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Libya : New deal bears more projects for Turkish firms in Libya, investments, exports to follow
on 2020/8/15 16:10:35

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As Libya’s U.N.-backed government in Tripoli prepares to reconstruct the civil war-torn country, many projects lie ahead, including accelerating the already initiated ones like those carried out by Turkish contractors.

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Libya : Libya refers to UAE-Israel deal as 'betrayal that isn't a surprise'
on 2020/8/15 16:07:20

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The agreement reached Thursday between the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and Israel to normalize diplomatic relations is a form of betrayal, a top Libyan official said Friday.

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Libya : Libya, Turkey sign MoU to boost trade, clear pending issues
on 2020/8/15 16:04:43

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Turkey and its Libyan ally UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA) Thursday inked a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in the area of trade and a new plan meant to solve pending issue, Libyan Observer reports citing Turkish Trade Minister Ruhsar Pekcan.

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Libya : What Does the Future Hold for Libya’s GNA Militias?
on 2020/8/15 16:03:03

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The success of the Tripoli-based Government of National Accord (GNA) in forcing the withdrawal of the eastern-based Libyan National Army (LNA) from northwestern Libya has led to a temporary détente in the conflict. As GNA officials contemplate an assault on the strategic city of Sirte, divisions have resurfaced between Tripoli’s numerous militias. These divisions indicate the significant internal difficulties the GNA will likely face, regardless of further military success.

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Libya : Libyan FM hails Cairo Declaration, says maritime border demarcation deals on horizon
on 2020/8/12 15:34:18

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The Cairo Declaration that called for ceasefire in Libya and removing militias from the war-torn country is an important framework to resolve the Libyan crisis, Libya’s Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation Minister Abdul-Hadi al-Hawaij said, adding that maritime border demarcation agreements are on the agenda.

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Libya : Israel adopting ‘balanced’ approach towards Libya
on 2020/8/12 15:29:09

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Israel is taking an increasingly balanced approach towards Libya’s internationally recognized government of Prime Minister Fayez al-Sarraj, Israeli newspaper Haaretz reported.

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Libya : EU Punishes Violators of Libya’s Arms Embargo
on 2020/8/12 15:17:00

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Nevertheless, some countries, companies, and individuals have continued to openly intervene in the Libyan Civil War.

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Libya : US wants ‘forces back’, security arrangement around Sirte, suggests demilitarized zones, US ambassador to Libya exclusively tells Ahram Online
on 2020/8/12 15:13:08

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US ambassador to Libya speaks to Ahram Online about the prerequisites for a peace deal in Libya amid his current visit to Cairo

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Libya : Sudan's Janjaweed militia advances towards Libya's Sirte as battle looms - report
on 2020/8/12 15:09:24

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A column of about 70 armed vehicles belonging to Sudan's Janjaweed fighters moved towards the key strategic Mediterranean city of Sirte in support of General Khalifa Haftar’s Libyan National Army (LNA), state-run Anadolu news agency reported on Tuesday.

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Libya : Libya Speaker urges action on Turkish intervention
on 2020/8/12 15:04:05

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Aguila Saleh met with US envoy to Libya Richard Norland and agreed to meet with Western delegations in addition to the Egyptian leadership

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Libya : Three European countries preparing a list of sanctions against Libyan arms embargo violators
on 2020/8/11 16:29:35

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A preliminary list of companies and individuals to be penalized by sanctions has been prepared by Germany, France and Italy for violating the arms embargo on Libya.

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Libya : Libyan Army allegedly launches new attack on Turkish-supplied air defenses
on 2020/8/11 16:26:57

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The Libyan National Army (LNA) allegedly launched a series of airstrikes over the Government of National Accord (GNA) forces positions on Monday.

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Libya : U.S continues pushing for Libya peaceful solution in Cairo and with HoR’s Saleh
on 2020/8/11 16:22:41

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The U.S continued its accelerated push for a ceasefire and a non-military solution to the Libyan crisis. Yesterday, U.S Ambassador to Tripoli Richard Norland met Egyptian officials and Libyan House of Representatives (HoR) head Ageela Saleh in Cairo.

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Libya : German involvement in Operation Irini adds new dimension to Libya conflict – Russia expert
on 2020/8/10 15:04:52

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Berlin’s latest contribution to the European Union’s naval operation to enforce the U.N. arms embargo on war-torn Libya signals further rapprochement between Germany, France and Russia, former Turkish diplomat and Russia expert Aydın Sezer

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Libya : Mossad and Bibi’s Top Security Advisor Squabbling Over Relations With Arab States
on 2020/8/10 10:15:31

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Meanwhile, in North Africa, after the Mossad backed and armed Libya’s renegade commander Khalifa Haftar, foreign sources say Israel is taking a more balanced position towards the internationally recognized government in Tripoli

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Libya : Turkey Defies International Warnings, Continues Violating Arms Embargo on Libya
on 2020/8/10 10:10:00

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Turkey continues to violate the arms embargo on Libya by sending arms and mercenaries to support Fayez al-Sarraj’s Government of National Accord despite international warnings.

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Libya : ISIL will bounce back if Libya civil war doesn't end, study warns
on 2020/8/10 9:56:57

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US-based researcher says the armed group is 'regrouping' and remains a 'persistent' threat in the oil-rich nation.

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Libya : Saudi Arabia, Cyprus stress need to find political solution to Libya crisis
on 2020/8/9 15:12:18

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Talks were conducted by Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan bin Abdullah

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Libya : Increased Turkish, Maltese Italian diplomacy with Libya – the development of a new tripartite relationship as Italy attempts to pushback?
on 2020/8/9 15:07:41

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Turkish-Maltese relations have developed over the issue of Libya recently. Some analysts choose to see this as another example of further EU policy fragmentation – whilst others see Malta as conveniently representing the EU and ensuring EU policy is not totally overlooked. The mention of illegal migration in meetings is seen as evidence of this.

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Libya : Turkish and Russian Intrusion into the Libyan Conflict: The Spanish Reaction
on 2020/8/9 14:58:42

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In January of this year, oil returned to the front of the Libyan conflict as Russian-backed Khalifa Haftar shut down two major oilfields, including El-Sharara, the biggest production facility in the country. The news came within a week of failed peace talks between the two warring sides.

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