NAIROBI, Dec. 9 (Xinhua) -- The U.S. government has donated 270,000 U.S. dollars of maritime police equipment at the Port of Mombasa to enhance security along the Indian Ocean coast.
U.S Ambassador to Kenya Michael E. Ranneberger said on Wednesday the donation, which included three 31-foot boats with engines and trailers, was provided as part of a broader U.S. effort to support police reform.
Washington has pledged over 14 million dollars in training and equipment in support of the Kenyan government's implementation of fundamental police reform.
"Reforms, including first and foremost establishment of independent external and internal oversight mechanisms, are critical to assure Kenyan citizens that the rights of all will be respected and protected," Ranneberger said.
The U.S. has urged consistently the Kenyan government to implement fully the recommendations of the Task Force on Police reform.
"The U.S. will continue to push for reform and will provided increased support as actual implementation takes place," he said.
Among other recommendations, the Kenyan Task Force on Police Reform called attention to the need for material support to Kenya's police services, as well as the need for independent oversight of police activities to ensure that the operations and conduct of the police are in compliance with democratic principles and the best practices of modern policing.