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  1. Mottaki brushes off Zionists’ impudent claims on Beitulmoqaddas
    Categories: Africa
    50020 AfranMottaki in a statement voiced concern over tragic events in Beitulmoqaddas, saying brazen statements of the Zionist occupying regime officials and the series of events and developments over the past few months have tolled bell of danger and ...
  2. Mottaki arrives in Dakar
    Categories: Africa
    50029 AfranDakar, April 3, IRNA – Minister of Foreign Affairs Manouchehr Mottaki arrived in Dakar, capital of Senegal, Friday evening and was received by his Senegalese counterpart at the airport.Mottaki is scheduled to hold meetings with a number of...
  3. Mohamed Nema Oumar dément le décès de Rachid Moustapha
    Categories: Africa
    50243Le journaliste Mohamed Nema Oumar et porte-parole de l’ex candidat à l’élection présidentielle du 18 juillet dernier, M Rachid Moustapha, porté disparu depuis environ 72 h, vient d’apporter un démenti catégorique sur la mort de celui-c...
  4. Mitigate risk to ease farmers’ access to loans - experts
    Categories: Africa
    50622Despite being the backbone of Uganda’s economy, the agricultural sector continues to be among the least attractive sectors to financiers.The main reasons advanced for this phenomenon include; farmers are poor and un-bankable and that they live i...
    Categories: Africa
    50312 18032010The Pan African Conference got underway today in Nairobi, attracting an attendance of media experts and political leaders in discussing the role of media in an African democracy. Chief guest President Kibaki set the pace with an acknowled...
  6. Mazai Mara Park of Kenya
    Categories: Africa
    Masai Mara Park is a protected area in southern Kenya, along its border with Tanzania. The Mazai Mara Park covers an area of 1,510 sq km and is the most visited Park in Kenya. It was first protected in 1948 but officially declared a national reserve...
  7. Mauritanie: le président refuse tout partage du pouvoir avec l'opposition
    Categories: Africa
    50201 MauritaniaLe président mauritanien Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz a rejeté, samedi au cours d'un meeting, tout partage du pouvoir avec ses opposants, leur enjoignant de "reconnaître" son élection et de jouer le jeu d'une opposition normale. "Nous n'...
  8. Mauritanie : Peine capitale contre les assassins des touristes français
    Categories: Africa
    50238La Cour criminelle de Nouakchott a condamné à la peine capitale trois individus reconnus coupables de l’assassinat de quatre touristes francais près d’Aleg, le 24 décembre 2007.Il s’agit de Maarouf Ould Haiba, Sidi Ould Sidina et Mohamed...
  9. Mauritanie : l’Inde soutient le développement, la France appuie la lutte contre la crise alimentaire
    Categories: Africa
    50236New-Delhi et Paris viennent de décider séparément, la poursuite de leur assistance économique et humanitaire de Nouakchott.Pour la circonstance, l’Inde mobilise 23 millions de dollars destinés au financement de projets de développement et ...
  10. Mauritania Independence Day
    Categories: Africa
    MAURITANIA'S GOVERNANCE EPITOMIZES a cycle all too evident throughout sub-Saharan Africa. A civilian government, espousing the liberal democratic principles inherited from the colonial regime, came to power on the eve of independence. After it had r...
  11. Mass Killing of Cameroon Elephants
    Categories: Africa
    Anyone keen to round off their African holiday in style should consider a short break in Zanzibar for the final leg of their trip, particularly if they are looking for rest and relaxation. Zanzibar is an excellent place to unwind if you have tak...
  12. Manif contre le monument de la Renaissance
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal 50427 Manifestation contre le Monument de la renaissance AfricaineL’opposition marche contre « la statue »La manifestation organisée le samedi 03 avril dernier par la coalition des partis de l’opposition du Sénégal et des membres de...
  13. Majlis delegation to join peace flotilla
    Categories: Africa
    500108 AfranTehran, June 2, IRNA – A delegation comprising four Majlis deputies is to join the peace flotilla which has been attacked by Israeli forces on Monday, it was announced here on Wednesday.Mahmoud Ahmadi Bighash, a member of the Secretari...
  14. Main Test for Bushehr Nuclear Power Plant to begin today
    Categories: Africa
    50039 AfranTehran, April 9, IRNA – The main test needed before operation of Bushehr nuclear power plant will start on the day marking National Nuclear Festival, said the official in charge of the project.Jaafari said the “warm-water test” at the ...
  15. Madagascar Independence Day
    Categories: Africa
    HTML clipboardDuring World War II, Madagascar was aligned with Vichy France until 1942, when it was conquered by the British; in 1943 the Free French regime assumed control. From 1947 to 1948 there was a major uprising against the French, who crushe...
  16. L’Union des retraités de l’armée et de sécurité soutient Ould Abdel Aziz.
    Categories: Africa
    50289Selon le capitaine Breyka Ould M’Bareck , les retraités des forces armées et de police soutiennent les efforts du président Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz face aux contraintes sécuritaires à l’instar de leurs homologues des pays avancés.Cette d...
  17. luxury train fares
    Categories: Africa
    Pride of Africa £10,600 per personThere are certainly choices you can make when you’re deciding on a way to get from Point A to Point B, or when you are planning a holiday away from the rat race of everyday life. Train travel is a popular means of...
  18. LRA: Uganda’s worst export of the century
    Categories: Africa
    506089Joseph Kony could have been sent packing from the northern Uganda but this did not stop his Lord’s Resistance Army from showing its ugly head in South Sudan, DR Congo and Central African republic. As AFRAN/AMIN NASSER writes, a walk through Kon...
  19. List of Jungle Birds
    Categories: Africa
    Even though jungles have always been a subject of fascination for mankind, many of us wouldn't be able to answer some basic questions, like, what animals live in the jungle? Intriguing because if you sit down to compile a list of all the jungle a...
  20. List of African Jungle Animals
    Categories: Africa
    Animals A to Z List The jungles on this planet are full of wild animals which vary in terms of appearance, habitat, food habits, etc. Compiling a jungle animals list is a tough task, considering that each animal belongs to a species or sub-spe...
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