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Tunisia : Tunisians in capital protest against corruption amnesty law
on 2015/9/13 18:09:35

Click to see original Image in a new windowHundreds of Tunisians have held a demonstration in protest against a controversial draft law that offers amnesty for corruption offences committed during the rule of ousted dictator, Zine El Abidine Ben Ali, Press TV reports.

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Senegal : ECOWAS summit kicks off in Dakar, Senegal
on 2015/9/13 18:07:11

Click to see original Image in a new windowAn extraordinary summit bringing together heads of state and government of West African nations has kicked off in the Senegalese capital of Dakar.

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Egypt : Six days of army operations kill about 300 militants in Egypt’s Sinai
on 2015/9/13 18:05:18

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgypt’s army says it has killed nearly 300 militants since the start of fresh military operations in the volatile Sinai Peninsula last week.

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Egypt : Egypt army kills 98 Daesh-linked militants in Sinai Peninsula
on 2015/9/12 18:08:34

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least 98 Daesh-linked Takfiri militants have been killed in an ongoing operation by the Egyptian army in the North African country’s violence-plagued Sinai Peninsula, Press TV reports.

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Central African Republic : Abuse scandal in CAR to bring UN into disrepute: Amnesty
on 2015/9/12 18:08:26
Central African Republic

Click to see original Image in a new windowAmnesty International has criticized a reform plan proposed by the UN to tackle sexual abuse by its peacekeepers in the Central African Republic (CAR), saying the world body must give due punishment to the perpetrators of the crimes that could disgrace the UN.

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Egypt : Egypt government submits resignation to president
on 2015/9/12 18:07:59

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe government of Egyptian Prime Minister Ibrahim Mahlab has submitted its resignation to the country’s president

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Egypt : 2 Egyptian servicemen killed, 6 injured in Sinai blast
on 2015/9/8 18:14:05

Click to see original Image in a new windowA roadside bomb explosion has killed at least one army officer and a soldier in Rafah city in Egypt's northern Sinai Province, Press TV reports.

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Morocco : Moroccans stage tribute rally to drowned Syrian refugee baby
on 2015/9/8 18:12:12

Click to see original Image in a new windowIn tribute to Aylan Kurdi, a number of Moroccans lay on the ground motionless similar to the three-year-old Syrian boy, whose tiny body washed up on the Turkish shore last week. Aylan’s picture, lying face down with red and blue clothing in the cold surf created a viral media sensation.

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Egypt : Egyptian soldiers kill 29 militants in volatile Sinai Peninsula
on 2015/9/8 18:11:08

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian government forces have carried out separate operations in the country’s violence-plagued Sinai Peninsula, killing more than two dozen Takfiri militants over the past 24 hours, Press TV reports.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Uganda rebels kill 7 civilians in DR Congo
on 2015/9/7 18:14:23
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Click to see original Image in a new windowA new attack by Ugandan rebels has left at least seven civilians dead in the restive east of the Democratic Republic of Congo, local officials say.

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Somalia : Al-Shabab militants capture another town in Somalia
on 2015/9/7 18:13:56

Click to see original Image in a new windowTakfiri al-Shabab militants have overrun another town in central Somalia following the departure of the forces of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM) from the area.

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Egypt : Egypt court gives prison terms to 19 individuals
on 2015/9/7 18:13:14

Click to see original Image in a new windowAn Egyptian military court has handed down jail terms to 19 people, including three children, for attending anti-government demonstrations and allegedly storming state buildings.

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Nigeria : Boko Haram kills around 80 villagers in northeast Nigeria
on 2015/9/2 18:15:38

Click to see original Image in a new windowTakfiri Boko Haram militants have shot dead nearly 80 people after they stormed three villages in Nigeria’s crisis-stricken northeastern state of Borno, a vigilante and residents say.

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Somalia : Al-Shabab militants attack African Union base in Somalia
on 2015/9/2 18:14:36

Click to see original Image in a new windowSomalia’s al-Qaeda-linked al-Shabab militants have attacked an African Union (AU) base in Janale district, near Mogadishu.

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Nigeria : Nigeria army recaptures northeastern town from Boko Haram
on 2015/9/2 18:13:44

Click to see original Image in a new windowNigerian army troops have recaptured a key town from the Boko Haram Takfiri militant group in the country’s crisis-stricken northeastern state of Borno, military sources say.

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Egypt : Egypt rallies slam coup against Morsi, vow more protests
on 2015/8/31 18:10:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowAnti-government protesters in Egypt hold rallies across the country, censuring the crackdown on opposition activists.

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Egypt : Nine Muslim Brotherhood members jailed for life in Egypt
on 2015/8/31 18:08:35

Click to see original Image in a new windowAn Egyptian court has sentenced 9 people to life in jail for their alleged role in violence following the ouster of the country’s first democratically-elected president Mohamed Morsi, Press TV reports.

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Nigeria : Boko Haram kills 56 in Nigeria’s restive Borno: Governor
on 2015/8/31 18:07:06

Click to see original Image in a new windowTakfiri Boko Haram militants have killed 56 villagers in a remote area in Nigeria’s northeastern state of Borno, a local official says.

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Chad : Chad executes 10 Boko Haram militants by firing squad
on 2015/8/30 18:07:31

Click to see original Image in a new windowChad has executed at least 10 members of the Nigeria-based Boko Haram Takfiri militant group after they were found guilty of involvement in a series of deadly bomb attacks in the capital, N'Djamena.

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Egypt : Canada says 'disappointed' about Egypt court ruling in journalist case
on 2015/8/30 18:06:24

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe Canadian government says it is "disappointed" after an Egyptian appeals court sentenced Mohammed Fahmy, a naturalized Canadian working for Al Jazeera news network, to prison.

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