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South Sudan : South Sudan flashpoint town under government control
on 2012/1/4 15:59:52
South Sudan

South Sudan's army on Tuesday reclaimed control of a town destroyed in a bloody cattle vendetta that sent thousands fleeing into the bush and threatened the stability of the world's newest state.

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South Sudan : 150 children lose parents in South Sudan violence
on 2012/1/4 15:54:40
South Sudan

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — Red Cross volunteers are trying to reconnect 150 young children with their missing parents after tens of thousands of residents of South Sudan ran into the bush while fleeing a massive wave of tribe-on-tribe violence, an official said Tuesday.

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South Sudan : South Sudan forces heading to flashpoint city
on 2012/1/2 17:22:46
South Sudan

South Sudan government forces were moving into the flashpoint town of Pibor on Sunday to tackle escalating tribal violence that has forced thousands of people to flee and put the United Nations on high alert.

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South Sudan : UN bolsters peacekeepers in S. Sudan flashpoint
on 2012/1/2 17:12:38
South Sudan

The United Nations has reinforced its peacekeepers in the flashpoint South Sudan town of Pibor and is airlifting food to the region, where escalating tribal violence has prompted thousands to flee, a senior UN official said Saturday.

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South Sudan : S. Sudan youth planning to attack tribe, UN warns
on 2011/12/27 11:06:17
South Sudan

Thousands of young people in South Sudan are preparing to attack a rival tribe in what could become a major tragedy, the United Nations warned on Monday.

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South Sudan : Darfur-based JEM rebels sought Sudan-wide reform
on 2011/12/26 11:21:31
South Sudan

The Islamist-inspired Justice and Equality Movement -- whose leader was reported on Sunday to have been killed by Sudanese forces -- is a Darfur-based rebel movement with an agenda for national reform.

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South Sudan : South Sudan forces say kill rebel leader Athor
on 2011/12/22 11:35:13
South Sudan

JUBA (Reuters) - South Sudan's army said on Tuesday it had killed a prominent rebel leader near the border with the Democratic Republic of Congo, dealing a blow to insurgents who have threatened the security of the newly-independent nation.

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South Sudan : Top rebel leader in South Sudan killed by army
on 2011/12/21 10:54:30
South Sudan

JUBA, South Sudan (AP) — South Sudan's military forces killed the country's highest-profile rebel leader, a man who posed a significant security threat to peace inside the world's newest country, an official said Tuesday.

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South Sudan : Soaring prices bite South Sudanese in violent borderland
on 2011/12/10 15:05:21
South Sudan

(Reuters) - A few months before South Sudan broke away to become the world's newest nation, James Luong Kiir's pharmacy was pulling in around 5,000 South Sudanese pounds (around $1,500) a month -- a decent living in Bentiu, capital of the conflict-stricken Unity border state.

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South Sudan : South Sudan replaces anti-corruption chief
on 2011/11/14 19:47:55
South Sudan

JUBA (Reuters) - South Sudan appointed a senior judge to head its anti-corruption commission at the weekend, in a possible bid to revitalise the organisation which has failed to produce a single conviction since it was set up in 2006.

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South Sudan : Sudan-backed "mercenaries" attack border state
on 2011/11/12 12:40:16
South Sudan

(Reuters) - South Sudan's armed forces on Friday accused Khartoum of orchestrating an attack in the south's Upper Nile border state a day earlier that killed 18 troops.

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South Sudan : South Sudan, U.N. accuse Khartoum of new attacks
on 2011/11/12 12:31:34
South Sudan

(Reuters) - South Sudan Friday accused Sudan of orchestrating fresh cross-border attacks on its troops, the same day the United Nations said Sudanese military aircraft bombed a refugee camp in South Sudan.

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South Sudan : South Sudan accuses Sudan of air strike
on 2011/11/12 12:04:58
South Sudan

(Reuters) - A refugee camp in South Sudan's Unity state was bombed Thursday, South Sudan officials and witnesses said, threatening to raise tensions with Sudan in the violence-plagued border region.

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South Sudan : South Sudan rebels call for evacuation
on 2011/10/30 16:07:47
South Sudan

(Reuters) - A rebel group in South Sudan threatened Saturday to attack remote Warrap state to bring down the local government and called on the United Nations and residents to leave within three days.

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