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Nigeria : Offensive against Boko Haram continuing
on 2015/2/23 18:10:10

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe Nigerian army says offensive against Takfiri Boko Haram militants is continuing after the recapture of the northeastern town of Baga from the extremists.

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South Africa : All 486 South Africa miners trapped by fire saved
on 2015/2/23 18:09:02
South Africa

Click to see original Image in a new windowAll 486 South African miners trapped after a fire outbreak at a gold mine have been brought to safety, a source says.

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Egypt : Egypt sentences prominent activist to 5 years behind bars
on 2015/2/23 18:08:09

Click to see original Image in a new windowA court in Egypt has sentenced prominent activist Alaa Abdel Fattah to five years in jail.

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Libya : Rocket attack hits airfield in east Libya
on 2015/2/22 17:57:16

Click to see original Image in a new windowUnknown assailants have targeted an airfield in eastern Libya with rockets without leaving any casualties or damage.

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Niger : 14 Boko Haram extremists killed in Niger
on 2015/2/22 17:56:14

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least 14 Takfiri Boko Haram militants have been killed in clashes with Nigerien army forces after an attack by the group in southeastern Niger.

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Egypt : Egypt court acquits former minister over Israel gas deal
on 2015/2/22 17:55:06

Click to see original Image in a new windowA court in Egypt has acquitted a former oil minister, who served under ex-dictator Hosni Mubarak, of charges of selling cheap gas to Israel.

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Libya : Western governments urge political solution to Libya crisis
on 2015/2/18 18:00:27

Click to see original Image in a new windowWorld powers have issued a statement urging a political solution to the crisis in Libya amid calls for military action in the violence-wrecked country.

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Nigeria : 38 killed in Nigeria as Boko Haram threatens elections
on 2015/2/18 17:59:11

Click to see original Image in a new windowTwo separate bombing attacks in Nigeria’s northeastern state of Borno have claimed 38 lives while Boko Haram leader has vowed to disrupt the country's upcoming elections.

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Tunisia : Four Tunisian police killed in terrorist attack
on 2015/2/18 17:58:07

Click to see original Image in a new windowFour Tunisian police forces have lost their lives in a “terrorist attack” in a western mountainous region near the Algerian border, the Tunisian government says.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : UN drops support for joint DRC operation
on 2015/2/15 18:18:43
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe United Nations is withdrawing promised support for an anti-militant operation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), which was supposed to be jointly carried out with the Congolese military.

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Tunisia : Tunisians slam media silence on Muslims’ death
on 2015/2/15 18:17:43

Click to see original Image in a new windowTunisians have staged a protest rally in the country's capital over the Western media's biased coverage of the murder of three American Muslim students in the US

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Egypt : Gunmen kill police officer in Egyptian town
on 2015/2/15 18:16:15

Click to see original Image in a new windowUnidentified gunmen have reportedly opened fire on a traffic police vehicle in the Nile Delta town of Banha in Egypt, killing a police officer and injuring three more.

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Cameroon : Boko Haram kidnaps 20, kills 12 in Cameroon
on 2015/2/10 18:11:20

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe Boko Haram Takfiri militants in Nigeria have stepped up attacks in neighboring countries, kidnapping 20 people in Cameroon and exploding a car bomb in Niger.

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South Sudan : Famine threatens over 2.5mn in S Sudan
on 2015/2/10 18:09:41
South Sudan

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe United Nations says over 2.5 million people in South Sudan are on the brink of famine amid the destructive civil war in the country.

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Niger : Niger votes to send troops to fight Nigeria's Boko Haram
on 2015/2/10 18:08:44

Click to see original Image in a new windowNiger’s parliament has unanimously voted to deploy troops to neighboring Nigeria to join a regional fight against Boko Haram terrorists.

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Egypt : At least 40 killed before football match in Cairo
on 2015/2/9 18:13:44

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least 40 people have been killed during clashes between police and fans before a football match in the Egyptian capital Cairo.

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Niger : At least five people killed in bomb explosion in Niger
on 2015/2/9 18:11:55

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least five people have been killed in a bomb blast in Niger’s southern border town of Diffa amid growing Boko Haram militancy in the region.

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Somalia : Al-Shabab militants assassinate Somali legislator
on 2015/2/9 18:11:11

Click to see original Image in a new windowAl-Shabab militants assassinA Somali lawmaker has been killed by al-Shabab militants in the capital Mogadishu as assassinations of politicians in the east African country continue.ate Somali legislator

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Iran : Iran Ready to Help Friends on Fight against Terrorism
on 2015/2/8 18:00:00

Visiting Iranian Foreign Minister Mohmmad Javad Zarif on Tuesday evening voiced Tehran`s readiness to cooperate with its friend countries on their anti-terror and anti-violence campaign.

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Iran : Iranian Foregin Minister Meets with Burundian President
on 2015/2/8 17:59:32

Burundian President Pierre Nkurunziza here on Wednesday appreciated Iran`s all-out support for his country, arguing that Iran is his country`s friend in need, and therefore it`s a friend indeed.

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