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Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe: Stress test deadline looming for banksPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3672012/3/30 18:11
Malawi: Malawi’s president bows to pressure from populacePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3242012/3/30 18:11
Nigeria: AU endorses Nigerian for World Bank presidencyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3322012/3/30 18:10
Mauritania: Mauritius president announces resignation Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4482012/3/30 18:05
Sudan: Sudan and South Sudan peace talks delayed Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3342012/3/30 18:04
Libya: NATO condemned for Libya migrant deaths Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3172012/3/30 18:03
Sudan: Russia completes peacekeeper withdrawal from South SudanPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2992012/3/29 19:33
Sudan: Sudan, South Sudan to resume negotiations in Addis AbabaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3632012/3/29 19:33
Afran: Guinea-Bissau to hold presidential run-off on April 22Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4552012/3/29 19:32
Sudan: Calmness returns to Higlieg area after clashes between Sudan, South SudanPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3052012/3/29 19:32
Sudan: Thousands of southern Sudan returnees stranded in Sudan's Higlig: UNPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3202012/3/29 19:31
Ethiopia: Ethiopia to host AU-mediated Sudan talks Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3472012/3/29 18:55
Libya: Scores killed in Libya tribal clashes Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2812012/3/29 18:54
Nigeria: At least six killed in Islamist-linked violence in NigeriaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2572012/3/26 11:37
Mali: Mali's Amadou Sanogo emerges from obscurity to head juntaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3092012/3/26 11:36
Senegal: Senegal president, ex-protege face off in 2nd votePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3412012/3/26 11:35
Egypt: US congress minority leader meets Egypt military rulerPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2802012/3/26 11:33
Egypt: Egypt military lashes out at Muslim BrotherhoodPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2442012/3/26 11:32
Mali: Mali ministers held by junta go on hunger strikePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2362012/3/26 11:31
South Africa: S. African youth leader ready to legally challenge expulsionPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3322012/3/26 11:29
Africa: Kenya, Zimbabwe ministers evacuated from MaliPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3202012/3/26 11:26
Mali: Uncertainty in Mali as junta struggles to restore orderPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3262012/3/26 11:24
Senegal: Senegal police fire tear gas at polling stationPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3542012/3/26 11:22
Sudan: Sudan's Bashir to attend Arab summit in BaghdadPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2622012/3/26 11:18
Mali: After Mali's coup, fear empties streets of capitalPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2692012/3/26 11:17
Senegal: Senegal votes in presidential run-off electionsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3062012/3/26 11:15
South Africa: South Africa take grip on New Zealand TestPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3042012/3/26 11:12
Mali: Tuareg rebels advance as junta asserts controlPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2762012/3/26 11:09
Mali: Mali state TV goes off air; fear of countercoupPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3152012/3/24 11:02
Mali: Mali coup: the revenge of the rank and filePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3042012/3/24 11:01
Libya: UN rights council throws out Russia proposal on Libya detentionsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2512012/3/24 10:59
Senegal: Senegal's Wade, rival Sall in final push to woo votersPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3202012/3/24 10:57
Rwanda: Explosion in Rwanda leaves one dead, five injured: policePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3722012/3/24 10:55
Central African Republic: Kony believed in Central African Republic: UNPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3482012/3/24 10:54
Mali: AU suspends Mali until constitutional order returnsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3212012/3/24 10:53
Africa: Banks see an opportunity in AfricaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3282012/3/24 10:52
Mali: Tuareg rebels take Mali town, threaten 3 morePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3102012/3/24 10:51
Libya: Libya restores diplomatic ties with Iraq: officialPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2362012/3/24 10:50
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe probes Trump brothers' hunting tripPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3192012/3/24 10:49
Madagascar: Conjoined Madagascar twins die after operationPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3852012/3/24 10:48
Nigeria: Nigeria finance minister runs for World Bank jobPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3162012/3/24 10:47
Somalia: Ex-Somali president Abdullahi Yusuf dies aged 77Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2962012/3/24 10:45
Nigeria: Nigeria's World Bank contender a respected economistPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2752012/3/24 10:44
Africa: Banks see an opportunity in AfricaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3122012/3/23 23:39
Senegal: Senegal's Wade, rival Sall in final push to woo votersPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3452012/3/23 23:37
Mali: AU suspends Mali until constitutional order returnsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3172012/3/23 23:35
Mali: UN condemns Mali coup, calls for return of constitutional rulePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2632012/3/23 23:29
Somalia: Internal strife between Somali policemen kills fourPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3232012/3/23 23:28
Uganda: Uganda police restrict opposition leader movementsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3452012/3/23 0:25
Somalia: EU set to back strikes on Somali pirate lairsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3502012/3/23 0:24
Egypt: IMF says talks in Egypt were 'productive'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3362012/3/23 0:22
Sierra Leone: UN calls on S. Leone to explain weapons shipmentPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4212012/3/23 0:21
South Africa: S. Sudan invites 'brother' Bashir to summitPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3342012/3/23 0:19
Somalia: Kenya’s jets kill 37 al-Shabab fighters in southern SomaliaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2702012/3/22 23:54
Guinea-Bissau: Guinea Bissau’s presidential election goes into runoffPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3322012/3/22 23:53
Mali: Mali soldiers mutiny, spread fears of coupPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3482012/3/22 23:51
Morocco: Moroccan protesters call for end to official corruption, povertyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3252012/3/22 23:50
Mali: Mali renegade soldiers claim control of governmentPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3022012/3/22 23:49
Egypt: Egyptian police accused of killing protesters get light sentencesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2602012/3/21 14:09
Nigeria: Efforts to save lives in Nigeria with clean cookstovesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3502012/3/21 14:02
Democratic Republic of the Congo: 'Serious violations' by DR Congo forces in vote period: UNPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3512012/3/21 13:46
Egypt: Chaotic burial for Egypt's Coptic Pope ShenudaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3162012/3/21 13:42
Malawi: Malawi police arrest ex-president's son over violencePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3742012/3/21 13:41
South Africa: S.Africa to review dropped Zuma graft casePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3192012/3/21 13:39
Tunisia: Call for unity as Tunisia marks Independence DayPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3732012/3/21 13:38
Libya: The forgotten victims of Libya's warPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2782012/3/21 13:36
Guinea-Bissau: Opposition wants 'fraud-riddled' G.Bissau vote cancelledPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3302012/3/21 13:34
Egypt: Three mourners of Egyptian Coptic pope crushed to deathPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2902012/3/21 0:40
Sudan: Pro-Palestine conference in Sudan supports al-QudsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3322012/3/21 0:38
Somalia: Ireland may join fight against Somali pirates Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2812012/3/21 0:36
Kenya: Kenya to track elephants by satellite collars to curb conflictPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2652012/3/19 15:16
Côte d'Ivoire: Residents of central Cote d'Ivoire raise alarm over high insecurity incidentsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3222012/3/19 15:11
Sudan: Sudanese army accuses South Kordofan rebels of planning attackPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3142012/3/19 15:09
Rwanda: Pedal power brings cheap energy to rural RwandaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4342012/3/19 14:49
South Africa: Poachers may wipe out rhinos in S. Africa, campaigner warnsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3382012/3/19 14:43
Egypt: Egypt confirms release of Brazilian hostagesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3032012/3/19 14:38
Somalia: American al-Shabab fears for his life Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2392012/3/19 14:06
Egypt: IRI condoles demise of Egyptian Christian leaderPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2732012/3/19 13:50
Libya: NATO failed to investigate Libya civilian deaths: AmnestyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2432012/3/19 13:44
Libya: Press TV journalists held in Libya freed, says ReportPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2352012/3/19 13:35
Somalia: Somalia struggling with health crisisPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2682012/3/19 13:31
Libya: Tens of militia groups acting on their own in BenghaziPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3052012/3/19 13:30
Morocco: Moroccan women demand reform after rape victim's suicidePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2582012/3/18 17:40
Nigeria: Boko Haram: intermediary pulls out of talks with govtPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3752012/3/18 17:39
Egypt: Thousands of Copts crush into cathedral after pope's deathPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2892012/3/18 17:38
North of Africa: Mauritania arrests top Libyan sought by ICCPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3342012/3/18 17:36
Mauritania: Former Kadhafi spymaster arrested in MauritaniaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4132012/3/18 17:35
Côte d'Ivoire: I.Coast launches month of post-conflict 'purification'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2962012/3/18 17:34
Guinea-Bissau: Coup-prone Guinea-Bissau to hold presidential electionPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3022012/3/18 17:32
Malawi: Malawi police arrest top rights activist over forexPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3092012/3/18 17:30
Guinea: Police foil Guinea opposition rally, arrest dozensPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4282012/3/18 17:29
Mali: Officials: Malians displaced by Tuareg strikesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2832012/3/18 17:12
Uganda: Uganda PM launches online response to Kony videoPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2862012/3/18 17:10
Somalia: How Somalia famine aid went astrayPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2182012/3/18 17:09
Kenya: Kenya sets general election for March 4, 2013Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3092012/3/18 17:06
Nigeria: Gunmen kill 10 in northern NigeriaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2862012/3/18 17:01
Zimbabwe: 'No foul play' in Zimbabwe general's deathPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3412012/3/18 17:00
Africa: Eritrea: Ethiopia attacked us over border disputePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3602012/3/17 12:20
Morocco: Outrage over suicide of Moroccan teen forced to marry rapistPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2972012/3/17 12:20
Libya: Armed clashes erupt after federalist rally in LibyaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2782012/3/17 12:18
Sudan: Clooney arrested in Sudan protestPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3042012/3/17 12:09
Sudan: 2nd African YouTube video stars Clooney in SudanPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3352012/3/17 12:06
Mali: Red Cross says Mali fighting displaced need aid fastPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2382012/3/17 12:05
Tunisia: Thousands rally demanding sharia law in TunisiaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3722012/3/17 11:15
South Sudan: South Sudan 'has 2,000 child soldiers': UNPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3882012/3/17 11:11
Angola: Raided Angolan weekly vows to fight for democracyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3722012/3/17 11:10
Guinea-Bissau: Carnival mood in Guinea-Bissau ahead of votePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3622012/3/17 11:09
Morocco: Moroccan villagers steamed up over silver minePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3682012/3/17 11:08
Nigeria: Nigeria, Islamist group Boko Haram in indirect talksPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3522012/3/17 11:07
Malawi: Malawi ups security after Mutharika resignation callPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3662012/3/17 11:06
Africa: Eritrea says will not retaliate against EthiopiaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3712012/3/17 11:05
Gabon: Three wounded in Gabon university clash: reportPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4592012/3/17 11:03
Mauritania: Mauritania vows to press on with attacks on Al-QaedaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4162012/3/14 11:26
Ethiopia: Gunmen attack bus in Ethiopia, kill 19: officialPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4632012/3/14 11:25
Nigeria: Gunmen attack Nigerian checkpoint, three feared deadPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3782012/3/14 11:24
Côte d'Ivoire: I.Coast president appoints PM, takes defence postPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3462012/3/14 11:23
North of Africa: No deal in latest round of Sudan-South Sudan talksPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3632012/3/14 11:22
Somalia: Somali rebels ban aid group Save the ChildrenPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3292012/3/14 11:21
Zimbabwe: Mining firm Zimplats gives majority shares to ZimbabweansPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3552012/3/14 11:20
North of Africa: Death sentence for Qaeda's fugitive north Africa chiefPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3642012/3/14 11:19
South Africa: S.Africa seeks to shore up local languagesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3412012/3/14 11:18
Angola: EU aids Angolan civic groups ahead of pollsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3592012/3/14 11:13
Somalia: Official: Invest in children for peace in SomaliaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3652012/3/14 11:12
Kenya: Kenya blast toll rises to nine: Red CrossPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3332012/3/14 11:08
South Africa: S.Africa hails octogenarian for 62 years' good drivingPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3632012/3/14 11:03
Republic of the Congo: Remove munitions from cities, UN official saysPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend6412012/3/14 11:01
Mali: Islamist fighters call for Sharia law in MaliPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3022012/3/14 10:56
Botswana: Botswana's Bushmen return home, with rights but little waterPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4352012/3/13 16:29
Democratic Republic of the Congo: Bloodhounds deployed to fight elephant poaching in DR CongoPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3622012/3/13 16:28
Tunisia: Former Ben Ali regime aide arrested in FrancePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3322012/3/13 16:27
Niger: More than six million need immediate food aid in Niger: UNPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3852012/3/13 16:25
Kenya: Kenya frees grenade blast suspectsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2832012/3/13 16:24
South Sudan: More than 200 dead in South Sudan clashes: officialPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3492012/3/13 16:23
Kenya: 4,660 Kenyan soldiers to join AU Somali force: armyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3372012/3/13 16:22
Somalia: Somali woman shines in military training programPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3142012/3/13 16:22
Algeria: Black economy generates half Algeria's trade: ministerPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3722012/3/13 16:20
Senegal: Belgium takes Senegal to court over fugitive HabrePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3512012/3/13 16:19
Côte d'Ivoire: Former PM Soro elected head of I.Coast parliamentPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2912012/3/13 16:17
Tunisia: 'Anonymous' group hacks Tunisian Islamist sitesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3412012/3/13 16:17
Nigeria: Gunmen kill three near Nigerian flashpoint cityPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2982012/3/13 16:15
South Africa: S.Africa govt won't recover illegal miners' bodiesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3752012/3/13 16:14
Ethiopia: Rights works in Ethiopia 'crippled' by law: AmnestyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3502012/3/13 16:13
Nigeria: Car bomb explodes near Nigeria church; 10 killedPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3742012/3/12 13:05
Republic of the Congo: Mass funeral for victims of Congo munitionsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4242012/3/12 13:03
Senegal: Senegal opposition join forces to back Wade challengerPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3652012/3/12 13:00
Mali: Tuareg rebels seize key military base in northern MaliPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2992012/3/12 12:59
Nigeria: Hostages killed in Nigeria were on verge of release: reportPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2942012/3/12 12:58
Nigeria: 11 dead after suicide attack on Nigerian churchPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2472012/3/12 12:55
Egypt: Egypt court clears army doctor in 'virginity tests' casePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3412012/3/12 12:54
Republic of the Congo: Over 100 buried in Congo mass funeralPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3902012/3/12 12:53
Angola: Sonangol's ex-boss styled as Dos Santos's heir apparentPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3702012/3/12 12:52
Kenya: Kenya faces new terror threat as six killed in NairobiPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3092012/3/12 12:50
Kenya: Bus station blasts in Kenya's capital kill 4Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3002012/3/12 12:50
Nigeria: Nigeria suicide bomber kills three in church attackPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3112012/3/12 12:49
Nigeria: Nigeria suicide bomber targets churchPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2642012/3/12 12:48
Nigeria: Nigeria explosions erupt near church in tense cityPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3032012/3/12 12:45
Kenya: Kenya grenade attack toll rises to sixPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2382012/3/12 12:45
Kenya: Death toll from Kenya bus stop attack rises to 6Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3102012/3/12 12:44
Nigeria: Police, Islamists wage gun battle in Nigeria's KanoPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3232012/3/11 15:53
Nigeria: Boko Haram spokesman denies link to Nigeria kidnapPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2802012/3/11 15:52
Nigeria: Italy condemns botched British raid in NigeriaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3052012/3/11 15:51
West of Africa: Cocoa smugglers on motorbikes evade Ivorian guardsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3452012/3/11 15:49
Nigeria: Nigeria hostages killed in toilet during rescue - witnessPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2552012/3/11 15:48
Nigeria: Nigeria hostages killed in bathroom during rescue: witnessPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2512012/3/11 15:39
Libya: Thousands rally in Libya against autonomy for eastPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2512012/3/11 15:36
Somalia: AU troops to replace Ethopian forces in key Somali citiesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2682012/3/11 15:28
Senegal: Senegal opposition to hold mass rally for Macky SallPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3272012/3/11 15:25
East of Africa: Somalia Islamists attack Ethiopian troopsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3422012/3/11 15:21
Tunisia: Hundreds of women call for Islamic governancePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3072012/3/11 14:08
Algeria: Algerian opposition party elects new chiefPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3622012/3/11 14:05
Mauritania: Al-Qaeda frees gendarme held hostage in MauritaniaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3522012/3/11 14:04
Kenya: Bus station blasts in Kenya's capital kill 4Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2962012/3/11 14:02
Kenya: Police blame Shebab in deadly Nairobi attackPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3342012/3/11 14:01
Uganda: Uganda warns against misrepresentation of LRA threatPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3142012/3/10 11:27
Kenya: ICC rejects Kenyans' request to appeal trial decisionPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3652012/3/10 11:25
West of Africa: Aid group heightens warnings of new Africa faminePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3782012/3/10 11:24
Uganda: Anti-Kony video campaign draws criticism in UgandaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3222012/3/10 11:23
Tunisia: Islamists demand Tunisian TV 'clean-up'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3512012/3/10 11:22
Kenya: Kibaki confirms Kenya elections early 2013Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3152012/3/10 11:21
Nigeria: 100 troops in failed Nigeria hostage rescue bid: witnessesPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2592012/3/10 11:20
Libya: UN rights chief to be handed list of Libyan 'violators'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2342012/3/10 11:19
South Africa: S.African court approves Wal-Mart takeoverPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3022012/3/10 11:12
South Sudan: S.Sudan accuses Khartoum of 'enslaving' thousandsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3252012/3/10 11:10
Nigeria: Blood, recriminations in wake of Nigeria missionPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2712012/3/10 11:10
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe's draft constitution 'nearly complete'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3402012/3/10 11:08
Uganda: Storm over viral campaign to arrest Uganda's KonyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3272012/3/10 11:07
Republic of the Congo: Rep. of Congo builds 200-plus coffins after blastsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3942012/3/10 11:05
Morocco: Morocco court sentences two to death over Marrakesh bombingPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3522012/3/10 11:04
Republic of the Congo: Brazzaville hospitals struggle to treat blast victimsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3742012/3/7 16:24
Mozambique: Mozambique: Call for anti-government protestPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend5142012/3/7 16:23
North of Africa: UN Council demands end to hostilities between rival SudansPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3622012/3/7 16:22
Senegal: Senegal constitutional court confirms run-off electionPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3612012/3/7 16:21
Ethiopia: Ethiopian rebels free two German touristsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3842012/3/7 16:20
Somalia: Somalia seeks to join E. Africa trading blocPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3322012/3/7 16:19
Republic of the Congo: Rep. of Congo: 236 dead after arms depot blastsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3642012/3/7 16:17
Somalia: Turkish airline launches landmark Mogadishu flightPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2342012/3/7 16:16
South Africa: S. African workers to march against toll roadsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3162012/3/7 16:15
North of Africa: Tense oil talks resume between Sudan and SouthPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3442012/3/7 16:14
Sudan: Warning shots as Sudan oil crisis talks resumePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2732012/3/7 16:13
Somalia: Overrun by pirate prisoners, Seychelles call for helpPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2982012/3/7 16:11
Democratic Republic of the Congo: DR Congo government resigns: officialPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2832012/3/7 16:10
Somalia: International airline lands in Mogadishu after 20-yr breakPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2302012/3/7 16:09
Republic of the Congo: US pledges aid after 150 die in Congo blastPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3422012/3/7 16:06
Libya: Libyans hold funerals for 163 from mass gravePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3182012/3/6 16:21
Nigeria: Nigerian troops kill three Islamists trying to burn school: armyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3202012/3/6 16:19
Republic of the Congo: Soldiers recover bodies from Congo blast sitePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3572012/3/6 16:17
Equatorial Guinea: Rights group calls for graft probe of UNESCO Obiang prizePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3962012/3/6 16:15
Republic of the Congo: Rescuers try to keep fire from 2nd depot in CongoPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3782012/3/6 16:13
East of Africa: Burundi soldier killed by explosive in SomaliaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3442012/3/6 16:10
South Africa: Strike-hit Implats resumes mining in S.AfricaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3782012/3/6 16:07
Libya: Libya says wants reporters held by militia freedPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3022012/3/6 16:06
Gambia: Gambia lifts sanctions on Libyan assetsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4812012/3/6 16:04
Egypt: Egypt 'carjacked' MP had a nose jobPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend4162012/3/6 16:03
Nigeria: Top US official pledges security help for NigeriaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3162012/3/6 16:01
Zimbabwe: Admirers honour 'hero' Mugabe with signature labelPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3532012/3/6 15:59
Republic of the Congo: Small blasts in Rep. of Congo for 2nd dayPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3162012/3/6 15:58
Senegal: Senegal presidential run-off set for March 25Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3542012/3/6 15:57
South of Africa: S.Africa says no Zimbabwe polls without reformsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3512012/3/6 15:56
Libya: Two British journalists accused of spying in LibyaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3522012/3/5 11:42
Libya: Libyan stock exchange says to re-open on March 15Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2912012/3/5 11:39
East of Africa: Somali residents welcome Ethiopian troops after rebel routPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3482012/3/5 11:30
Libya: Australia 'disgusted' by Libya war grave attacksPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2482012/3/5 11:22
Zimbabwe: Dirty deals dog Zimbabwe diamonds fieldsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2262012/3/5 11:19
Somalia: With Shebab rebels forced out, rebuilding begins in BaidoaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2162012/3/5 11:11
Republic of the Congo: At least 100 dead in Congo arms depot blastsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3282012/3/5 11:09
Republic of the Congo: Officials: 206 killed in Republic of Congo blastsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3492012/3/5 11:08
Nigeria: Nigerian mob protests army killing of Kano motorcyclistPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2712012/3/5 11:06
Republic of the Congo: Witnesses describe apocalyptic scenes after Congo blastPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3672012/3/5 11:03
Nigeria: MEND says at 'war' with Nigerian security agentsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2362012/3/5 11:02
Republic of the Congo: Official: 136 killed in Republic of Congo blastsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2712012/3/5 11:00
Republic of the Congo: Strong explosions heard in Republic of CongoPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3302012/3/5 11:00
Republic of the Congo: Rep. of Congo: blasts caused by arms depot firePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3142012/3/5 10:57
Zimbabwe: Typhoid cases soar in ZimbabwePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3132012/3/5 10:52
Egypt: Egypt parliament sees "interference" in activists' releasePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2792012/3/4 16:49
Guinea: 50 market goers killed, 27 injured in Guinea road accidentPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3212012/3/4 16:47
Libya: Muslim Brother picked to lead new Libya partyPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2902012/3/4 16:44
South Africa: S. Africa's Malema vows to stay in ANC despite expulsionPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2232012/3/4 16:43
Egypt: U.S. says ties with Egypt still strong after NGO rowPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2432012/3/4 16:42
Sudan: Sudan's Bashir, minister dance after ICC warrantPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2562012/3/4 16:39
Sudan: Sudan warned over denying citizenship to southernersPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3132012/3/4 16:37
Somalia: Somalia car bombing near military basePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2312012/3/4 16:32
Africa: Nigerian airline resumes flight to S. AfricaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2692012/3/4 16:31
Algeria: Al-Qaeda offshoot claims Algeria attackPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3252012/3/4 16:30
Egypt: Egypt MPs to probe allowing foreign activists leavePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2852012/3/4 16:28
Senegal: Senegal presidential challenger Sall gains supportPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3182012/3/4 16:25
Sudan: Sudan hidden war may erupt into 'direct conflict'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2932012/3/4 16:22
Algeria: Algeria 'suicide car bomb attack injures 24'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2862012/3/4 16:20
Sudan: Sudan's Bashir slams ICC warrant for defense ministerPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2512012/3/4 16:19
Nigeria: Nigeria buries Biafra secessionist leaderPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3062012/3/3 11:40
Zimbabwe: Zimbabwe leaders want constitution draft in two weeks: mediaPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3292012/3/3 11:39
Nigeria: Nigerian soldier shot dead in restive Kano city: residentsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3422012/3/3 11:39
Rwanda: Rwandan opposition leader freed after decade in jailPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3682012/3/3 11:37
Nigeria: Nigerian soldiers killed in creek attack: governmentPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3452012/3/3 11:35
Libya: Libya ex-rebels guilty of war crimes, reprisals : UNPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2512012/3/3 11:34
Senegal: Rebel killed, three soldiers wounded in Senegal attackPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3392012/3/3 11:32
Kenya: Kenya launches 18.5bn euro port projectPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3362012/3/3 11:30
Somalia: Somali troops seize Shebab positions in MogadishuPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2912012/3/3 11:28
Côte d'Ivoire: Ivory Coast puts 28 paramilitary police on trialPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2822012/3/3 11:26
Senegal: Third-place Niasse backs Sall in Senegal votePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend3042012/3/3 11:25
Nigeria: Sailors seized off Nigeria 'in good health'Printer Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2922012/3/3 11:16
Senegal: UN chief calls for 'responsibility' in Senegal votePrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2402012/3/3 11:15
Senegal: Senegal opposition urges 'killer blow' to Wade in run-offPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2692012/3/3 11:14
Egypt: Foreign NGO suspects leave Egypt: airport officialsPrinter Friendly Page Send this Story to a Friend2212012/3/3 10:45
There are 263 article(s) in total