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Gambia : Court rejects election result case
on 2010/6/19 17:10:00


Ethiopia's Supreme Court rejected a case brought by the country's opposition against the ruling party's landslide victory in elections criticised by the EU and the US. The ruling EPRDF and allies provisionally won 545 seats in the 547-member parliament on May 23, giving PM Meles Zenawi, in power since 1991, another five years in charge.

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Guinea : US trains presidential guards in Guinea
on 2010/6/19 17:00:00


The United States is funding a $1m programme to train Guinea's presidential guards to ensure that there is a professional, capable, and impartial presidential guard for the newly elected president of Guinea" as it gears up for its first free election in half a century, US embassy spokesperson Brett Bruen said.

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Malawi : Measles kills 70 in Malawi
on 2010/6/19 16:59:08


The measles outbreak which hit most parts of Malawi has already claimed 70 lives in four months, health officials have confirmed. The situation has forced government to carry out a mass measles vaccination campaign for all children between the ages of 6 months and 15 years throughout the country.

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Zambia : Zambia reduces visa fees for WC ticket holders
on 2010/6/19 16:57:30


The Zambia Government has with immediate effect reduced the Visa Fees from US$ 50 to US$ 25 for single entry world Cup bound tourists.

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Somalia : Clash kills 11 in Mogadishu
on 2010/6/19 16:56:12


At least 11 people were killed on Friday and dozen others wounded after rebel militias attacked the barracks of Somali government forces in Hosh, southern Mogadishu.

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Kenya : Kenyan minister suspended over hate speech
on 2010/6/19 16:55:01


Kenyan President Mwai Kibaki has suspended Assistant Roads Minister, Wilfred Machage, over hate speech during the campaign for a new constitution. This comes a day after he was being charged along with other MPS for inciting hatred.

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Zambia : Zambia reduces visa fees for WC ticket holders
on 2010/6/19 16:54:02


The Zambia Government has with immediate effect reduced the Visa Fees from US$ 50 to US$ 25 for single entry world Cup bound tourists.

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on 2010/6/16 13:32:29

The rush for limestone exploitation in West Pokot District has intensified. Cemtech Shanghai, a leading Indian cement manufacturer yesterday started its groundbreaking of a Ksh7 billion cement factory.

The chase for the bare and agricultural barren soils of Ortum and Sebit has attracted investors after feasibility studies indicated limestone deposits could sustain a cement factory for more than 50 years. Cemtech secured 650 acres of land at Sebit after payments running to million of shillings.
Mehta Group, another firm also after the raw material for cement production, has hinted plans to set up a Sh10 billion factory at Ortum, barely a stone throwaway from Sebit, the site of Cemtech’s plant.

The groundbreaking ceremony was graced by Prime Minister Raila Odinga assisted by Cemtech Group Chief Executive Rajesh. Excitement and anxiety was noticed in the area with residents led by Industrialisation Permanent Secretary John Lonyangapuo supporting the project.

The project is expected to be operational by December next year and would employ 2,000 people directly and benefit more than 5,000 others indirectly. According to Rawal, the project is expected to produce 1.2 million tonnes of cement annually. The firm also has plans to put up 25 MVA power plant at the site.

on 2010/6/16 13:27:53

The rush for limestone exploitation in West Pokot District has intensified. Cemtech Shanghai, a leading Indian cement manufacturer yesterday started its groundbreaking of a Ksh7 billion cement factory.

The chase for the bare and agricultural barren soils of Ortum and Sebit has attracted investors after feasibility studies indicated limestone deposits could sustain a cement factory for more than 50 years. Cemtech secured 650 acres of land at Sebit after payments running to million of shillings.

Mehta Group, another firm also after the raw material for cement production, has hinted plans to set up a Sh10 billion factory at Ortum, barely a stone throwaway from Sebit, the site of Cemtech’s plant.

The groundbreaking ceremony was graced by Prime Minister Raila Odinga assisted by Cemtech Group Chief Executive Rajesh. Excitement and anxiety was noticed in the area with residents led by Industrialisation Permanent Secretary John Lonyangapuo supporting the project.

The project is expected to be operational by December next year and would employ 2,000 people directly and benefit more than 5,000 others indirectly. According to Rawal, the project is expected to produce 1.2 million tonnes of cement annually. The firm also has plans to put up 25 MVA power plant at the site.

on 2010/6/16 13:23:10

Islamic Republic of Iran has expressed its willingness to help Government of Kenya to boost its energy supply through nuclear technology.

Iranian ambassador Dr. Syed Ali Sharifi said Kenya was among the African countries that could benefit from the transfer of nuclear technology from the Islamic republic for peaceful purposes. Speaking during a tour of the Mount Kenya University in Thika in the outskirt of Nairobi, Dr. Sharifi said uninterrupted power supply was crucial for the country as it strives to achieve its Vision 2030 goals.

Africa : Voluntary refugee returns 'plunge'
on 2010/6/16 12:30:38


The number of refugees voluntarily returning home has plunged to its lowest rate in two decades, partly due to chronic insecurity in war-torn nations, according to the UN refugee agency.

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South Africa : SA World Cup attendance higher than in 2006
on 2010/6/16 12:08:10
South Africa


After more than ten football matches plaid in South Africa, spectator attendance to Africa's first FIFA World Cup is slightly higher than that of Germany in 2006, figures released by FIFA today showed.

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Botswana : Botswana economy recovers from crisis
on 2010/6/16 12:08:04


Botswana, which last year experienced its worst recession since the 1960s, is showing signs of recovery. Botswana's economy contracted by 6 percent during 2009.

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Uganda : Ugandan scientists develop resistant banana
on 2010/6/16 12:07:06


Scientists in Uganda have developed genetically moddified (GM) bananas that show promising resistance to a deadly banana wilt disease. Bananas are a main Ugandan export.

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Angola : Angola successfully fighting poverty
on 2010/6/16 12:06:14


Despite poor a transparency and democracy record, Angola has managed to translate its oil-driven economic boom into human development and poverty reduction a new nation-wide survey shows.

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Equatorial Guinea : Equatoguinean dictator snubbed by UNESCO
on 2010/6/16 11:52:54
Equatorial Guinea


The US$ 3 million award money donated by Teodoro Obiang Nguema, Dictator of Equatorial Guinea since 1978, is put on ice by UNESCO, fearing its reputation. Mr Obiang is foaming against "a hidden racist and neo-colonial attitude."

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Malawi : 1.4 million child workers in Malawi
on 2010/6/16 11:49:31


A report on labour standards has shown that there are 1.4 million child workers in Malawi especially in tea plantations and domestic servitude. The Malawi Ministry of Labour report indicates that the situation is worse in the rural areas than in provincial town. "41 percent of children younger than 15 years of age were working part of full time, while 78 percent of rural children between 10 and 14 old worked at least part time in their parent's farms.

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Sudan : Prisoners escape angers US
on 2010/6/16 11:49:19


The US embassy in Sudan's Khartoum has called for an investigation into how four murderers of a US aid official and his driver managed to stage a prison break in the country. The men escaped through the sewerage system of Kober Prison and shot dead a police officer while fleeing via a checkpoint Saturday.

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Malawi : WC saves Malawians from power blackouts
on 2010/6/16 11:48:27


With the event of the World Cup in South Africa, the Malawi Electricity Supply Commission (Escom) has stopped its habitual power cut-outs. The company said it is its desire to offer all Malawians an opportunity to watch the world soccer showing without interruptions.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Congolese reject new police boss
on 2010/6/16 11:47:25
Democratic Republic of the Congo


Congolese are against the appointment of General Charles Bisengima as the new boss of the Police Service in the DR Congo. The security capo has been indicted by an International Non-governmental Commission of Inquiry with 19 crimes. His appointment follows the dismissal of former head General John Numbi.

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