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Afran : Zimbabwe: An Economy Running On Chickens
on 2009/12/23 11:22:06


Mutoko — Every fortnight Makaitei Musakwa, 45, catches one of her chickens, picks up some of the maize she has grown, and sets off for the village mill to have the maize ground into mealie-meal, Zimbabwe's staple food.

"It is difficult for me to raise the money that the miller charges ... I have nowhere to get it from," said the widow who looks after four children of her own as well as two nephews. "He charges a chicken to grind for me twice."

Barter trade has been common practice in Zimbabwe since crippling hyperinflation rendered the local Zimbabwe dollar all but worthless. Economists stopped measuring inflation after it hit 6.5 quindecillion novemdecillion percent - 65 followed by 107 zeros - and in February 2009 the economy was officially "dollarised".

Phasing out the local currency and introducing the United States dollar, South African rand and Botswana pula as legal tender has helped rein in inflation, but those currencies are seldom available in remote areas like Mutoko district, some 70km from the capital, Harare, where Musakwa lives.

A chicken can go a long way

The owners of small businesses in rural areas feel they have no choice but to accept goods in lieu of cash, and a chicken can exchange hands several times. Simplicius Gomo, the miller in Musakwa's village, said he gladly accepted payment in kind because it kept him in business.

"I use the chickens that the villagers bring to me to buy the diesel that powers my grinding mill. If I have a surplus of the chickens, I ask the dealer who brings the fuel to give me some cash that I use to buy spare parts, keep for my children's school fees and uniforms, or buy small items with," Gomo told IRIN.

"Imagine, after my fuel supplier gets the chickens from me, he uses them to buy goats, sheep or any other form of livestock, that he in turn either sells for cash or passes on to the next dealer, who decides what to do with them," he said.

Gomo also sells second hand clothes at the village flea market. He trades the chickens for clothes, which he gets from truck drivers going to and from neighbouring Zambia along the nearby highway, as well as other goods like grain and seed, while some villagers offer to work on his fields.

What is your chicken worth today?

Chickens are also used as bus fare. "Almost every day we hear stories of a passenger being thrown out because they have quarrelled with the driver and bus conductor over the value of the item they have offered," he said.

Barter trade has become "a day-to-day way of coping with the scarcity of cash", but this "inevitably" leads to unfairness and disadvantage to some of the people exchanging the goods, said John Robertson, an economic consultant based in the capital, Harare.

"This is because the value and exchange rate of items being exchanged is highly subjective, and also depends on the level of desperation among those involved in the barter," he told IRIN. The desperation of people in rural areas sometimes made it easy to take advantage of them.

Musakwa said she was down to her last hen. "I am afraid that the children will be disappointed on Christmas day, since my fowl run is now almost empty."

Afran : Zimbabwe: Mugabe Loyalists Try to Force Nestle to Accept Milk
on 2009/12/23 11:21:34


Harare — President Robert Mugabe's loyalists have stepped up pressure on Nestlé's Zimbabwe unit to force it to reverse its decision to stop accepting milk from his wife's dairy farm.

In October, the Swiss owned company stopped buying milk from Mrs Grace Mugabe's Gushungo Estates after international human rights activists launched a global campaign for the boycott of the food giant's products.

The groups accused Mrs Mugabe of violently seizing the estate from a white commercial farmer.

But the decision was not taken lightly by Mr Mugabe's supporters who say it was part of "illegal sanctions."

On Monday, Nestle managers were summoned to a Harare police station a day after two Zanu ministers tried to force the company to accept Mrs Mugabe's estate. The managers' lawyer, Mr Selby Hwacha said they were released without charge but this is being seen as part of efforts way of intimidating the company to start accepting the milk.

Only last week, at least six workers from Gushungo Dairy Estates stormed Nestle's headquarters in Harare demanding that the company resume milk orders.

Nestle's was buying 10 to 15 per cent of milk processed at its Harare plant from Mrs Mugabe's farm.

Afran : Zambia: Telecommunications Sale 'Lacks Transparency'
on 2009/12/23 11:20:52


Lusaka — The impending privatisation of the Zambia Telecommunications Company (Zamtel) is being opposed by civil society organisations and opposition political parties, who accuse the government of lacking transparency in selling one of the last remaining state-utility firms.

Early this year the cabinet decided to sell 75 percent of the Zamtel shares, and appointed RP Capital, of Cayman Islands, to evaluate its assets.

RP Capital is an investment firm specialising in identifying intermediate and long-term investment opportunities on behalf of institutional investors, and qualified high-net-worth individuals in Eastern Europe, the Middle East, Africa and India.

But the evaluation report has never been made public, and was the subject of a tribunal, as it was alleged by civil society organisations that Dora Siliya, then Minister of Communication and Transport, had ignored the advice of the attorney general in awarding the two million dollar contract to RP Capital to evaluate Zamtel.

Attorney General Mumba Malila had advised Siliya against signing a memorandum of understanding between the government and RP capital on evaluating Zamtel assets.

Fackson Shamenda, former Zambia Congress of Trade Union president, says the RB Capital valuation report would have been a good starting point for everyone concerned about the future of Zamtel.

"We want to know the evaluation and its outcome, up to now, very few people are privileged with the information. There hasn't been transparency in the sale of Zamtel. Maybe government is right to sell Zamtel, but without the valuation report, we won't know the truth," Shamenda says.

The government says it cannot make public the valuation report, as it would jeopardize the privatisation process.

Dr Buleti Nsemukila, permanent secretary in the Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry, says it would be wrong to disclose the value of Zamtel, as all the prospective buyers would bid around the value of the assets and frustrate the process.

"The decision not to disclose the value of the company is the right one, and an important tool for negotiations for the sale," Nsemukila says.

In 2002 the government shelved plans to privatise Zamtel, opting instead to commercialise it. But this did not work either, as performance continued to decline. The company, established about 40 years ago, is now encumbered with liabilities of more than 120 million dollars. It also has an annual operational deficit of 17 million dollars, and is heavily indebted to the government in unremitted taxes.

A parliamentary committee on communication, transport, works and supply in January last year recommended that Zamtel be restructured and recapitalised to find a lasting solution.

Yamfwa Mukanga, opposition Patriotic Front (PF) chairperson for industry, says the cure for Zamtel lies in improving management to improve the firm's efficiency.

The PF as a party is strongly opposed to privatisation, and has threatened to nationalise Zamtel if elected to office.

David Punabantu, a Lusaka-based economics analyst, favours improving management by giving preference to Zambians, with privatisation the last option.

"The question we should be asking ourselves is, are we just selling something because certain management has failed to use it to its full capacity?" asks Punabantu.

But Mark O'Donnel, former chairman of the Zambia Association of Manufacturers, says only the private sector can give Zamtel the re-capitalisation it urgently needs.

Reeling from past experience of privatisation, many Zambians are wary of what has been a major defining policy of the ruling Movement for Multi-Party Democracy (MMD) since it came to power in 1991.

"What is happening to Zamtel is exactly what happened with Zambia Airways. We had a quarrel with the government when they were liquidating Zambia Airways. How many years down the line have passed and they are still struggling to dispose of its assets? Its way over a decade," Shamenda says.

"They could have reorganised it, put an efficient management in place and stopped political interference, and it was going to succeed. Zamtel is solid, it's not as people say it is. Look at the foreign exchange that is there, the optic fibre they're putting in place, the buildings and the human resources."

The Zambia Development Agency, legally mandated to dispose of state enterprises, has announced that eight companies out of 30 have pre-qualified, and will participate in due diligence up to Dec 23 this year.

These include Orascom Telecom Holdings, SAE/Telecel Globe Limited of Egypt, Altimore Holdings/Vimpelcom of Russia, Libyan LAP Greencom Limited/LAP Green Networks, Portugal's Telecom and SGPS SA.

Onda Analystics, British telecommunications investment consultants, said in its latest report Zamtel's new owner could revitalise the company, gaining a 19 percent share of the mobile market by 2015, considerably up from its current 4 percent.

"A new operator will have to turn around an operator in crisis. A strategy along the lines of a new entrant will be needed, as Zamtel has fallen further and further behind the mobile market," explains report co-author Tom Harden.

"A massive staff reduction programme will need to be carried out by whichever company takes over. The union has recognised this, hoping to get the best packages for its members by negotiating with the government now, rather than the new owner later."

The National Union of Communications Workers (NUCW) and Zamtel management have agreed on a conditional separation package to be paid to all workers before the firm is privatised.

Clement Kasonde, NUCW general secretary, says the conditional separation package agreed between management and the union includes three months' salary for each year served, two months' salary for repatriation and one month in lieu of notice.

Afran : Zimbabwe: Expat Tax Proposal Sparks Anger in Diaspora
on 2009/12/23 11:20:17


There has been an outburst of anger by some Zimbabweans living in the Diaspora in response to a new proposal that Zimbabwean expatriates pay a tax in exchange for voting rights.

The proposal to tax the expatriate community was outlined in a new economic blueprint, unveiled by Finance Minister Tendai Biti last week. The document, titled 'Moving Forward in Zimbabwe - Reducing Poverty and Promoting Growth' recommended various other strategies to try to hasten the country's economic recovery. The report was produced by 13 Zimbabwean academics and published by the Brooks World Poverty Institute at the University of Manchester in the UK.

Biti gave a keynote address at the launch last week, where he urged expatriates to support the economic recovery process by investing in the economy. Biti agreed that tapping into the savings of expatriates through taxation, in exchange for voting and citizenship rights, was one way the flailing unity government could source much-needed funds for economic recovery.

But the idea has sparked an angry outburst from some Zimbabweans in the Diaspora, many of whom were forced to leave the country for fear of their lives. Zimbabwean human rights lawyer Gabriel Shumba, who fled the country after being viciously tortured by state agents in 2003, expressed his outrage to SW Radio Africa on Tuesday. Shumba fled to South Africa where he started the Zimbabwe Exiles Forum, which fights for the rights and protection of Zimbabweans in the Diaspora. He explained that taxation of the expatriate community would amount to "nothing more than complete extortion," calling the bid an attempt by the government "to force people to buy back their citizenship."

"Our rights to vote and our rights to citizenship are non negotiable," Shumba said. "This tax suggestion makes the presumption that to be Zimbabwean, you have to pay for those rights and that is unacceptable."

The report, which has not yet been made official, urged the unity government to accord dual citizenship and voting rights to the millions of Zimbabweans scattered across the world, but at a price.

"Confidence-boosting measures would include allowing dual nationality, restoring voting rights for migrants who hold Zimbabwean citizenship, and creating mechanisms for them to be heard. In exchange, migrants should be prepared to pay an annual tax for retaining Zimbabwean nationality," the report recommended.

Shumba argued that the community in the Diaspora is being further isolated by such a report, which was made without any consultation with leading Diaspora rights groups, such as the Exiles Forum. He said the suggestion being made is that Zimbabweans in the Diaspora are no longer real citizens of the country, and are only welcome back at a price.

"Zimbabweans in the Diaspora will refuse to be held to ransom by a report that they weren't even consulted about," Shumba said, adding "it is very disappointing."

Afran : Tunisia: Country Will Have the Largest Cement Factory in North Africa
on 2009/12/23 11:18:58


Following a deal struck with the leading Danish group FL Smidth and its Turkish partner for civil engineering and construction, Elkon-Prokon, a new cement company dubbed "Carthage Cement" will soon be created with the financial assistance of the international bank HSBC. The turnkey project will be one of the largest in North Africa.

The new cement plant will be located in Djebel Ressas, south of Tunis, close to one of the country's major stone quarries and will cover an area of 220 hectares. The project which will create some 550 employments, will have a production capacity of some 5800 tons of clinker per day and will likely contribute to boosting the social and economic development of the region.

Afran : Tunisia: Country to Boost Geothermal Irrigation of Greenhouses
on 2009/12/23 11:18:24


Since 1986 Tunisia has launched a nationwide program to use geothermal resources to heat and irrigate its greenhouses.

It is estimated that 194,000 hectares are currently dedicated to geothermal farming.

The 2009-2014 Presidential program is planning to double that surface to reach 310,000 hectares in 2010.

Approximately 95% of the thermal water is used for irrigation of oases and heating greenhouses namely in the region Kebili, South Tunisia.

The total area of heated greenhouses in the country has considerably increased to reach 103 hectares, 44% of which are located in the south of the country.

Afran : Tunisia: UN Proclamation of 2010 International Youth Year - President Ben Ali Sends Message of Consideration to General Assembly President
on 2009/12/23 11:17:57


Following the adoption by the United Nations General Assembly of President Ben Ali's initiative to proclaim 2010 International Youth Year, the Head of State sent a message of consideration to Dr. Ali Abdessalem Triki, the president of the current 64 th General Assembly, in which he extends to him, as well as to the UN authority and to member states, his consideration for the backing and support his initiative was met with.

In his message, President Ben Ali stresses that the unanimous adoption of the initiative represents the best encouragement to pursue the efforts undertaken with the whole international community to give concrete shape to this project and achieve its lofty goals.

President Ben Ali also expresses his conviction that the General Assembly will spare no effort to back up this initiative and to fine tune preparations for the International Youth Congress, in order to ensure the best chances of success, in the service of rapprochement between peoples and in consecration of the common universal values.

Afran : Tunisia: Conference Looks at Ways of Improving Performance of Tunisian Airports
on 2009/12/23 11:17:15


Participants at the national conference on "Prospects of development of airports activities" held on Tuesday in Gammarth, north of Tunis, discussed ways to improve the performance of Tunisian airports in order to boost tourism and transport activities.

Representatives from the Tunisian Civil Aviation and Airports Authority (OACA), as well as airline companies took part in the event.

Chairing the conference, Mr. Abderrahim Zouari, Minister of Transport, said that the rate of exploitation of Tunisian airports does not exceed 28%.

He also added that the Tunisian air cargo sector currently accounts for 60% of air transportation in Tunisia.

For his part, Mr. Ridha Ben Mosbah, Minister of Trade and Handicrafts said that airline transportation is among the sectors that contribute most to the momentum of economic activity in the country.

He also proposed to develop a strategy for joint action between the private and public sector for the optimal exploitation of airports and the promotion of export industries in regions.

There are currently 9 airports in Tunisia. The latest airport in operation is the "Enfidha Zine El Abidine Ben Ali International airport" which is set to become the country's largest airport with a capacity of 20 million passengers by 2020.

Afran : Tunisia: Spotlight on Micro-Project Financing
on 2009/12/23 11:16:47


Tunis — A study day on financing micro-projects was held in Tunis on Tuesady. The event was organized by the Business Centers of Tunis, the Tunisian Solidarity Bank (BTS) and the Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Tunis (CCIT).

The main objective of the event is to provide project ideas holders and university graduates financial benefits and make available to them the possibility to set up their own micro-enterprises.

In his opening address, Mr Chokri Mamoghli, Secretary of State in charge of Foreign Trade, recalled the 6th item of the Presidential program which provides for the development of a new legal framework allowing for a 50% increase in loans by the Tunisian Solidarity Bank ( BTS) to would-be project holders.

He also stressed Tunisia's efforts to improve the business climate, investment and export through the modernization of laws and the strengthening of the administrative mechanisms of micro-entrepreneurs.

For his part, Mr. Lamine Hafsaoui, the director general of the BTS, said that the bank has funded nearly 120,000 projects since its inception.

On the sidelines of this event, Mr. Mamoghli paid a visit to an exhibition of projects funded by the BTS.

Afran : Ethiopia sentences five to death over coup plot
on 2009/12/23 11:15:58


ADDIS ABABA (Reuters) - An Ethiopian court sentenced five people to death on Tuesday and 33 others to life in prison for plotting to assassinate officials and topple the government.

Four of the five were sentenced in absentia while the fifth, opposition leader Melaku Tefera, was in court for the verdict.

"All were accused of conspiring to overthrow the constitutional government by force, to destroy development projects, to assassinate senior government officials and instigate the armed forces to rise against the constitutional order," a Justice Ministry spokesman told Reuters.

Ethiopia has not carried out any executions for years, and convicts sentenced to die typically languish on death row.

Among the four sentenced to death in absentia was Ethiopian-born U.S. citizen, Berhanu Nega, who teaches economics at Philadelphia's Bucknell University.

Berhanu was elected mayor of capital Addis Ababa in Ethiopia's last elections in 2005, but was jailed with other opposition leaders after disputing the government's victory in the election and were accused of orchestrating street protests.

Security forces killed about 200 protesters who Prime Minister Meles Zenawi said were marching on government buildings to overthrow him.

Berhanu was pardoned in 2007 and went to the United States where he set up his "May 15" opposition group named after the date of the 2005 election.

Addis Ababa says the group planned to blow up power and telecoms facilities to provoke protesters who would then march on government buildings and try to topple the government.

The arrests have worried rights groups, who say the Ethiopian government has been cracking down on dissent ahead of national elections next May.

Afran : Guinea junta chief's return could bring war: France
on 2009/12/23 11:15:37


PARIS (Reuters) - French Foreign Minister Bernard Kouchner said on Tuesday it would be better for the wounded leader of Guinea's military junta to stay away from his country as his return could cause a civil war.

Moussa Dadis Camara was rushed to Morocco for treatment after a botched assassination attempt on December 3 by his former aide de camp, leaving a power vacuum and the threat of total chaos in his country, the world's top exporter of bauxite.

"I hope that Mr Dadis Camara stays in his bed in Morocco and does not return home as his return would be capable of triggering a civil war that we really don't need," Kouchner told legislators during a session of questions to the government.

A U.N. report made public on Monday blamed Camara for a September 28 massacre by Guinean security forces of more than 150 pro-democracy marchers in the former French colony.

Camara, who suffered unspecified head wounds during the murder attempt and has not been seen in public since, could face international prosecution for crimes against humanity if the report's findings are followed up.

Kouchner's comment is likely to further fuel speculation that Camara is under Western-backed pressure to go into exile.

The U.N. report, based on 687 interviews conducted by investigators in the capital Conakry and elsewhere in late November and early December, corroborated witness reports that more than 150 people were killed or went missing during a rally.

At least 109 girls and women were subjected to rape, sexual mutilation or sequestration for repeated rape, with hundreds more people subjected to torture and abuse, the report said.

Asked by a legislator what France was doing to ensure that these findings resulted in prosecutions, Kouchner said that the International Criminal Court had taken on the issue of its own accord.

Afran : El Fasher grand market indicates decrease of violence in Darfur
on 2009/12/23 11:15:14

EL FASHER, Sudan, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- El Fasher market, which lies at the center of El Fasher city, capital of North Darfur State, is crowded with customers who are roaming the market in search for what they want to buy.

But two years ago, it was totally different.

"Two years ago, the trade movement was very weak and commodities from neighboring states couldn't find access to El Fasher market due to security disorder and banditry activities," Mohamed Abdalla, a citizen in El Fasher, told Xinhua.

He said the movement in the market is an indicator for stability in El Fasher city.

"El Fasher market is the most important in the city, and when it is flourished, it means the security situation in the whole state is fine," he noted.

According to Abdalla, trade movement is now active in El Fasher market, where hundreds of trucks carrying commodities arrive to north Darfur on daily basis.

As it incarnates the life of the whole city, the grand market of El Fasher remains the most credible indicator of security situation in the north Darfur.

The market is an important commercial trade center as it attracts commodities from neighboring states such as South Darfur and from neighboring countries such as Chad and Libya.

The market opens for merchants and customers since early morning and closes at sunset. Nowadays, it is always crowded from midday on, as employees usually go to the market at the end of their working day.

Abaker Ismail, another citizen from El Fasher, also felt a great change at the market.

"Presently, this market opens until sunset. The merchants and the customers are no longer afraid of security incidents due to the improvement in the situations," he said.

He added that all types of commodities are available in the market including vegetables and fruits, clothes, perfumes and others.

For his part, Hamad Abdalla, who owns a grocery at the market, told Xinhua that there was a great commercial movement with considerable expansion in the market and the emergence of modern cafeterias and restaurants, which he said indicated that things have returned to normal in El Fasher.

Darfur is one of the most contributing regions to Sudan's national economy due to its diversified climate, fertile soil and broad agricultural and geographical area which amounts to 500,000 square kilometers, or 20 percent of Sudan's total area.

Darfur, which includes three states (North, South and West Darfur States) is characterized by formidable animal and forest resources together with its border trade with Libya, Chad and Central Africa Republic, besides mineral and petroleum wealth.

The region, for decades, has remained an important economic source for the Sudanese population, but the civil war had its negative impact on the economic life there.

El Tayeb al-Gaddal, Minister of Finance of North Darfur State, told Xinhua that there were arrangements to revive the agricultural sector in the state, which enjoys fertile lands and water resources.

"The state is witnessing a great economic development and active investment movement represented in the flow of commodities into the city's markets, including the grand market of El Fasher," he said.

The minister said the improvement of security and humanitarian situations in the state had a positive effect on the economic and commercial movement.

"There is also a development in border trade between North Darfur and Libya where commercial convoys started to flow from Libya into the state through the land port of Malut," he said.

Afran : Sudanese parliament approves referendum bill amid protest from SPLM
on 2009/12/23 11:14:52

KHARTOUM, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Sudanese National Assembly (parliament) on Tuesday endorsed a bill of referendum on self-determination for southern Sudan, with the Sudan People's Liberation movement (SPLM) withdrawing from the parliament's session in protest against the amendments on the bill.

Afran : Mauritanian authorities arrest leading kidnapper of Italian couple
on 2009/12/23 11:14:32

NOUAKCHOTT, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Mauritanian authorities arrested the commander of kidnappers of an Italian couple overnight, securities sources told Xinhua on Tuesday.

Afran : MONUC says 1,200 people killed by LRA in DR Congo since September 2008
on 2009/12/23 11:14:15

KINSHASA, Dec. 22 (Xinhua) -- The Ugandan rebel group, the Lords Resistance Army (LRA), killed 1,200 people and kidnapped 1,400 others in the Democratic Republic of Congo between September 2008 and June 2009, the UN mission in the central African country reported on Monday.

The MONUC mission said the LRA committed the crime mainly in Orientale province, where they abducted 600 children and 400 women.

The MONUC report was based on 14 UN investigations into the alleged human rights violation by the LRA in the districts of Haut Uele and Bas Congo in the province. The LRA actions also led to the displacement of about 230,000 people.

MONUC appealed to DR Congo and neighboring Uganda and Sudan to enhance cooperation in fighting the wandering bandits of the LRA.

Chased from Uganda in 2002 and southern Sudan in 2005, the LRA is taking refuge in the Garamba National Park in DR Congo. They are held responsible for killing, kidnapping and looting in the region.

Afran : Rwanda: Nairobi High Commission Gets New Premises
on 2009/12/23 11:12:34


Kigali — Foreign Affairs Minister Louise Mushikiwabo yesterday presided over the official opening of the newly built premises for Rwanda's High Commission in Nairobi, Kenya.

Now that Rwanda is a member of the Commonwealth, the country's embassies within member states of this grouping will be referred to as "High Commissions."

"I would like to thank the Kenyan government and other friendly countries represented here for the support you gave us to join the Commonwealth," Minister Mushikiwabo who officiated at the opening on the new premises said.

Mushikiwabo said the function manifested existing good relations between the governments of Kenya and Rwanda.

Speaking on the country's newly built High Commission, the minister said this was in line with government's policy of cutting down expenditure that comes along with renting premises for government operations.

While thanking the Kenyan government for their support, the minister noted various other areas of cooperation between the two countries mainly through the Rwanda-Kenya Joint Permanent Commission.

She said a lot had been achieved in collaborations with the sectors of education, agriculture, health, public service, military and police.

"We have also gone further to scrap work permit requirements for professionals from Kenya and Rwanda who wish to work in either country," she said.

"A number of Kenyan companies have opened up businesses in Rwanda and I wish to inform the business community present, that there are still more investment opportunities available in Rwanda."

While in Nairobi, the Minister also met foreign envoys accredited to Rwanda and residing in Nairobi.

Key issues discussed include the country's inclusion in the Commonwealth, and the restoration of diplomatic relations with France as well as the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Afran : Somalia: Traditional Elders Call Tensions to Be Halted in Mudug Region
on 2009/12/23 11:11:39


Somalia — The traditional elders and scholars from Mudug region have called for the two rival Somali clans fighting in parts of the region to halt the renewed tensions in the region, officials told Shabelle radio Tuesday.

Ali Sheik Yusuf, one of the scholars in the region told Shabelle radio that yesterday's fighting in the region caused more casualties of deaths and injuries adding that elders and scholars called for both clans to halt the continuing fighting and allow to be intervened by the elders in the region to solve the conflicts.

He said that 6 people were killed in the fighting which continued at Amara village in the region pointing out there was yet tense situation in areas where the fighting started on Monday. Ali Sheik also called for the people in the region to intervene the fighting between the Somali clans so as to end the clashes.

"There was a conference that aimed to solve the conflicts going on in the region in this week. But it was failed. So I call for the people to stand firmly to solve the disagreement and clashes between the two rival sides in Mudug region," said Ali Sheik Yusud.

There has been fighting between the two Somali clan militias in parts of the Mudug region recently and caused more casualties of deaths and injuries and the call of the traditional elders and scholars comes as there is still tension between the two rival sides in the region.

Afran : Somalia: Clash, Shelling Kill 3 People and Wound More in Mogadishu
on 2009/12/23 11:11:05


Mogadishu — At least 3 people have killed and more others wounded after heavy fighting and shelling that separately happened at Ma'ma'anka and Kahda neighborhoods in Derkenley district in Mogadishu, witnesses told Shabelle radio on Tuesday.

A resident told Shabelle radio that several mortar shells were targeted to the residential areas in Kahda village in Derkenley district, killing 3 people, injuring more others.

Most of the people wounded were civilians and rushed to hospitals in the capital.

On the other hand clash between the transitional government troops has broken out at around checkpoint at Ma'ma'anka neighborhood in Mogadishu.

The fighting between the two sides came as some of the government troops started banditry actions against the civilians which caused more others TFG soldiers from the administration to fire the other who were committing the banditry actions.

No casualties were reported so far during the fighting.

How ever the situations of the warring zones returned normal on Tuesday afternoon.

Afran : Somalia: Puntland President Speak of Insecurity
on 2009/12/23 11:10:10


The president of Somalia's Puntland state Abdirahman Mohamed Farole has for the first time commented about the increasing insecurity that has engulfed parts of the region.

In an interview with the BBC Somali Service, President Farole said that the recent killings of a local lawmaker and a high court were a politically motivated assassination carried out by terrorist elements.

Commenting about the refugees from southern Somalia currently hosted in Puntland, the president accused some for turning down the local spirit of keeping peace and order, instead instigating violence.

He noted that the culprits behind the killing of Jugde Aware and lawmaker Ibrahim Elmi are currently in the custody awaiting the conclusion of police investigation.

Meanwhile, Puntland President has called on youths, students and women to play a crucial role in assisting the security apparatus to maintain peace and security in the region.

President Farole has also urged neighbouring countries to assist his government in combating the insecurity.

His remarks come as crises meeting was hold on Monday to discuss the insecurity in the region with a call to the security forces to nab everyone suspected of causing disturbance.

Afran : Somalia: Shelling Rock Mogadishu, Parliament Comes Under Attack
on 2009/12/23 11:09:41


Heavy shelling and artillery attacks rocked Somalia's restive capital Mogadishu on Monday as the country's embattled parliament comes under attack.

Insurgents fired mortar shells into a compound housing the parliament at a time when the lawmakers gathered for the first session since August, leading to heavy responses from African Union and government troops, who were guarding the premises.

At least 12 people dead and several others injured in the shelling, which targeted mostly on the south and northern Mogadishu, including a local radio station.

"Mortar shells that landed at Radio Voice of Democracy killed two people, including the wife of the radio's director. The injured include the director himself and few others. The shells destroyed the building," said one of the radio's workers.

Several mortar rounds, including some fired from the infamous PM Cannon landed at our neighbourhood. They have caused the death of innocent civilians. Several wounded people were evacuated from one of the house which came under mortar attack," said an eyewitness from Mogadishu's Yaqshid.

Ali Musa, the head of Mogadishu's Emergency Ambulance confirmed the injuries of at least 30 people, who were taken to different hospitals in the capital.

No reports of casualty from the warring sides with both sides pointing accusing fingers on one another for the death and destruction of innocent civilians.

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