bayt News Agency (, The Academic Forum of the African Shia Islamic Movement in Nigeria organises a five-day( 1st to 4th of June 2010) programme to mark the annual Imam week at Congo Conference Hall of Ahmadu Bello Universit...
  7. 64th Ecowas Council of Ministers Session opens
    Categories: Africa
    505 49 (64th Ecowas Council of Ministers Session opens)The 64th Ordinary Session of the Ecowas Council of Ministers opened Monday at the conference hall of the sub-regional body headquarters in the Nigerian capital, Abuja.The two-day meeting brings to...
  8. Élection du député de Moudjéria comme président du groupe parlementaire du parti au pouvoir
    Categories: Africa
  9. Iranian aid ship to set sail for Gaza next Sunday
    Categories: Africa
    500136 AfranA ship carrying Iranian humanitarian aid will set sail for the besieged Gaza Strip next Sunday, an IRI Red Crescent Society spokesman said Tuesday.Abdora'uf Adibzadeh said the ship ferries a 1100-ton load of aid, including 50 tons of medici...
  10. Uganda government urged to invest in Cocoa growing
    Categories: Africa
    506054Cocoa growing is one of the cash crops that can earn Uganda a lot of foreign exchange, a cocoa investor in Uganda, Mr Philip Betts has said.“Uganda has a lot of advantages over other countries of the world in cocoa production because of its fer...
  11. Supreme Leader raps global arrogance for abetting terror in Zahedan
    Categories: Africa
    500155 ?AfranTehran, July 21, IRNA -- Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyed Ali Khamenei on Wednesday held the US, Britain and the Zionist regime responsible for raising terrorists to escalate sectarian Shia-Sunni tension in Iran....
  12. How social networking is revolutionising business
    Categories: Africa
    5060676Social networking may sound fluffy, until you begin to realise that it can actually boost your company’s profits. Aside from the light hearted moments people share with each other on social networking sites, many companies today rake in billio...
  13. President says ready to talk with Obama at next UN meeting
    Categories: Africa
    500164 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said that he is ready to confer with his US counterpart President Barack Obama on global developments at the upcoming UN General Assembly.President Ahmadinejad made the remarks in a meeting with Iranian nat...
  14. How to Finish a Marathon 1968 Olympics in Mexico City
    Categories: Africa
    In the 1968 Mexico City Olympic games, a young African runner from Tanzania, named John Stephen Akhwari, would compete in the last event of the games - the 26 mile, 385 yard marathon. Although he would ultimately finish last, nearly an hour behind t...
    Categories: Africa
    This past Sunday I preached on the 10 plagues of Egypt during the reign of history’s most ego-maniacal pharaoh; Ramses II. It will air in a few weeks and I predict it will have you saying, “Oh my”, “Oh ya” or “Oh no.” I specifically ...
  16. Help to Somalia
    Categories: Africa
    [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="400" caption=""][/caption]
  17. Mass Killing of Cameroon Elephants
    Categories: Africa
    Anyone keen to round off their African holiday in style should consider a short break in Zanzibar for the final leg of their trip, particularly if they are looking for rest and relaxation. Zanzibar is an excellent place to unwind if you have tak...
  18. Happy the Eid of Mab'ath to all Muslems on the earth.
    Categories: Africa
      27th Rajab is that Blissful and Auspicious Day on which the Holy Prophet Muhammad (S.A.W.) was appointed to the Prophetic Mission and his prophethood commenced from the same day. When Muhammad (S.A.W.) was 38 years of age, he sp...
  19. 50405 Evenements en Casamance (suite) Senegal
    Categories: Africa
    Conflit en Casamance au sud du SénégalQuelle paix pour cette partie du pays?De nombreux cessez-le feu ont été signés, au cours de ces 25 dernières années, entre l’Etat et le Mfdc. Le dernier en date remonte au 31 décembre 2004, à Ziguinchor....
  20. Sénégal-50414-redéploiement des forces françaises en Afrique
    Categories: Africa
    CINQUANTE ANS APRES LES INDEPENDANCES DE SES ANCIENNES COLONIESLa France révise son dispositif militaire en AfriqueCinquante ans après les indépendances des anciennes colonies françaises d’Afrique subsaharienne, la France cherche à redéployer s...
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