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Egypt : Egypt rejects as unlawful Italy's request on slain student
on 2016/4/10 14:33:29

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian judiciary officials have refused to provide Italy with phone records of subscribers in a probe related to a slain Italian student, saying the request runs counter to the Egyptian constitution.

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Egypt : Egypt hands over two disputed islands to Saudi Arabia
on 2016/4/10 14:30:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe Egyptian government has handed over the ownership of disputed Red Sea islands of Tiran and Sanafir to Saudi Arabia amid strong objection from several former officials as well as the Muslim Brotherhood.

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Egypt : King Salman, Sisi ink $16-billion investment fund to boost Egypt economy
on 2016/4/10 14:29:06

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi and visiting Saudi King Salman bin Abdulaziz have finalized a contract for a $16-billion investment fund among several other bilateral accords.

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South Sudan : South Sudan rebel leader to return to Juba on April 18
on 2016/4/9 17:40:00
South Sudan

Click to see original Image in a new windowSouth Sudan’s rebel leader Riek Machar says he will return to the capital Juba later this month to form a unity government with President Salva Kiir as part of their stalled peace deal.

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Egypt : Four Egyptian soldiers killed in militant ambush in Sinai
on 2016/4/9 17:30:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least four Egyptian army soldiers have been killed in a surprise attack by Takfiri militants against a camp in the North African country’s volatile Sinai Peninsula.

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Sudan : Sudan to hold referendum in restive Darfur amid surge in fighting
on 2016/4/9 17:30:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowA referendum will be held in Sudan’s conflict-ridden Darfur region on Monday on whether to unify its five states into one, as long demanded by rebels seeking greater autonomy, amid a recent surge of clashes there.

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Ghana : In a meeting with the Ghanaian President - Ayatollah Khamenei: Syrians should decide own fate
on 2016/2/15 12:00:00

Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei, the Leader of the Islamic Revolution, in a meeting on Sunday with Ghanaian President John Dramani Mahama highlighted Iran’s positive and favorable position with regard to enhanced cooperation with African countries since the very onset of the 1979 Islamic Revolution, noting: “Hegemonic powers are opposed to Iran’s warm relations with Africa and are also the main source of wars, conflicts and supply of terrorist groups, but the remedy to all these problems lies in the proximity of ‘independent countries’ and increased cooperation between them.”

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Egypt : Egypt forces kill 10 terrorists in N Sinai, wound dozen others
on 2016/2/8 18:08:21

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian armed forces have killed ten militants and wounded at least 13 others in a fresh attack on their hideouts in the troubled North Sinai province.

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Burundi : One child, three others killed in Burundi grenade attack
on 2016/2/8 18:07:33

Click to see original Image in a new windowA grenade attack in Burundi's capital Bujumbura has left four people dead, including a child.

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Egypt : Eight more Morsi supporters sentenced to death
on 2016/2/8 18:06:31

Click to see original Image in a new windowA military court in the Egyptian city of Alexandria has handed down death sentences to eight more supporters of the country’s army-toppled President Mohamed Morsi, Press TV reports.

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Africa : African leaders support pullout from ICC
on 2016/2/3 18:01:31

Click to see original Image in a new windowAfrican leaders have endorsed a proposal by Kenya to push for withdrawal from the International Criminal Court (ICC).

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South Sudan : Civilians starving to death in South Sudan
on 2016/2/3 18:00:33
South Sudan

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe chief ceasefire monitor in South Sudan says people are dying of starvation in the country's Western Equatoria state ​as warring sides fail to implement an agreed peace deal to end two years of war.

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Nigeria : Nigeria under fire for Zaria massacre
on 2016/2/3 18:00:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowAuthorities in Nigeria have come under fire for not providing the results of an inquiry that was supposed to be conducted into a military massacre of hundreds of Muslims in the northern city of Zaria in December last year.

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Kenya : Kenya to torch 120 tons of elephant tusks in protest to poaching
on 2016/1/31 18:05:21

Click to see original Image in a new windowAlmost invulnerable to nature’s top predators, the majestic elephants are dwarfed by a raging wave of poaching in Africa. In a dramatic gesture to curb the current ivory trade, which is driving these large mammals to extinction, Kenya has decided to torch largest ever stockpile of confiscated ivory in a star-studded event.

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Zimbabwe : Africa nations want permanent Security Council seats
on 2016/1/31 18:04:37

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe African Union (AU) has threatened to withdraw from the United Nations if the world body fails to allocate at least two permanent seats at the Security Council to the African nations, Press TV reports

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Egypt : Roadside bomb leaves two Egyptian policemen dead in Sinai
on 2016/1/31 18:03:25

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least two Egyptian police officers have lost their lives and four others sustained injuries in a bomb explosion that destroyed their vehicle in the country’s restive Sinai Peninsula.

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Burundi : Amnesty spots possible mass graves in Burundi
on 2016/1/30 18:10:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowAmnesty International says it has discovered five possible mass graves near Burundi’s capital, where a wave of political violence resulted in the deaths of scores of people last year.

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Mali : Four soldiers killed in northern Mali attack, explosion
on 2016/1/30 18:03:53

Click to see original Image in a new windowMalian military authorities say at least four soldiers have been killed in a gun attack and landmine explosion in the West African country’s northeastern region.

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Nigeria : 10 dead in northeast Nigeria bombing
on 2016/1/30 18:01:32

Click to see original Image in a new windowTen people were killed Friday in a bomb attack at a market in the town of Gombi, Nigeria's restive northeastern region.

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South Africa : Platinum mine fire leaves 4 dead in S Africa
on 2016/1/24 17:14:59
South Africa

Click to see original Image in a new windowAn underground fire has engulfed a platinum mine in South Africa, claiming the lives of four people.

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