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  1. L’Union des retraités de l’armée et de sécurité soutient Ould Abdel Aziz.
    Categories: Africa
    50289Selon le capitaine Breyka Ould M’Bareck , les retraités des forces armées et de police soutiennent les efforts du président Mohamed Ould Abdel Aziz face aux contraintes sécuritaires à l’instar de leurs homologues des pays avancés.Cette d...
  2. President voices solidarity with Palestinian nation
    Categories: Africa
    500103 AfranIRI President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on Tuesday strongly condemned the atrocities committed by the Zionist regime against the human rights activists on board Fleet of six aid ships and called for formation of a global front to lift Gaza siege....
  3. President: Tehran Declaration is a right step to raise nations’ demands
    Categories: Africa
    500111 AfranTehran, June 5, IRNA – President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad says the May 17 Iran-Turkey-Brazil fuel swap declaration is a step in right direction to express demands of whole the world nations.“The declaration defends a fact and we should t...
  4. Iran to continue peaceful nuclear program based on int'l, IAEA rules
    Categories: Africa
    500126 AfranTehran, June 15, IRNA – Foreign Ministry spokesman Ramin Mehman-Parast said on Tuesday that Tehran, despite all pressures, will continue its peaceful nuclear activities within the framework of the international and IAEA rules and regul...
  5. IRI reaffirms initiative to send aid ship to Gaza
    Categories: Africa
    500138 AfranDeputy IRI Foreign Minister in Arab Affairs Mohammad Reza Sheybani said that the plan to send a relief aid ship to Gaza Strip by governmental or non-governmental organizations is still on the agenda.According to Foreign Ministry Media Depar...
  6. Turkey to cut ties unless Israel apologises
    Categories: Africa
    500146 AfranTurkey warned 'Israel' Monday it will cut ties unless it gets an apology for a deadly raid on Gaza-bound aid ships.An adamant Zionist regime however said it will never apologize for the deadly attack against civilian peace activists which i...
  7. The story of the African unity effort
    Categories: Africa
    506066The 2010 summit of African heads of state and government opens in Kampala today. It is the latest in many summits by African leaders that go back to the founding of the Organisation of African Unity (OAU) on May 25, 1963 as Kasozi Nasser reviews:...
  8. Enemy displeased with rule of atmosphere of hope at Iranian varsities
    Categories: Africa
    500158 AfranTehran, July 31, IRNA – IRI president said here Friday enemies are after propagating an atmosphere of pessimism at Iranian universities and are worried now that hope, dynamism, and jubilance prevails at them.According to IRNA, the info...
  9. This Ramathan, let us cleanse our faith of any terror
    Categories: Africa
    506099Since 9/11, international terrorism has, sometimes erroneously, been associated with Islam, so this Ramathan, let’s dismember our religion from this association, Nasser writesBy Thursday next week, Muslims all over the world will be fasting, h...
  10. Egypt XIX centory in color
    Categories: Africa
    Along the Nile terraces and in the desert oases. In the 10th millennium BC, a culture of hunter-gatherers and fishers replaced a grain-grinding culture. Climate changes and/or overgrazing around 8000 BC began to desiccate the pastoral lands of Eg...
  11. Supreme Leader Condemns Strike on Libya
    Categories: Africa
    Addressing a large gathering of people in the holy city of Mashhad on the first day of the Iranian new year, Ayatollah Khamenei the Supreme Leader of the Islamic Revolution referred to the recent developments in Libya and said that Iran utterly cond...
    Categories: Africa
    Africa's natural habitats are suffering from human interference. One of the most serious problems occurs in areas such as the Sahel where scrub and forest clearance, often for cooking, combined with overgrazing, is causing...
  13. African Language
    Categories: Africa
    Zulu phrases: English isiZulu Hello Sawubona Hello (To more than one person) Sanibonani (pronounced, roughly, "San'bonaan") How are you? Unjani? I am fine Ngikhona Goodbye ("Stay well" - to one person, if he/she...
  14. Appel des religieux au dialogue national au Sénégal
    Categories: Africa
    50407 Afran Sénégal Les chefs religieux de la cité de Tivaouane exigent de la part des politiques un dialogue national La religion n’a pas uniquement été le seul sujet de conversation des hommes religieux du Sénégal lors de la célébratio...
  15. Iran Keen to Expand All-Out Ties with Zimbabwe
    Categories: Africa
    50007 AfranIranian Foreign Minister Manouchehr Mottaki on Monday underlined Tehran's readiness to improve all-out ties with the south African state of Zimbabwe.Fortunately, the relations between the Islamic Republic of Iran and Zimbabwe are moving forw...
  16. Sénégal-50418 Langues africaines
    Categories: Africa
    Sénégal-50418INTEGRATION AFRICAINEL’Union africaine veut promouvoir les langues africainesLe développement de l’Afrique passera nécessairement par l’utilisation des langues africaines. C’est en tout cas l’avis des experts de l’Académie...
  17. Muslims donate to flood victims
    Categories: Africa
    50019 AfranAccording to Ahlul Bayt News Agency (, The Rwandan Muslim community, in partnership with Aid Africa Muslim Agency (AAMA), yesterday donated foodstuff and clothes worth Rwf 7m to 100 families in Nyarugenge district affected by floods ...
  18. Iran's minister urges unity of nations against Western hegemony
    Categories: Africa
    50021 AfranHe made the remarks while addressing the 17th meeting of the Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) Culture Ministers which started in Sanya resort in Hainan Province south of China this morning. He said the SCO meeting undoubtedly plays a ...
  19. Goodluck Jonathan dissolves cabinet
    Categories: Africa
    The Acting President Dr. Goodluck Ebele Jonathan, yesterday, dissolved the federal executive council (FEC) and directed the ministers to handover to the permanent secretaries in their respective ministry.It was gathered that Jonathan waited until the e...
  20. President's speech in National Nuclear Festival
    Categories: Africa
    50038 AfranPresident Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said here Friday that there is no barrier to Iranian nuclear scientists today in the field of nuclear energy and they can meet related national requirements.Addressing National Nuclear Festival, President Ahmadi...
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