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Togo : Togo take action against fake team official
on 2010/9/21 12:24:59


The Togolese Sports Federation has suspended an assistant coach of Togo's soccer team for three years after he took a fake team masquerading as the national side to play a match in Bahrain that ended 3-0 against the West African tiny country. The match took place on September 7.

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Togo : Private newspaper banned
on 2010/8/30 13:01:24


The Lomé Magistrate Court has indefinitely banned Tribune d'Afrique, a privately-owned bi-monthly newspaper, for defaming Mey Gnassingbé, a brother of Togolese President, Faure Essozimna Gnassingbé.

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Togo : France condemns berating officer
on 2010/8/14 11:22:05


A French soldier has been condemned by France top officials for berating a local Togolese journalist. Lt Col Romuald Letondot was filmed ordering photographer Didier Ledoux to delete images from his camera during a protest in Togo's capital Lome.

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Togo : Togo: Main opposition to join coalition gov’t
on 2010/5/30 12:12:43

africa news

A veteran opposition leader in Togo, Gilchrist Olympio, has agreed to join a power-sharing deal with the government. He said his party will get eight ministerial posts in the coalition. But some members of his party - such as the former presidential candidate, Jean-Pierre Fabre - disagreed with the move.

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