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Madagascar : Southern Madagascar faces food shortage amid drought
on 2015/3/11 17:32:43

Click to see original Image in a new windowA drought has ravaged villages across the southern part of Madagascar, the world’s fourth biggest island, leaving its people hungry and its children with less physical reserves dying.

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Egypt : Egypt closes Rafah border crossing with Gaza
on 2015/3/11 17:30:40

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian authorities have once again sealed a key border crossing with the Israeli-besieged Palestinian Gaza Strip.

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Libya : ISIL beheads 8 Libyan guards in oil field attack
on 2015/3/10 18:15:04

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe ISIL Takfiri terrorist group has decapitated eight Libyan guards during an offensive on an oil field in the center of the country.

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Libya : Four Filipinos kidnapped in Libya oilfield attack
on 2015/3/9 18:18:51

Click to see original Image in a new windowFour Filipinos and five other foreigners have been kidnapped in a recent attack by suspected ISIL-linked militants on a Libyan oilfield, the Philippines government says.

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Somalia : US removes former al-Shabab leader from terror list
on 2015/3/9 18:16:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe United States has removed a former senior leader of Somalia’s al-Shabab militant group from its terror list, the Somali government says.

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Egypt : Egypt temporarily opens Rafah border crossing with Gaza
on 2015/3/9 18:13:18

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgypt has temporarily opened a key border crossing with the Israeli-besieged Palestinian Gaza Strip for the first time in nearly two months.

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Egypt : UAE financed Egypt military coup
on 2015/3/3 18:01:15

Click to see original Image in a new windowAn audio recording newly released by an Egyptian TV station shows that the United Arab Emirates (UAE) helped a military coup in Egypt which led to the ouster of the first freely-elected President Mohamed Morsi and the coming to power of Abdel-Fattah al-Sisi as the new president.

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Libya : Libya MPs vote to return to UN talks on crisis in country
on 2015/3/3 18:00:25

Click to see original Image in a new windowLibya's internationally recognized parliament has agreed to come back to UN-sponsored negotiations over the crisis in the chaotic country.

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Libya : Militants attack oilfields, pipeline in Libya
on 2015/3/3 17:58:58

Click to see original Image in a new windowTakfiri militants operating in Libya have attacked three oilfields and a pipeline in the eastern part of the North African country, Libyan officials say.

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Egypt : Egypt kills 28, arrests 16 terrorists in Sinai
on 2015/3/1 18:18:23

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe Egyptian security forces have killed 28 Takfiri terrorists and arrested 16 others following large-scale operations in North Sinai.

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Egypt : Egypt hosts international forum against Takfiri terror
on 2015/3/1 18:14:05

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgypt is hosting an international conference on the rising threats of Takfiri terrorism in the Middle East and concerted efforts to counter the extremist militants, who are distorting the image of Islam, Press TV reports.

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Egypt : Egypt court rejects election law as unconstitutional
on 2015/3/1 18:10:47

Click to see original Image in a new windowAn Egyptian court has ruled that parts of the country’s election law run counter to the constitution.

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Somalia : Mortars hit Somali presidential palace, one killed
on 2015/2/28 17:50:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowA mortar attack on the Somali presidential palace in the capital, Mogadishu, has claimed the life of a security guard.

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Egypt : Egypt prosecutors refer 271 Muslim Brotherhood members to military court
on 2015/2/28 17:45:53

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgypt’s prosecutors have referred at least 271 members of the Muslim Brotherhood to a military court over alleged charges of attacking government buildings in central Egypt two years ago.

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Libya : Libya PM accuses Turkey of arming rival Tripoli faction
on 2015/2/28 17:41:52

Click to see original Image in a new windowLibya’s internationally recognized prime minister has accused Turkey of transferring weapons to a rival faction in the nation’s capital of Tripoli, vowing his government will halt its dealings with Ankara.

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Egypt : Egypt slams Amnesty report on airstrikes in Libya
on 2015/2/25 18:03:37

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Egypt has slammed a report by Amnesty International that accused Cairo of being responsible for civilian deaths in recent airstrikes on militant targets in eastern Libya.

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Nigeria : American missionary kidnapped in central Nigeria
on 2015/2/25 17:59:15

Click to see original Image in a new windowGunmen have kidnapped an American missionary while she was working at a school in central Nigeria, with ransom the suspected motive for the attack, police say.

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Egypt : Egypt court delays Muslim Brotherhood leader’s military trial
on 2015/2/24 18:17:18

Click to see original Image in a new windowAn Egyptian military court has postponed the trial over 2013 clashes of the opposition party Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme guide and 198 others.

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Libya : Tobruk parliament boycotts UN talks on Libya
on 2015/2/24 18:16:32

Click to see original Image in a new windowLibya’s internationally recognized parliament has decided to boycott a series of talks sponsored by the United Nations to find a solution for the ongoing conflict in the country.

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Egypt : At least 1000 Egyptians evacuated from Libya
on 2015/2/24 18:15:32

Click to see original Image in a new windowOver the past four days, at least 1,000 Egyptians have been evacuated from Libya, the country where the ISIL Takfiri terrorists were recently shown purportedly beheading 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians.

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