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Egypt : Egypt to double Gaza buffer zone width next week
on 2014/12/31 17:50:06

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgypt says it will double the width of a buffer zone being constructed along the border with the Gaza Strip, which has been under an Israeli blockade for the past seven years.

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Nigeria : Boko Haram kills 15 in Nigerian town
on 2014/12/31 17:48:47

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least 15 people have been killed after suspected Takfiri Boko Haram militants launched a deadly raid in a border town in northeastern Nigeria, eyewitnesses say.

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Africa : Happy New Year African Christian
on 2014/12/30 18:16:45

Click to see original Image in a new window AFRAN says Happy new year to all african christian.

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Libya : Libya asks for international help to extinguish oil terminal fire
on 2014/12/29 18:12:13

Click to see original Image in a new windowLibya’s Interior Minister Omar al-Sinki has pleaded for international help to prevent a massive fire at the North African country’s largest oil terminal from spreading.

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Egypt : Egypt transfers 15 students to military court
on 2014/12/29 18:11:08

Click to see original Image in a new windowThe cases of 15 individuals alleged to be members of the banned Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood movement have been referred to a military court in Egypt on violence-related charges, state-media report.

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Nigeria : Boko Haram attacks Cameroon villages
on 2014/12/29 18:10:21

Click to see original Image in a new windowAround 1,000 Takfiri Boko Haram militants have attacked five villages in northern Cameroon during the weekend, briefly seizing a military camp.

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Tunisia : Exit polls put Essebsi ahead in Tunisia run-off election
on 2014/12/22 18:12:29

Click to see original Image in a new windowExit polls show former Tunisian Prime Minister Beji Caid Essebsi has the lead in the country’s run-off presidential election as vote counting is still underway.

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Egypt : Egypt forces kill 5 al-Qaeda-linked militants northeast of Cairo
on 2014/12/22 18:10:34

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian forces have killed at least 5 militants belonging to an al-Qaeda-affiliated group in an area northeast of the capital, Cairo.

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Central African Republic : UN keeping trapped CAR Muslims from leaving
on 2014/12/22 18:06:13
Central African Republic

Click to see original Image in a new windowHuman Rights Watch (HRW) says the United Nations peacekeepers are collaborating with the Central African Republic (CAR) in order to prevent hundreds of Muslims trapped in the country’s western region from leaving.

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Egypt : Rights group says hundreds of minors illegally detained in Egypt
on 2014/12/20 18:04:09

Click to see original Image in a new windowHundreds of minors aged between 14 and 17 are serving illegal detention in a filthy prison in Banha, north of Egypt’s capital city of Cairo, a human rights organization says.

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Tunisia : Six die in Tunisia bus-train collision
on 2014/12/20 18:02:39

Click to see original Image in a new windowSix people have died and more than two dozen others have been injured in a collision between a bus and a train in northeastern Tunisia.

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Egypt : Egypt police attack demo in Alexandria, five arrested
on 2014/12/20 18:01:48

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian security forces have detained five people during a fresh anti-government protest staged by supporters of the country’s ousted president, Mohamed Morsi.

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Nigeria : Muslims mark Arba’een in Nigeria
on 2014/12/14 13:04:13

Click to see original Image in a new windowMuslims in Nigeria have held the annual Arba’een mourning rituals, which mark 40 days after the martyrdom anniversary of Imam Hussain (peace be upon him).

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Nigeria : Nigerian troopers kill 27 Boko Haram militants
on 2014/12/9 17:53:52

Click to see original Image in a new windowAt least 27 Takfiri Boko Haram militants have been killed in a fierce exchange of fire with Nigerian army forces in the country’s northeastern state of Borno.

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Egypt : Canada closes embassy in Egypt for security reasons
on 2014/12/9 17:52:56

Click to see original Image in a new windowCanada has announced the temporary closure of its embassy in the Egyptian capital, Cairo, to the public amid ongoing fears over security.

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Uganda : Ugandan maid pleads guilty to torturing baby girl
on 2014/12/9 17:51:39

Click to see original Image in a new windowA Ugandan maid has pleaded guilty to a charge of torturing an 18-month-old baby girl after a video of her allegedly abusing the child was posted online.

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Cape Verde : Fogo volcano lava reaches second village in Cape Verde
on 2014/12/8 18:13:21
Cape Verde

Click to see original Image in a new windowLava from an erupting volcano on the Cape Verde, located off the coast of West Africa, has reportedly reached a second village.

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Sudan : "US behind all Arab suffering"
on 2014/12/8 18:12:16

Click to see original Image in a new windowSudanese President Omar al-Bashir has slammed the US for its interventionist policies, which he says are responsible for “all the suffering” in the Arab world.

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Egypt : Egypt limits Turkey visits to curb ISIL recruitment
on 2014/12/8 18:11:16

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgypt has enacted a new rule that bars its citizens from traveling to Turkey without a permit, to prevent them from joining the ISIL Takfiri terrorists operating in Iraq and Syria.

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Nigeria : Nigeria seizes Chad-bound aircraft
on 2014/12/7 18:07:05

Click to see original Image in a new windowNigeria has reportedly seized a Russian-made Antonov transport plane on its way to Chad.

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