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  1. Great Places in South Africa-2
    Categories: Africa
    The Eastern Cape is one of South Africa’s most impoverished provinces in terms of average monthly expenditure, but it is also home to some of the country’s most spectacular and beautiful scenery. The Great Karoo, which spans the Eastern, Wester...
  2. Zanzibar People and Culture
    Categories: Africa
    HTML clipboard IntroductionThe word ZANZIBAR is of Persian or Arabic origin. The Persians derive the name from Zangh Bar, meaning "the Negro Coast." On the other hand the Arabs deduce the name from the Arabic Zayn Z'al Barr, meaning "Fair is this l...
  3. Southern Africa
    Categories: Africa
    The cooking of Southern Africa is sometimes called 'rainbow cuisine', as the food in this region is a blend of many cultures – the indigenous African tribal societies, European and Asian. To understand indigenous cuisine, it is important first to dig...
  4. Death Sentence For Murderer
    Categories: Africa
    Justice Moses Richards of the Special Criminal Court yesterday 9th February 2010 convicted and sentenced one Mustapha Gaye, a resident of Latrikunda Sabiji, to death. After a marathon trial, the court found the accused, Mustapha Gaye, guilt...
    Categories: Africa
    50313 18032010There is excitement among residents on whose land in Manda Bay the port is set to be constructed. Now living in the sprawling slums on Lamu Island after they fled Manda Bay due to insecurity, these residents hope to be compensated for the...
  6. FM: Iran, Gabon support elimination, non-proliferation of nuclear arms
    Categories: Africa
    50027 AfranIran’s Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki said here Friday that Iran and Gabon strongly support elimination and non-proliferation of nuclear weapons and legal right of the NPT signatories to use peaceful nuclear technology.Addressing repo...
  7. Senegal 50428 Inauguration Monument de la Renaissance Africaine
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal 50428Inauguration du monument de la Renaissance AfricaineLe symbole d’une nouvelle destinéeLe président de la république du Sénégal, son excellence Me Abdoulaye Wade a inauguré samedi dernier (3 avril) en présence de chefs d’Etat a...
  8. Former vice president, Atiku returns to PDP
    Categories: Africa
    50109Nigeria’s immediate former vice president Alhaji Atiku Abubakar has returned back to the ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP), a party he left due to political disagreement between him and the former president Olusegun Obasanjo.Atiku’s media ...
    Categories: Africa
    50323 - 13042010The Common Market for Eastern and Southern African states converge in Cairo this week with more than 500 industry leaders, international investors and ministers from more than 19 countries in the continent to weigh emerging opportunitie...
    Categories: Africa
    50325 - 19042010The Kenya Government has put on hold a Legal notice issued last year on testing of petroleum products imported in to the country.The move follows an outcry by oil marketing companies that the process was costly and the operators were fo...
  11. Ahmadinejad visits int'l exhibition in Zimbabwe
    Categories: Africa
    50071 AfranZimbabwe International Trade Exhibition opened on Friday in the presence of Iranian and Zimbabwean presidents.Fifteen countries over the world presented their last industrial and agricultural products in the Exhibition, IRIB reported from Zi...
  12. 505 07 Hippos on the rampage in Janjanburay
    Categories: Africa
    505 07 Hippos on the rampage in JanjanburayThe hippopotamuses on Tuesday, April 22 destroyed over 40 nursery beds at Moriba rice filed in Janjanburay, CRR. The nursery beds, which were due for transplanting, were seriously damaged by the hippos caus...
  13. Zoning: North will produce president in 2011 - PDP Insists
    Categories: Africa
    50123The Nigeria’s ruling Peoples Democratic Party (PDP) said that the northern part of the country will still produce the next president in 2011 when the current tenure of President Umar Yar’adua who is sick is finished next year.The statement cam...
  14. Amano's letter to IAEA members on persuading Israel to join NPT
    Categories: Africa
    50091 AfranVienna, May 6, IRNA – IAEA chief Yukiya Amano is calling on all the agency’s member states for their viewpoints on how to persuade the Zionist regime to sign up to the Non-Proliferation Treaty.In a letter, dated April 7 and circulated...
  15. WHO salutes Gambian journalists for coverage of health issues
    Categories: Africa
    505 25The World Health Organization (WHO) country representative in The Gambia, Dr. Thomas Sukwa has saluted Gambian Journalists for their giant strides in covering health issues. He said that the WHO Country Office has been closely monitoring the acti...
  16. EFCC to use agreement to obtain court order over Siemens
    Categories: Africa
    501 44The Nigeria’s anti-graft agency, the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC) has called on the federal government to use the agreement between Nigeria and Germany to obtain a copy of judgment in the case of Siemen’s bribery allegation...
  17. Opposition party, AC advice Jonathan not to appoint Akunyili as electoral umpire
    Categories: Africa
    501 59An opposition party in Nigeria, the Action Congress (AC) has advised President Goodluck Jonathan against appointing Information and Communications Minister, Dora Akunyili as the Independent National Electoral Commission ([INEC) chairman, as being...
  18. Arrestation des trois présumés auteurs de la fausse alerte de l’agence BMCI.
    Categories: Africa
    50221Selon des sources bien informées, la police a arrêté, mercredi, les trois présumés auteurs de la fausse alerte à la bombe donnée mardi dans une agence bancaire à Tevragh Zeina.Dans la journée d’hier, des unités cynophiles de la police ...
  19. taux de mortalité maternelle en baisse de 50% en Mauritanie
    Categories: Africa
    50278Le taux de mortalité maternelle a connu une baisse de 50%, passant de 800 cas de décès pour 100 000 en 2002, à 404 cas de décès pour 100 000 accouchements en 2009, indique un rapport récent du ministère de la Santé, publié jeudi.Cette di...
  20. Les journalistes mauritaniens ne sont plus autorisés à diffuser les informations militaires
    Categories: Africa
    50295APA-Nouakchott (Mauritanie) Les journalistes mauritaniens n’ont plus le droit de publier des informations relevant du domaine du secret militaire ou susceptibles d’être considérées comme telles, a averti le ministre mauritanien de la Défen...
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