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Côte d'Ivoire : EU freezes Ivory Coast port and bank assets
on 2011/1/17 10:43:03
Côte d'Ivoire


ABIDJAN/BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union on Saturday increased the pressure on Ivory Coast leader Laurent Gbagbo to step down, freezing assets of the West African country's cocoa-exporting ports, its state oil firm and three banks.

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Côte d'Ivoire : African mediators to meet on Ivory Coast crisis
on 2011/1/17 10:39:42
Côte d'Ivoire


ABUJA (Reuters) - Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga will meet Nigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Sunday to discuss the crisis in Ivory Coast, the latest piece of shuttle diplomacy to try to end an election stand-off.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ouattara Aims to 'Close Financial Windows' as Human Toll of Crisis Mounts
on 2011/1/16 11:54:38
Côte d'Ivoire


The internationally recognized president of Cote d'Ivoire, Alassane Ouattara, said Friday that he believes the end of January will be "an important benchmark" in the struggle to get incumbent Laurent Gbagbo to give up power.

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Côte d'Ivoire : New EU Ivory Coast sanctions to take effect Saturday
on 2011/1/15 16:02:02
Côte d'Ivoire


BRUSSELS (Reuters) - The European Union on Friday formally approved toughened sanctions against Ivory Coast leader Laurent Gbagbo and 84 supporters over his refusal to step down after a disputed election, diplomats said.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivory Coast president-elect raises pressure on rival
on 2011/1/15 15:54:23
Côte d'Ivoire


WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Ivory Coast presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara, moving to cut financial support for his rival, warned on Friday that oil and cocoa firms may have to pay export taxes twice if they continued sending funds to Laurent Gbagbo's government.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Cote d'Ivoire's Ouattara promises to form unity gov't if Gbagbo leaves office
on 2011/1/12 12:36:49
Côte d'Ivoire


ABIDJAN, Jan. 10 (Xinhua) -- Alassane Ouattara, who has gained international support to replace Laurent as Cote D'Ivoire president, has promised to form a unity government with members of Gbagbo's party if the embattled Gbagbo leaves office first, according to the country's UN ambassador.

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Côte d'Ivoire : At least five dead in Ivory Coast clashes
on 2011/1/12 12:23:34
Côte d'Ivoire


ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Clashes in Ivory Coast killed at least five people on Tuesday in the most serious outburst of violence between backers of presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara and forces loyal to incumbent Laurent Gbagbo for weeks.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ghana Breaks Ranks With Ecowas
on 2011/1/11 10:39:58
Côte d'Ivoire

Public Agenda

Ghana's decision not to contribute troops in support of a possible military intervention in La Cote d'Ivoire has in no doubt complicated matters for ECOWAS, which has served notice on the beleaguered Ivorian leader Laurent Gbagbo that, should ongoing diplomatic efforts fail to get him to step down; the sub-regional grouping will have no option but to force him out.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Clashes in west Ivory Coast have killed 33: medic
on 2011/1/11 10:26:03
Côte d'Ivoire


ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Ethnic clashes in Ivory Coast's western town of Duekoue last week killed 33 people and wounded 75, the chief of its main hospital told Reuters on Monday.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivorians wary of war, resigned to long-haul crisis
on 2011/1/11 10:24:08
Côte d'Ivoire


ABIDJAN (Reuters) - Few Ivorians have the stomach for military intervention to oust Laurent Gbagbo after a disputed election, and many are resigned to a political deadlock which they fear could last months or even years.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Canada, UK reject expulsion orders
on 2011/1/9 11:20:31
Côte d'Ivoire


Canada and Britain have rejected the expulsion of their ambassadors by the incumbent president of Ivory Coast. They say they recognize only the authority of his challenger and the internationally-recognized winner of the country's presidential election, Allassane Ouattara.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Gbagbo Expels UK, Canadian Envoys
on 2011/1/8 10:54:01
Côte d'Ivoire


The government of Côte d'Ivoire's incumbent president Laurent Gbagbo has ordered the expulsion of the British and Canadian ambassadors because they do not recognise ambassadors appointed by Gbagbo. Presidential claimant Alassane Ouattara meanwhile called for a west African sting operation against Gbagbo.

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Côte d'Ivoire : AU envoy reiterates amnesty for Gbagbo's peaceful departure
on 2011/1/8 10:48:58
Côte d'Ivoire


The African Union (AU) envoy, Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga, reiterated on Wednesday that Cote d'Ivoire's incumbent Laurent Gbagbo would have amnesty if he agrees to surrender power peacefully.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Gbagbo 'agrees' with ECOWAS
on 2011/1/5 10:40:11
Côte d'Ivoire


Embattled Ivory Coast president Laurent Gbagbo has agreed to negotiate a "peaceful end" to the ongoing crisis in his West African country without preconditions, regional leaders say. He has also agreed to lift a blockade around the temporary headquarters of his rival Alassane Ouattara, ECOWAS leaders said.

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Côte d'Ivoire : ECOWAS delegation fails to persuade Gbagbo
on 2011/1/5 10:39:22
Côte d'Ivoire


A delegation of African leaders from the ECOWAS failed to persuade incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo of Ivory Coast to stand down following disputed polls. The group made up of Presidents Boni Yayi of Benin, Pedro Pires of Cape Verde and Ernest Bai Koroma of Sierra Leone went to Ivory Coast on Monday to offer him an amnesty if he left.

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Côte d'Ivoire : I.Coast's Gbagbo agrees to lift blockade of rival
on 2011/1/5 10:23:14
Côte d'Ivoire


ABUJA (Reuters) - Ivory Coast's Laurent Gbagbo has agreed to further talks over a bitter election dispute and has promised to lift a blockade around the temporary headquarters of rival Alassane Ouattara, regional bloc ECOWAS said on Tuesday.

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Côte d'Ivoire : African envoys have no deal, Ivorian talks to go on
on 2011/1/4 14:30:00
Côte d'Ivoire


ABIDJAN (Reuters) - African leaders ended meetings in Ivory Coast on Monday without persuading Laurent Gbagbo to cede power to his rival Alassane Ouattara, but the talks will go on, one of the envoys said.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Ivory Coast missed Eurobond payment, no default yet
on 2011/1/4 14:27:09
Côte d'Ivoire


LONDON (Reuters) - Crisis-torn Ivory Coast has missed a coupon payment on its $2.3 billion Eurobond that was due on Friday, but a month grace period means it is not yet in default, the London Club of commercial creditors said on Monday.

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Côte d'Ivoire : UN mission to probe ‘abuses’ in I Coast
on 2011/1/4 14:22:30
Côte d'Ivoire


The United Nations peacekeepers in Ivory Coast have been instructed to do all they can to investigate sites of alleged human rights violations, following November's disputed election. The UN says it had tried to go to the site of one reported mass grave, but was blocked by security forces loyal to incumbent President Laurent Gbagbo.

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Côte d'Ivoire : Raila Departs for Peace Mission
on 2011/1/3 10:31:46
Côte d'Ivoire


Nairobi — Kenyan Prime Minister Raila Odinga departed on Sunday morning to Abuja, Nigeria to undertake his role as the African Union special envoy to resolve the political stalemate in Cote d'Ivoire.

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