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East of Africa : Somali, Kenyan forces advance further in southern Somalia
on 2012/8/26 15:03:12
East of Africa

Press TV
Somali government forces and Kenyan troops are advancing into southern Somali areas in a bid to clear the al-Shabab militants from the region, Press TV reports.

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East of Africa : 2 dead in Uganda helo crashes on Mt. Kenya
on 2012/8/15 12:56:59
East of Africa

MOUNT KENYA, Kenya (AP) — Rescue teams found two dead bodies and searched for at least seven soldiers and airmen on Tuesday after the crashes of three Ugandan helicopter gunships on Kenya's highest mountain, a rugged landscape where leopards and elephants roam.

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East of Africa : Rescuers hunt for two Ugandan helicopters in Kenya
on 2012/8/14 11:11:05
East of Africa

Emergency teams on Monday searched for two Ugandan army helicopters feared to have crashed in thick forest in Kenya while flying to Somalia to support forces fighting insurgents there, officials said.

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East of Africa : Official: 3 Ugandan military copters lost in Kenya
on 2012/8/14 11:08:09
East of Africa

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — A Kenyan official say that three out of four Ugandan military helicopters that had been dispatched to join African Union forces in Somalia have gone missing in Kenyan airspace.

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East of Africa : Rwandan tells AP of training to fight Congo
on 2012/8/13 14:29:33
East of Africa

GOMA, Congo (AP) — Ibrahim Nsanzimana says he can no longer return to his home in Rwanda for fear of death. The 28-year-old recounted the tortured history of his Rwandan family's entanglement with neighboring Congo, and his latest recruitment by Rwanda to fight in eastern Congo.

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East of Africa : DRCongo, Rwanda leaders meet on neutral force
on 2012/8/8 12:35:32
East of Africa

The presidents of Rwanda and DR Congo began talks Tuesday with regional leaders aiming to tackle a recent wave of unrest in eastern DR Congo and set up a force to neutralise rebel groups there.

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East of Africa : Clinton urges Rwanda to help disarm DR Congo rebels
on 2012/8/8 12:15:50
East of Africa

US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton on Tuesday urged Rwanda to help disarm and cut off support for the rebels who have battled government troops in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo since May.

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East of Africa : DR Congo president accuses Rwanda of aiding rebels
on 2012/7/30 11:10:12
East of Africa

DR Congo President Joseph Kabila has openly accused neighbouring Rwanda of being present in the volatile east of the country where rebels are fighting government forces.

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East of Africa : Netherlands suspends aid to Rwanda over DR Congo unrest
on 2012/7/28 11:30:00
East of Africa

The Netherlands has suspended part of its development aid to Rwanda because of Kigali's alleged support for rebels in neighbouring Democratic Republic of Congo, an official said Friday.

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East of Africa : US suspends aid to Rwanda amid DR Congo violence
on 2012/7/23 11:10:00
East of Africa

The United States announced Sunday it will suspend military aid to Rwanda on allegations that the southern African nation is backing the rebellion in the neighboring DR Congo.

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East of Africa : US cuts military aid to Rwanda over Congo concerns
on 2012/7/22 11:18:32
East of Africa

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — The U.S. government said Saturday it has cut this year's planned military assistance to Rwanda amid concerns that the government in Kigali is supporting rebel movements in neighboring Congo.

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East of Africa : Rwanda refuses to take surrendered DR Congo rebels
on 2012/7/15 17:44:10
East of Africa

Rwanda has refused to take custody of 24 rebels who surrendered to UN peacekeepers in DR Congo, which accuses Kigali of backing an army mutiny in its restive east, a UN spokesman said Saturday.

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East of Africa : UN soldier dies as DR Congo rebels take Uganda border post
on 2012/7/7 11:04:49
East of Africa

A UN peacekeeper from India was killed in clashes between renegade soldiers and DR Congo troops on the border with Uganda, the United Nations said Friday as the mutineers took a key border post.

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East of Africa : Zanzibar refugees return from Somalia
on 2012/7/7 11:01:22
East of Africa

Refugees from the palm-fringed spice islands of Zanzibar stranded in the war-torn Somali capital Mogadishu prepared to fly home Friday, more than a decade after fleeing political violence.

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East of Africa : Uganda arrests Rwanda genocide suspect
on 2012/7/7 11:00:21
East of Africa

Uganda has arrested a Belgian citizen of Rwandan origin wanted by a court in his adopted homeland for involvement in the 1994 genocide, police said Friday.

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East of Africa : Kenya vows no Somalia pullout after deadly attack
on 2012/7/3 12:49:09
East of Africa

Kenya will not pull troops out from Somalia until security is restored, Prime Minister Raila Odinga said Monday, a day after 17 people died in the worst attack in a decade that he blamed on Somali Islamists.

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East of Africa : Rwanda hits back at DR Congo accusations over mutiny
on 2012/6/26 17:55:07
East of Africa

Rwanda's foreign minister said Monday that "disingenuous" accusations by neighboring Democratic Republic of Congo over involvement in an anti-government mutiny risked stirring up conflict in the region.

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East of Africa : Natural gas discoveries put E.Africa on world energy map
on 2012/6/20 11:24:05
East of Africa

Massive offshore gas discoveries in East Africa are catapulting the region into a major player in the global energy arena, bringing billions in investment that could transform entire economies.

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East of Africa : Kenya says EU, US asked to help wrest Kismayo from Shebab
on 2012/6/13 11:19:32
East of Africa

An African force fighting Somalia's Shebab rebels has asked the European Union and the United States for help in wresting control of the key port of Kismayo, Prime Minister Raila Odinga said Tuesday.

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East of Africa : Somali soldiers train for urban combat in rural Uganda
on 2012/6/5 16:53:00
East of Africa

Somali soldiers patrol a quiet village as locals sit on the terrace of a cafe, chatting and reading newspapers, when suddenly rebels armed with assault rifles appear and ambush them.

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