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Afran : Togolese president signs decree to set election date on Feb. 28
on 2010/1/2 10:39:20

LOME, Dec. 31 (Xinhua) -- Togolese President Faure Gnassingbe on Wednesday signed a decree to set the election date on Feb. 28, 2010.

The decision was arrived at after discussions and adoption by the cabinet which was chaired by the Togolese head of state.

The presidential decree was signed when the Togolese ruling party and the opposition sharply disagreed on the mode of election without a solution. The opposition is demanding a two-round mode of election, while the ruling party insists on a one-mode pattern.

The electoral process goes ahead after the Dec. 14 kick-off of the exercise to review the voter list.

The February 2010 election will mark the end of the first term of Gnassingbe who came to power at the end of a hotly contested election in April 2005. It is being presented as another test to his regime after the organization of violence free legislative elections in October 2007. These elections led to the normalization of relations between Togo with its main development partners, who had suspended cooperation with Togo in 2003 due to what they termed as "lack of democracy."

Afran : Somali man with chemicals apprehended at Mogadishu airport: AMISOM
on 2010/1/2 10:39:02

MOGADISHU, Dec. 30 (Xinhua) -- A Somali man with chemical powder and liquid was arrested last month by African Union peacekeeping forces based in Mogadishu as he tried to board a plane at the international airport in the Somali capital, Mogadishu, spokesman for the AU forces said on Wednesday.

The incident is similar to a failed attempt by a Nigerian man this week to blow up a U.S. plane using chemicals hidden under his pants.

"We have intercepted the man before he boarded the plane because he was carrying nearly one kilogram of powder and almost one litter of liquid in a bag," Barigye Bahoku, spokesman for the AU peacekeeping mission in Somalia (AMISOM), told Xinhua.

Bahoku said that AU forces apprehended the man in November and handed him over to the Somali government for further investigation.

He said that he was not aware of the nature of the powder or the liquid found with the man, adding that "the interception was a routine procedure" to prevent any liquid or chemical on board a plane.

Abdulahi Hassan Barise, Spokesman for the Somali police force, said that he had no knowledge of the man and that no such suspect is in police custody.

Barise strongly denied he talked to any foreign media about the matter which he said has never been reported to him.

Other senior government officials also denied knowledge of the incident or declined to comment on the matter.

Radical Islamist groups opposed to the Somali government carry out daily attacks, including suicide bombings, roadside bombs, on Somali government targets and AU peacekeepers in Mogadishu.

Several locally managed aircrafts make weekly flights from Somalia to neighboring African and Asian countries where travelers to other countries could further continue their journey.

African Union peacekeeping forces protect the main government installations in Mogadishu including the airport and seaport as well as the residences of senior Somali government officials.

Somali government security forces backed by AU forces on two previous occasions managed to capture counterfeit "black dollar" to be smuggled out of the Mogadishu airport. The officials said the fake dollars were meant to be used for carrying out terrorist activities.

Afran : President Wade apologises for Jesus remark
on 2010/1/2 10:38:26


Senegal's Muslim President Abdoulaye Wade has issued an apology to Christians after his claim on Monday that the country's Muslim majority did not view Jesus Christ as "God" triggered protests in the streets of Dakar.

AFP - Senegal's Muslim President Abdoulaye Wade has issued a apology to Christians following remarks that triggered street protests, the Senegal news agency APS reported.

Wade said Monday that Jesus Christ was not viewed as God by the country's majority Muslims.

Young Christians clashed with security forces in the capital on Wednesday after Cardinal Theodore Adrien Sarr, the archbishop of Dakar, accused the government of insulting Senegal's Christians.

The president's son, Karim Wade, who is also a government minister, issued the apology on behalf of the head of state.

"If the remarks of the president of the republic have offended Senegal's Christians, we present our apologies to them and to the international Christian community," Wade was quoted as saying by APS.

On Monday the president said Muslims viewed Christian churches as places to "pray to someone who is not God."

In his New Year message Wednesday, the archbishop said it was "scandalous and intolerable that the divinity of Jesus Christ, heart of our faith, is called into question and ridiculed by the highest authority of the state."

About 90 percent of Senegal's population are Muslim and have traditionally lived in harmony with minority faiths.

Afran : Rwanda: President pardons Spanish convict
on 2009/12/30 10:30:35


A Spanish citizen convicted for tax evasion in Rwanda, Luis Duenas Herrera, had the best Christmas gift when he walked out of the prison gates a free man. The President of the country, Paul Kagame, granted a presidential clemency to Herrera who had spent nine months of his one year prison sentence.
“The President based on his prerogative of mercy powers and on the compassionate plea he received from Mr. Luis Duenas Herrera and his close family members has today exercised presidential clemency and pardoned him,”Tharcise Karugarama Justice Minister told The New Times.

Herrera was the head of Espina Obras Hidraulicas, a Spanish company and was sentenced to two years in jail alongside former Minister and lawmaker Munyanganizi Bikoro and Jean Bosco Bavakure for evading taxes.

Espina Obras Hidraulicas is a water purifying company that had been contracted by the government. During execution of the contract the firm smuggled in tiles for the Minister under whose supervision they worked.

Clad in a pair of blue jeans and a checkered shirt, Herrera, shared pleasantries with the Spanish Consular Betty Mutesi and a friend as he talked of his surprise at the news of his release.

“I was surprised. I could not believe it. I feel very good. This is the best Christmas gift and it’s the best day in my life. My thanks go to the President, the Minister for Justice and the people of Rwanda” he told The New Times.

Asked if the sentence has changed his attitude about Rwanda, Herrera said that his opinion about Rwanda remained positive.

“I have no bad feelings. I have respect for the justice system of this country. I was tried, sentenced and have subsequently been pardoned. That’s justice. I will definitely come back to Rwanda as long as I get another contract,” Herrera said

Karugarama said Herrera had written to the President requesting for clemency citing complicated illness and being “very repentant” of the crimes he committed.

His close family members also wrote to the President.

Afran : UN extends peacekeeping mission in DRC
on 2009/12/30 10:30:08


The Untied Nations Security Council extended its peacekeeping mission, MONUC's, mandate in the Democratic republic of Congo until May 31, 2010. The 15 members of the UN body unanimously adopted resolution 1906 calling on peacekeepers to "use all necessary measures" to protect civilians.
drc map
The resolution asks the Secretary-General to conduct a strategic review of the situation in the DRC and MONUC’s progress toward achieving its mandate and to determine, in close cooperation with the Government of the Democratic Republic of the Congo and MONUC, the modalities of a reconfiguration of MONUC’s mandate.

Resolution 1906 “demands that all armed groups, in particular the Forces Démocratiques de Libération du Rwanda (FDLR) and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA), immediately cease all forms of violence and human rights abuse against the civilian population in the Democratic Republic of the Congo, in particular gender-based violence, including rape and other forms of sexual abuse.”

The Security Council asked the Congolese government to “ensure the full implementation of its “zero-tolerance policy” with respect to discipline and human rights violations, including sexual and gender-based violence, committed by elements of the Armed Forces of the Democratic Republic of the Congo (FARDC)” and urged that “all reports of such violations be thoroughly investigated, with the support of MONUC, and that all those responsible be brought to justice through a robust and independent process.”

The resolution also asked “the Secretary-General to continue to fully investigate the allegations of sexual exploitation and abuse by civilian and military personnel of MONUC, and to take the appropriate measures set out in the Secretary-General’s bulletin on special measures for protection from sexual exploitation and sexual abuse.”

Afran : Rwanda: 8000 former FDLR reintegrated
on 2009/12/30 10:29:27


8,000 former members of Democratic Forces for the Liberation of Rwanda (FDLR) and other rebel groups operating in the Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo have so far been integrated into society since the establishment of the Rwanda Demobilization and Reintegration Commission (RDRC) in 2001.
Market in Gisenyi, Rwanda. Photo by Arjen Dekker
This was revealed by the chairman of the Commission, Jean Sayinzoga at the pass-out of 362 former FDRL fighters at Mutobo Demobilisation Centre in the Northern Province.

“The first phase was back in 2001, when we reintegrated about 2000 ex-combatants in two camps of Nkumba and Mudende.Other phases followed and as of now, we have about 8284 fully reintegrated,” “They are peacefully staying with their families; some have established very successful projects, not only benefiting themselves alone but also the society,” said Sayinzoga.

At the camp, ex-fighters are taken through civic education courses that include the country’s history, unity and reconciliation as well as major government programmes and policies.

Sayinzoga urged the ex-combatants to play a positive role in the reconstruction process of this country.

Speaking to The New Times, one of the trainees, Jean Marie Karuta hailed the progamme saying: “now we are like born again and regret the time we spent in DRC jungles doing nothing, actually we have gained nothing from there other than suffering.”

Afran : Nigerian jet bomber shocks Africa
on 2009/12/30 10:28:29


The shocking incident in which a 23 year-old Nigerian, Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab (photo), wanted to blow up a transatlantic jet on Christmas Day has received mix reactions from Africans living in the diaspora. A blitz of posting on social networking websites such as Facebook and Twitter portrays mixed feelings that the unfortunate event has created among Africans, mainly in the diaspora.
Here is just a snippet of what Africans, including Nigerians, across the globe are saying:

Onche Bishop Odeh posted this on his social network hours after he received the shocking development, “This sad 'Mutallab' event also has its good side as well. At least it has also helped to strengthen the unity among Nigerians here in the U.S. All of them I have spoken to are saddened that such an act could be perpetrated by a Nigerian at a time most of them are feeling at home and making the best of America”.

Another social networker, Kate Odumu posted this in response, “Nigerians are dumb founded that one of their own could perpetuate a crime like this. It is very typical of Nigerians to want to stay alive and reap the benefit of whatever they do. I could have sworn seconds before it happened that it is IMPOSSIBLE for a Nigerian to do a thing like this”.

Walix Inalegwu Ajonye added, “My broda I was shocked at that report. At the point when we are trying to clean our image, and here comes the most extreme and ugly news concerning a Nigerian and terrorism, am afraid the scrutiny on Nigerians at various international airport and events will now triple. I wish they understand that is a just a few out of many”.

Zambian born Benedict Tembo reacted, “I am not from Nigeria but I was ashamed that a Nigerian could engage himself in such criminal acts. Nigeria is supposed to be the beacon of Africa but events surrounding the country and its nationals shock the continent, if not the world. Anyway, the attempt to blow up the US plane is a wake up to the airlines. I feel for you, Onche, do not be discouraged. We are with you”.

In summing up the enormous messages that flooded social networks worldwide after it emerged that the bomb suspect was a Nigerian and African, Onche Bishop Odeh concluded, “Mutallab or whatever he calls himself has caused a huge gloom over the Nigerian community here in U.S. This is just 'un-Nigerian' fact un-African”.

While the international community is still licking the shock of December 25, 2009 incident, the African community especially living, working or studying in foreign countries such as United States, Britain or even Holland, are dismayed that one of their own sons was involved in an act they least expected.

Afran : Interim leader visits wounded Camara in Morocco
on 2009/12/30 10:21:29

29 December 2009

Guinea's interim leader, Gen. Sekouba Konate, arrived in Morocco Monday to see Guinean junta chief Moussa Dadis Camara (pictured), according to Guinean officials. Camara has been hospitalised in Rabat since he was shot on Dec. 3.

Guinea's interim leader, General Sekouba Konate, flew Monday to Rabat to see the head of the junta, Moussa Dadis Camara, who has been hospitalised there since he was shot, officials said.

Konate, who is defence minister, is making a visit of "courtesy and consultations," said an official text read on state radio overnight Sunday.

The minister has not seen Camara since the junta leader was shot in the head on December 3 by an aide in a military camp in Conakry. The visit to Rabat was announced several times and then postponed.

Since Camara was operated on for a "cranial trauma," Guinean authorities have repeatedly said he is "doing well" and that he planned to return to Conakry "as fast as possible."

But a government minister is reported to have told Konate that Camara is really in "a rather appalling state," where he was incapable of communication and of feeding himself.

Camara came to power in a military coup on December 23, 2008, hours after the death of the dictator Lansana Conte, who had ruled since 1984. Conte was a general and the army has always played a key role in the politics of the west African state.

Konate has called for "essential reconciliation" after a bloodbath in which at least 156 people died at Conakry stadium on September 28, during a crackdown on an opposition demonstration.

More than 1,000 people were also injured, including women who were raped and then, in some cases, shot. The United Nations has investigated the massacre and said it was a crime against humanity whose perpetrators should be tried by the International Criminal Court.

The violence has led to regional and international sanctions being imposed on the junta.

Camara's aide, Lieutenant Aboubacar "Toumba" Sidiki Diakite, said in an interview with Radio France International that he had shot the junta chief after he was ordered to take responsibility for the stadium killings. He has since been on the run. Junta officials claimed Diakite was leading a coup attempt.

Both the United States and France have said they fear Camara's return could spark civil war in the west African country.

Konate at the weekend ordered the minister for communication in the presidency and the ministry of defence, Idrissa Cherif, to stop making declarations about Guinea and Camara's state of health, a minister close to the general has reported.

The minister said that "rowdy statements against (French Foreign Minister) Bernard Kouchner and France are not of a nature to improve relations between Guinea and the European Union," which has tightened its sanctions against the junta.

Cherif has several times accused Kouchner of having sought to "destabilise the regime" and of "being in contact with those who attempted to assassinate" Camara.

Afran : Somali pirates kidnap 5 Bulgarian sailors
on 2009/12/30 10:20:28

SOFIA, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- There were five Bulgarian sailors onboard the UK-flagged chemical tanker St James Park seized by Somali pirates on Monday, Bulgarian officials said on Tuesday.

"Five men among the 26 crew members of St James Park are Bulgarians," captain Prodan Radanov, the head of the Bulgarian office of the ship manager, Zodiac Maritime Agencies, told reporters.

The Bulgarian sailors are between 34 and 46 years old, four of them living in Varna and one in Ruse. Their families were informed about the incident, Radanov said. One of the Bulgarian sailors is a chief officer of the ship, he added.

According to Radanov, the Bulgarians joined the crew on different dates between October and Dec. 19, 2009.

The Bulgarian Ministry of Foreign Affairs has been working on this case since Monday, Ministry Spokesman Dragovest Goranov told reporters. All International Bulgarian partners, including the European Union, were informed, Goranov said.

This is the second incident this year in which Bulgarian sailors were kidnapped by pirates. In April cargo ship Malaspina Castle with 16 Bulgarians on board was captured in the Gulf of Aden, and about one month later the ship was released after a ransom payment. All 24 crew members were in good health after the incident.

Afran : Somali pirates hijack UK ship, release another
on 2009/12/30 10:20:09

NAIROBI, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- A Singaporean-flagged container ship was released by Somali pirates while a UK-flagged chemical tanker was hijacked, a regional maritime official confirmed on Tuesday.

Andrew Mwangura, East Africa coordinator of the Seafarers Assistance Program, said the MV Kota Wajar which was hijacked on Oct. 15 was released on Monday and is en route to Mombassa, east Kenya.

"All 21 crew are safe and well. We are informed that the shipping company is sending a party to Mombassa to receive the Captain and the crew of the Kota Wajar and to ensure that they receive the best possible care after their ordeal," he said.

Also on Monday, Somali pirates took a UK-flagged chemical tanker, St. James Park, which was on voyage from Tarragona, Spain to Tha Phut, Thailand.

"She was hijacked by pirates in position 1258.4 N and 4834.1 E which is in the Gulf of Aden, the International Recognized Transit Corridor(IRTC)," said Mwangura.

The St. James Park is loaded with a cargo of 13,175 tonnes of EDC (Ethyl Dichlorine), which is used in the manufacturing of plastics and is not dangerous in normal carriage conditions.

The ship's last port of call was Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, where she stopped on Dec. 24.

The vessel sent a security alert at 1420 GMT on Monday before altering its course and heading southwest towards the northern coast of Somalia.

There are 26 crew members on board including Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Filipino, Polish, Ukrainian, Georgian, Indian and Turkish.

"At the current course and speed she will arrive off the coast between 0300 GMT and 0600 GMT Dec. 29," said Mwangura.

Piracy has become rampant off the coast of Africa, especially in the waters near Somalia, which has been without an effective government since 1991.

Ransoms started out in the tens of thousands of dollars and have since climbed into the millions.

An estimated 25,000 ships annually cruise the Gulf of Aden, off Somalia's northern coast. More than 10 ships and 200 crew members are still held by Somali pirates.

The Gulf of Aden, off the northern coast of Somalia, has the highest risk of piracy in the world. About 25,000 ships use the channel south of Yemen, between the Red Sea and the Arabian Sea.

Afran : Republic of Congo's ex-rebel chief assumes official post in Brazzaville
on 2009/12/30 10:19:35

BRAZZAVILLE, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- The Republic of Congo's ex-rebel chief, Frederic Bintsamou alias Pastor Ntumi, has assumed an official post in the capital Brazzaville to promote peace in the aftermath of war.

Bintsamou, the leader of the former rebel National Republican Council (CNR), took over the duty on Monday as deputy chief in charge of promotion of peace and reparation 12 years after the rebellion in the southern region of Pool.

The minister of state and director of the head of state's office, Firmin Ayessa, handed over official documents to him in the presence of the secretary general of the Congolese presidency, Jean Baptiste Ondaye.

"My appointment is for the sake of peace. It's true that there were some prejudices in the beginning, but we cannot abandon responsibility over personal issues. Owing to concerted efforts from all parties (government and CNR), we have managed to end up with this ceremony today," the reverend declared.

"We are going to see what should be done on the ground and the opinion down there will guide us on what is to be done," he added.

Talking to his new partner, Ayessa wished Bintsamou good luck, saying "I must tell you that it's an honor for me to work with from tomorrow we shall be going to the ground."

Bintsamou's assumption of the post marked an turnaround since he was first appointed in May 2007. As lately as September, he reportedly attempted to go back to his group in differences with the government.

For 12 years, he remained hidden in Pool, where his Ninjas combatants confronted the government army between 1998 and 2003.

Afran : Nigeria beef up security at airports for safety
on 2009/12/30 10:19:19

LAGOS, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- Nigerian aviation officials on Monday intensified security across airports in the country as authorities increased checks on passengers, following the Christmas attempted terror attack on a U.S. plane by a Nigerian, Farouk Mutallab.

The aviation security officials also went into another round of security meeting to review their investigations on the attempt to detonate an explosive aboard a US aircraft en route Detroit, Michigan.

The airport security meeting had in attendance officials of the Federal Airports Authority of Nigeria (FAAN), Nigeria Air Force, Immigration Services, National Drug Law Enforcement Agency (NDLEA), the State Security Services (SSS), and other security officials working at the Lagos Murtala Muhammed International Airport.

Abdulmutallab is alleged to have boarded a plane in Lagos, Nigeria's commercial hub and transferred onto a trans-Atlantic flight at Amsterdam's Schiphol Airport in the Netherlands.

A competent security source told Xinhua on Tuesday that the closed door meeting reviewed latest developments on the terrorist attempt with a view to unraveling global efforts, spearheaded by the American government, to know how Abdulmutallab escaped security at airports.

Afran : Mobile phone usage in Africa shoots up, potential remains high
on 2009/12/30 10:18:41

JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- Mobile phone usage in Africa has increased dramatically over the past five years but there is still potential for enormous growth, according to a new study.

By the end of 2008, Africa had 246 million mobile subscriptions and mobile penetration has risen from just five percent in 2003 to well over 30 percent today, says a report released in Johannesburg by the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) last week.

"The increase in the number of mobile cellular subscriptions over the last five years has defied all predictions and Africa remains the region with the highest mobile growth rate," according to an ITU document "Information Society Statistical Profiles 2009: Africa".

It says the high ratio of mobile cellular subscriptions to fixed telephone lines and the high mobile cellular growth rate suggest that Africa has taken the lead in the shift from fixed to mobile telephony, a trend that can be observed worldwide.

The number of Internet users has also grown faster than in other regions.

Yet the report notes that despite rapid growth, "Africa's ICT (information and communication technology) penetration levels in 2009 are still far behind the rest of the world and very few African countries reach ICT levels comparable to global averages".

It says fewer than five percent of Africans use the Internet, and fixed and mobile broadband penetration levels are negligible.

"Indeed, the digital divide between the African region and the rest of the world is much more pronounced than the divide within the region, with very few countries reaching ICT levels comparable to global averages."

The research shows that African countries are facing a number of challenges in increasing ICT levels. These include the lack of full liberalization of markets and the limited availability of infrastructure, such as shortage of international Internet bandwidth. "In addition, prices for ICT services remain very high compared to income levels."

On the question of infrastructure, the report says there are practically no cable networks and many countries face a shortage of international Internet bandwidth.

"As a result, fixed broadband penetration is low and broadband prices are beyond the reach of the majority of the population. The large majority of countries (22 out of 32 included in the ICT price basket) have fixed broadband prices that correspond to more than 100 percent of their monthly GNI (gross national income) per capita".

In other words, the monthly rental of broadband costs more than most people earn in a month.

"Mobile broadband is in its very initial stage but has shown higher growth than fixed broadband and may be Africa's most promising broadband access technology of the future."

Important progress in the mobile sector includes increased access to mobile networks-- from 25 percent population coverage in2000 to 58.5 percent in 2008 -- and a mobile cellular penetration rate of 31 percent in 2008 (up from 12.5 percent in 2005). Mobile subscriptions today are also more evenly distributed across countries than they were in 2005.

"These achievements have been greatly supported by the development of mobile services and applications that meet the requirements of users in the region, such as prepaid services, text messaging, and m-banking. Despite this important progress, the region needs to make an effort to upgrade its infrastructure and achieve mobile cellular levels similar to the rest of the world", says the report.

The analysts believe there are two main areas of ICT policy concern for the region: "(a) to sustain mobile cellular and Internet user growth and extend access to lower-income segments of the population; and (b) to take the necessary steps to enable greater broadband access."

South Africa, the continent's economic powerhouse, is no longer as dominant as it once was in terms of mobile phone usage. In 2000 SA accounted for 74 percent of Africa's mobile connections, but that dropped to 19 percent last year.

The International Telecommunications Union says the figures highlight the acceleration of growth in African mobile and Internet markets outside of SA in less than a decade.

Growth in Nigeria has been very strong. Kenya, Ghana, Tanzania and Cote d'Ivoire have also accounted for the change in distribution n of mobile connections.

The 76-page report was produced in preparation for the ITU World Telecommunication Development Conference, known as WTDC-10, which will take place in Hyderabad, India from May 24 to June 4, 2010.

Afran : Sudanese parliament approves referendum law
on 2009/12/30 10:15:29

KHARTOUM, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- The Sudanese National Assembly (parliament) approved the law of referendum on self-determination for southern Sudan on Tuesday after the ruling partners struck a deal on disputed issues.

The two major partners in the government, the National Congress Party (NCP) and the Sudan People's Liberation Movement (SPLM), agreed to introduce two amendments into the law.

The first stipulates that all southern Sudanese born since January 1956 should have the right to vote at any voting center whether in southern or northern Sudan.

The second stipulates that holding consultations between the NCP and the SPLM before the referendum on the arrangements for the post-separation period of southern Sudan if the southerners opt for independence in the 2011 referendum.

Yassir Arman, head of the SPLM parliamentary bloc, expressed the SPLM satisfaction over the amendments adopted by the parliament, saying "we have managed to overcome a great barrier. With this, we enter a new important phase."

Speaking to reporters following the parliamentarian session, Arman urged northerners and southerners to work together to achieve a voluntary unity between north and south Sudan.

"As of today, we should work together, southerners and northerners, to achieve a voluntary unity without coercion," he said

"There is a great work that is still awaiting us to build a strong Sudan to be a model for the Arabs and Africans to follow suit," said Arman, adding that "we should prepare the atmosphere so that Sudan would remain united, and we should respect the will of the southerners if they opt for separation."

The Sudanese parliament last week endorsed a bill of the 2011 referendum, though the SPLM and other parties withdrew from the parliament session in protest against the amendments on the bill.

In an attempt to overcome the rift, the two sides decided to return the law to the parliament.

Afran : Thirty-eight people killed in Nigeria violence
on 2009/12/30 10:14:15

LAGOS, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- At least 38 people have been killed and a number of houses burnt in a religious crisis in northern Nigeria's Bauchi State.

Atikur Kafur, the state police commissioner, reported the casualties and losses in Zango of the state on Monday.

The police chief said one soldier and two innocent people were among the dead, adding that 14 people were injured.

Police have arrested 20 suspected sect members including nine adults and 11 juveniles, he told reporters.

Kafur said the armed policemen drafted to curtail the violence recovered large sophisticated weapons from the sect group.

The violence erupted on Monday when the sect group known as Kala Kato went on rampage to demand the release of its arrested leader, Malam Badamasi.

Muhammed Barau, state police spokesman, told Xinhua that the crisis was contained following the deployment of more than 100 armed policemen and other security agents.

The state government has commended security agencies for promptly stopping the Bauchi crisis from deterioration.

Sanusi Muhammad, special assistant on media to the state governor, Isa Yuguda, said the government was satisfied with the handling of the situation by the agencies.

Normalcy has been restored in the crisis area, he said, adding people have been going about with their normal activities.

The government has also warned people against spreading false rumor to avoid causing a breach of the peace.

Meanwhile, the Nigerian Red Cross has been evacuating residents in the crisis area to safe locations.

In July, the state witnessed a sectarian unrest in the same state, which later spread to the neighboring states of Adamawa, Kano, Bornoand and Yobe, killing 800 people.

Nigeria is a secular country with the population evenly divided between Christians and Muslims. The northern region with 19 out of the country's 36 states is predominantly Muslim, while Christians dominate the south.

Afran : Six countries meet in Togo to ratify Volta basin charter
on 2009/12/30 10:13:36

LOME, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- Six West African countries met in Lome, the capital of Togo, on Monday to ratify a charter to share and develop the Volta river basin without conflicts.

Burkina Faso, Cote d'Ivoire, Benin, Ghana, Mali and Togo sent their representatives to the gathering for the common development charter after an workshop held weeks ago.

A committee of the six countries had worked out a draft on integrated management of the resources in the basin for ratification.

The draft proposal recommends that the countries sharing the basin come up with laws on water management while reducing environmental problems that can have cross-border implications like soil erosion, flooding, water borne diseases and coastal erosion.

"This means that we come up with measures that will ensure that utilization of resources from the basin does not cause conflict between states," said Yao Attikpo, the interim deputy director general for the management authority of the basin.

"The creation of a dam in one state may create floods or shortage of water in other states," he noted.

Attikpo said it is important to examine how to avoid any potential conflict that may loom due to the utilization of the resources from the river.

"The charter will give more details and will provide for practical legal measures that will ensure concrete management," he announced.

The Volta basin covers an area of 412,000 square km with the river running 1,160 km along the six countries. Mali and Burkina Faso are top basin countries boasting 47 percent and 42.65 percent of the total area.

In early December, Lome hosted a regional workshop of the countries sharing the Volta river basin for cross-border diagnostic analysis of the basin.

Participants, among others, discussed the methodology to finalize Volta basin project, governance, as well as the socio-economic, environmental and institutional development.

The workshop recommended the setting up of a multi-disciplinary team, which will help the national consultants carry out the cross-border diagnostic analysis on an FE M-Volta project and mobilize the necessary national contributions.

Afran : Four S Africans killed in Harrismith plane crash
on 2009/12/30 10:13:10

JOHANNESBURG, Dec. 29 (Xinhua) -- Four members of a South African family were killed when their six-seat airplane crashed in Harrismith in the country's Free State province on Monday afternoon, the South African Press Association (SAPA) reported.

The plane, a Beechcraft Bonanza, crashed into the side of the Platberg Mountain in thick mist, Netcare 911 spokesman Chris Botha was quoted as saying.

"Sadly, all four passengers on board the plane died," he said.

According to the Beeld newspaper, the victims were Johan Adriaan Venter, an orthodontist from Vereeniging, his wife Elzab, both aged 61; their son Christiaan and his wife Christine, both aged 29 and both chartered accountants.

Santjie White of the South Africa Search and Rescue Organization said the aircraft, en route from Vereeniging to Margate, diverted to Harrismith due to a technical problem.

"Our aeronautical rescue coordination center in Johannesburg was activated after the problem was reported. Contact was lost with the aircraft and shortly thereafter the wreck was spotted by an over flying aircraft when the weather cleared sufficiently."

The airplane crashed into a nearly inaccessible part of the mountain.

Paramedics, who were notified about the crash at 1:30 p.m., had to walk to the wreckage.

The South African Civil Aviation Authority's Phindile Gwebu said a helicopter with rescuers was dispatched to the scene for a quicker response.

Afran : Pirates release three vessels
on 2009/12/29 13:06:34


A Chinese coal ship, with 25 sailors on board, hijacked two months ago off the coast of Somalia, has been freed.

The De Xin Hai was carrying about 76,000 tons of coal from South Africa to Mundra in India when it was seized in a daring attack by Somali pirates on October 19 some 700 miles east of the Horn of Africa.

Despite a previous report by the Reuters news agency that a ransom of $4 million was dropped by a helicopter on the deck of the ship on Sunday, Xinhua reported on Monday that it is not clear if the ransom was paid or the ship was retaken by force.

The report of the ransom was confirmed to Reuters by one of the pirates, named Hassan, on the De Xin Hai.

The De Xin Hai was the first Chinese vessel to be hijacked since China deployed a three-ship squadron to the Gulf of Aden last year, joining Britain, India, Iran, the US, France, and other countries in anti-piracy patrols.

In related news, Somali pirates set free an Indian fishing dhow, the Laxim Sagar, and its 10 crew members on Sunday after forcibly taking their money and other belongings. However, no ransom was taken. The dhow was hijacked on December 13.

Meanwhile, according to a Press TV correspondent, the Singapore-flagged container ship Kota Wajar, with 21 crew members, was also released off the coast of Somalia near the port of Haradere on Monday.

The Kota Wajar was seized on October 15 in the Indian Ocean some 300 nautical miles north of Seychelles. It was not clear if any ransom was paid.

Afran : Rwanda:Tutu to Address Kigali Rights Forum
on 2009/12/29 13:06:13


Kigali — Renowned South African cleric and peace activist, Archbishop Desmond Tutu, is expected in Kigali to attend the first regional global UNESCO Intergenerational Human Rights Forum slated for January 1, 2010.

The nine-day conference is expected to attract over 40 African and 50 youth leaders from all over the world to discuss various human rights issues and lay the groundwork for an international movement for change.

Tutu rose to worldwide fame during the 1980s as an opponent of apartheid culminating into a Nobel Peace Prize in 1984.

The forum which will also be addressed by President Paul Kagame is organized by the University of Connecticut UNESCO Institute of Comparative Human Rights, in partnership with the Rwandan Human Rights Commission.

"We are bringing the young leaders to witness the many accomplishments that Rwanda has made within such a short period of time; from a human rights basket case, to a leader in Africa in such a short time. Rwanda has a lot to teach the rest of the world," the institute's chair, Amii Omara-Otunnu said in a statement.

Omara-Otunnu further said that the forum will enable the young participants to dissect and understand their similarities and differences so as to cultivate a global solidarity that aspires to change the world for the better.

Forum participants will discuss human rights issues affecting Africa such as conflict resolution, disability, women's rights, education, sustainability, democracy and peace-building.

"A principle reason why the Intergenerational Forum focuses on young leaders is because, more than any other group in society, their training will most likely have a great and ripple impact on society" Omara-Otunnu noted.

Afran : Egypt criticizes French activists protesting in Cairo
on 2009/12/29 13:05:43

CAIRO, Dec. 28 (Xinhua) -- Egypt criticized on Monday French activists protesting in front of their country's embassy in Cairo, who asked to enter the Gaza Strip via the Rafah crossing to participate in the march of solidarity with Gaza people.

Those activists did not respect their commitment as they entered Egypt with tourist visas and carried out political activism by organizing a march which violates the conditions of entry, Egypt's MENA news agency quoted Egyptian Foreign Ministry spokesman Hossam Zaki as saying.

Zaki said that the activists were notified in advance that the march would be prohibited but they stood on the sidewalk in front of the French embassy, adding that Egyptian security forces are now there to secure the area.

On the first anniversary of the start of an Israeli offensive in the coastal strip which left more than 1,400 Palestinians killed, more than 300 French activists, who came to Egypt carrying tourist visas, protested in front of the French embassy in Cairo, demanding the French ambassador to negotiate with the Egyptian government to allow them to enter the Gaza Strip via Rafah crossing.

The Egyptian Foreign Ministry warned earlier activists and those wishing to organize a solidarity march in Gaza Strip from Egyptian soil of not complying with security measures.

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