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Afran : Turkey to host conference on Somalia
on 2010/4/21 14:11:22

press tv

Turkey plans to hold an international conference on the political situation in Somalia in which measures to fight piracy off the coast of the African country will be discussed.

According to Spanish Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs Angel Losada, the international conference on Somalia is scheduled to be held in Istanbul in mid-May.

The Spanish foreign minister said on Tuesday that the conference would also be examining the effects of international assistance to the interim government of Somalia, the Anatolia news agency reported.

Losada also stated that the idea of an international conference on Somalia was first put forward last year by Spanish Prime Minister Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero and French President Nicolas Sarkozy.

Somalia has been beset by unrest since the 1991 ouster of dictator Mohamed Siad Barre.

In addition, the Somali coast has been infested by piracy in recent years.

Attacks by heavily-armed Somali raiders in speedboats have prompted foreign navies to patrol the Gulf of Aden and the Indian Ocean and to provide escorts for commercial vessels travelling in the area.

Afran : Shelling kills 5 in Mogadishu
on 2010/4/21 14:10:53

press tv

Heavy shelling exchanges between rebels and Somali government troops have left at least five people dead in Mogadishu.

In addition, medics say seven people were injured in the fighting.

Somali government officials have confirmed the shelling but did not provide any details.

Civilians have suffered greatly as a result of the clashes between the warring sides fighting for control of Mogadishu.

Human Rights Watch has accused the West of turning a blind eye to abuses by government troops and African Union soldiers in Somalia.

HRW has also accused the United States of sending mortars to the Somali government, even though no party has used the weapons in accordance with international law of war.

War-battered Mogadishu has been the scene of deadly civil strife since the collapse of the country's central government in 1991.

During the 2006-2009 Ethiopian invasion of Somalia, thousands of civilians died and many others fled to neighboring Kenya.

Afran : Anti-govt. demos held in Egypt
on 2010/4/21 14:10:26

press tv

Dozens of anti-government protesters have taken to the streets of the Egyptian capital Cairo to demand more political freedom.

The demonstrators slammed calls by politicians and officials loyal to President Hosni Mubarak to use force against anti-government protesters.

They also called for an end to emergency rule that allows indefinite detentions of people under the pretext of national security.

A lawmaker earlier questioned the Interior Ministry for being soft on the protesters. He said anti-government protesters should be shot.

Amnesty International has condemned the MP's outrageous remarks, saying that it was "a clear incitement to excessive force and potentially unlawful killing of protesters."

Mubarak has been the President of Egypt since 1981.

Afran : Report on Zuma's financial interests expected today
on 2010/4/21 14:10:03


The Public Protector, Advocate Thuli Madonsela, is today expected to release the findings of her investigation into President Jacob Zuma's failure to disclose his financial interests. President Zuma failed to declare his financial interests in time as required by the law. The Democratic Alliance's (DA) Parliamentary leader Athol Trollip is looking forward to the report - which his party requested.

Trollip says that the way in which the Public Protector handles this issue will say a great deal about the independence of the institution. He says he hopes that Advocate Madonsela has investigated the matter openly, independently and without fear, favour or prejudice.

President Zuma was supposed to have declared his financial interest within 60 days after taking office, but that didn't happen. Trollip says that at this stage it is not clear whether Advocate Madonsela will release her findings to the public or to the party, but he says they will wait to see what will happen.

Madonsela, instigated the investigation after a written request from the DA.

Afran : Russia keen to invest in Zim mines
on 2010/4/21 14:09:35

Herald Reporter

RUSSIA has expressed interest in investing in Zimbabwe’s mining sector as it moves to enhance diplomatic ties.

Speaking to journalists after meeting Zanu-PF national chairman Cde Simon Khaya Moyo at the party’s headquarters in Harare yesterday, Russia’s Ambassador in Harare Professor Vladimir Shubin, who was accompanied by a delegation from his country, described Zimbabwe as a safe investment destination.

"We want to enhance economic relations between our two countries.

"I have come with officials from the Russian Academy of Sciences Institute for African Studies because we want to invest in Zimbabwe, particularly in the mining sector," said Ambassador Shubin.

He said the political and economic situation in Zimbabwe was different from what was portrayed by the Western media.

Ambassador Shubin said Zimbabwe has potential to revive its economy through agriculture.

Cde Khaya-Moyo said Zimbabwe and Russia enjoy good relations dating back to the liberation struggle.

He applauded Russia for defending Zimbabwe’s cause on land reform by blocking efforts by Britain and its allies to have the United Nations Security Council impose sanctions on Zimbabwe.

"Russia is our all-weather friend and has weathered a lot of storms on our behalf. Together with China, they have stood with us during these times and we are very grateful about that.

"We want to see closer ties between us in terms of trade.

"We want to see airlines flying between the two countries and the entire world should see that the relations between Zimbabwe and Russia remain extremely cordial," Cde Khaya-Moyo said.

Afran : President invited to G-15 Summit
on 2010/4/21 14:09:11

Herald Reporter

A SPECIAL envoy from Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad yesterday delivered a special invitation to President Mugabe from the leader of the Islamic Republic to attend the G-15 Summit scheduled for Teheran from May 17 to 19.

Mr Mohammad Abbasi, who is Iran’s Minister of Co-operatives, delivered the invitation to President Mugabe at his Munhumutapa Offices yesterday

President Ahmadinejad is expected in Zimbabwe tomorrow to officially open the 51st edition of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair.

Speaking soon after delivering the invitation, Mr Abbasi said the G-15 was an initiative to improve relations between developing countries.

"I was here to present an invitation for the G-15 Summit to be held in Iran. It is there to improve South-South relations," he said.

Foreign Affairs Minister Simbarashe Mumbengegwi said the G-15 was an important link for the development of members of the Non-Aligned Movement.

"The G-15 is one of the most important groups to look after the economic and developmental aspects of the NAM.

"The initiative, which has been taken by Iran, is important in relations of South-South co-operation," he said.

Minister Mumbengegwi said there was also need to establish South-South media agencies to report news from developing countries’ perspectives.

"Airwaves are dominated by Western agencies.

"There is need to cover situations from the perspective of developing countries," Minister Mumbengegwi said

The G-15 is a group of developing countries established at the ninth NAM Summit in 1989 with a common vision to foster growth and development among members.

It promotes North-South dialogue and is currently made up of 17 members drawn from Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Afran : Ahmadinejad visit providential
on 2010/4/21 14:08:51


THE scheduled official opening of the Zimbabwe International Trade Fair, on Friday, by Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is providential coming as it does at a time when Western nations, led by Britain and the United States have openly declared their hostility to the aspirations of our two nations.

There is, thus, greater need to strengthen collective co-operation and consolidate the links that exist not only between our two nations, but among other like-minded nations as well.

Though Zimbabwe and Iran are separated geo-graphically, the two countries share intricate historical, cultural, political and socio-economic links that transcend both time and space.

Zimbabwe and Iran have a common history dating back to the 13th century when our forebears traded in gold and ivory, through the liberation struggle when the leader of the Islamic Revolution, Imam Khomeini inspired the Patriotic Front to expeditiously drive out the settler regime.

Both our nations were born after protracted armed revolutions that toppled the administrations of stooge leaders — Bishop Abel Muzorewa and the Shah of Iran, King Mohammed Reza Pahlavi.

Our people prevailed against the forces of imperialism almost at the same time. The Islamic Republic of Iran attained its independence on February 11, 1979, at a time when the Zimbabwean revolution had reached the decisive phase culminating in the people’s victory on April 18, 1980.

The deposing of the vassal regimes did not please the West that sponsored wars of destabilisation, disguised as civil wars. Our nations once again triumphed in tandem; the Iran-Iraq war ending in 1988 a few months after we triumphed against the externally sponsored dissident insurrection by signing the Unity Accord on December 22, 1987.

Since then our two countries have forged closer ties through the Zimbabwe-Iran Joint Commission that was established on October 19, 1991 and has seen increased co-operation in the areas of trade, technology transfer, agriculture, education and defence.

The Islamic Republic of Iran is at the centre of the Look East Policy adopted by Government at the turn of the millennium, a policy that has enabled us to prevail against the isolationist agenda of Britain and the United States. These countries have declared Zimbabwe a pariah state and Iran ‘‘an axis of evil’’, for daring to defend the interests of the citizens and scuttling the West’s bid to plunder the resources of our two nations.

This labelling has been followed by unwarranted economic sanctions, which have afflicted Iran over the past 30 years and Zimbabwe since 2001.

These sanctions have, however, made us self-reliant, because instead of undermining our independence, they have served to strengthen it.

We, however, take great pride in the fact that the resilience of the peoples of our nations, who have refused to be used as instruments of illegal regime change, has proved to be unassailable.

This has been ably complemented by the visionary leadership of great men like President Mugabe, the late Vice President Joshua Nkomo, the late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran; Imam Khomeini, the leader of the Islamic revolution, Ayatollah Khamenei; and President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.

The West’s neo-colonial agenda should only make us stronger. Our strength derives from the knowledge that we are nations that imperialism would rather not have seen born, which it would rather have seen aborted and currently wishes to pulverise under the might of its weapons of mass destruction.

It is thus imperative that the countries of the East and the South gang together, just as the North and West do, for it is from mutual co-operation that we can present a formidable front against the common enemy.

We are blessed in having generations of citizens that have been tempered by wars, and strengthened by hard-won democracy, which has always been threatened by the erstwhile colonisers.

We hope President Ahmadinejad’s visit — coming as it does on the heels of the three-day State visit by his predecessor, Seyed Mohammed Kathami in 2005 — will lead to greater co-operation between Harare and Teheran.

Afran : Japan donates US$13,3m for health, education ministries
on 2010/4/21 14:08:29

Herald Reporter

Government has received a US$13,3 million grant for education and health from Japan that will be disbursed through five United Nations agencies.

This follows another US$1,4 million humanitarian grant given to Unicef in January this year.

Japan’s Ambassador to Zimbabwe Mr Koichi Morita said the grant would go a long way in improving the standards of living for vulnerable groups in Zimbabwe.

"The grant has two components; one for basic education and the other for health.

"The education component focuses on several elements to improve the learning environment in primary schools, while the health component concentrates on maternal health and infant mortality," he said.

Ambassador Morita said the health component would concentrate on maternal health and infant mortality.

"Midwifery, obstetric and neo-natal resuscitation kits for basic and essential care to be procured and distributed to 62 district hospitals including two delivery beds per hospital," he said.

Ambassador Morita said the project would also rehabilitate "Mothers’ Waiting Shelters" at hospitals.

He said Japan had already funded refurbishment of 10 such wards that were almost complete.

Japan also signed grant agreements with the Zimbabwe Red Cross Society worth US$97 000 for the Midlands Youth Training Centre in Gweru.

The centre specifically targets vulnerable youth, especially child-headed families and children infected with HIV and Aids.

About 120 youths per year will be trained in carpentry and sewing.

Afran : Chiadzwa loses freedom bid
on 2010/4/21 14:08:09


JAILED diamond dealer Newman Chiadzwa’s bid for freedom failed after the High Court dismissed his application for bail pending appeal.

Justice Bharat Patel upheld the State’s submissions that there was a likelihood that Chiadzwa could abscond should he be released on bail.

It was noted that the diamond dealer had vast properties inside and outside Zimbabwe and the offer of two houses as surety might not tie him down, as they were just an "inch in a mile".

"The application for bail pending appeal is dismissed," said Justice Patel in his judgment made last Friday.

Magistrate William Billa, sitting at the Mutare Magistrates’ Courts, last year slapped Chiadzwa with an effective five-year jail term and a US$132 000 fine after convicting him of illegal possession of 8kg of diamonds. The State, led by principal law officer, Mr Albert Masamha submitted that Chiadzwa’s offer of houses in Warren Park and Bluff Hill were too little surety compared to his wealth.

A real estate agent valued the Bluff Hill house at US$110 000 while the Warren Park property was estimated to be worth US$25 000.

The court upheld the State’s argument that while the sentence might be reduced on appeal, the custodial sentence might still be retained.

In his application for bail pending appeal, Chiadzwa’s lawyer Mr Innocent Gonese submitted there were bright prospects of success on appeal against sentence.

Afran : Fired workers attach vehicles
on 2010/4/21 14:07:45


The Messenger of Court yesterday attached 10 vehicles belonging to Zinwa to raise US$38 982,76 owed to two workers who were unprocedurally dismissed from the water utility.

The vehicles are two Mazda Rustlers, a Toyota Hilux, two Mitsubishi Canter trucks, a Mazda T35 truck, a Nissan CK10 lorry, a Mazda B1600, a Nissan double cab truck as well as a single cab.

Marondera Municipality employed Tapiwa Madhoro and Clifford Matoro as pump attendants.

When Zinwa took over the local authority’s water, the entire workforce in the department was transferred to the utility and placed on three months probation.

Their contracts were renewed every month with the employer promising them permanent jobs thereafter.

After three months, they were not made permanent employees, but continued going to work.

Eight months later, Zinwa asked the employees to sign casual contract forms but the two refused.

The water authority proceeded to withhold the duo’s April and May 2008 wages, arguing that they would only be paid after signing the contract forms.

The two then approached the Labour Court for recourse and the latter ruled they had been unprocedurally dismissed.

Zinwa was ordered to reinstate the employees without loss of benefits and salaries.

If reinstatement was no longer possible, the employer was to pay wages up to the date of the hearing, leave days and 36 months damages for loss of employment.

The High Court issued a Writ of Execution for attachment of the property when the utility failed to pay the dues.

Afran : Bail directive sparks AG, prosecutors row
on 2010/4/21 14:06:59


THE Attorney-General’s Office has said it will prefer charges against law officers and prosecutors who consent to bail in serious offences without clearance from head office.

The directive has triggered sharp criticism from law officers and prosecutors who claim the move amounts to interference, with some threatening to resign if it is implemented.

In a recent memorandum addressed to all law officers, section heads, senior public prosecutors, area public prosecutors and prosecutors in charge, director of public prosecutions Ms Florence Ziyambi expressed concern over the number of robbers being released on bail.

Ms Ziyambi said consent to such bail was done without approval from herself, section heads or AG Mr Johannes Tomana.

"This is a clear defiance of directions. Miscon-duct charges will be preferred against officers who have consented to bail on such matters in clear defiance of instructions.

"This also serves as a reminder to all officers to abide by office instructions. There is no bail for serious offences including robbery.

"The office will deal with officers who continue to consent to bail on serious offences," she warned.

The memo, however, angered several law officers and prosecutors who said they were professionals and could exercise their discretion on bail matters.

"We cannot believe that our office would treat us like that on top of the already frustrating conditions," said one law officer, speaking on condition of anonymity.

Another added: "This means that if your opinion differs with that of the director, you can get prosecuted.

"She should allow us to exercise our discretion, we went to law school for four years and I am

sure we can handle matters of bail."

Prosecutors said Mr Tomana told Parliament recently that prosecutors had the discretion to consider whether or not to consent to bail.

Ms Ziyambi yesterday defended the directive, adding it was necessitated by the way law officers and prosecutors were handling third schedule offences, such as murder, rape and armed robbery.

She said in May and June last year, a number of criminals were released on bail with law officers and prosecutors’ consent.

"The gang that raided the home of the Regional Integration and International Co-operation Minister (Priscilla Misihairabwi-Mushonga) had been released on bail by our officers.

"Prosecutors must be aware of our policy and procedures.

"When they stand in court, they are not representing themselves, but the AG.

"We are saying they should not consent to bail for serious offences."

Ms Ziyambi said the AG’s Office was an organised department with division heads who should be consulted.

"We will prefer charges against law officers and prosecutors who consent to bail for serious offences.

"If you discipline someone, it does not mean you hate them," she said.

Asked if the AG’s Office was not interfering with law officers and prosecutors’ discretion, Ms Ziyambi said: "If they do not follow procedures, we don’t just sit back but take necessary measures."

Ms Ziyambi said the public had to be protected from dangerous and habitual criminals, hence the directive.

Afran : Mayor, councillors charged
on 2010/4/21 14:06:24


Mayor Muchadeyi Masunda and eight MDC-T councillors yesterday appeared in court for allegedly authoring and publishing a report tarnishing the image of businessman Mr Phillip Chiyangwa.

Masunda (58), Warship Dumba (42), Paula Macharangwanda (44), Panganayi Charumbira (40), Herbert Gomba (34), Job Mbadzi (40), Musa Macheza (36), Casper Takura (42) and Thomas Muzuva were not asked to plead to defamation charges when they appeared before Harare magistrate Mrs Vongai Muchuchuti.

She remanded them out of custody to today.

Through their lawyers — Advocate Happias Zhou and Mr Alec Muchadehama — the nine challenged their placement on remand arguing that there were insufficient facts to warrant remand.

They argued that the State should not press charges on them but on the persons who published the articles based on the report.

However, Mr Chris Mutangadura of the Attorney-General’s Office opposed the application saying there was reasonable suspicion that the nine committed the offence.

Mrs Muchuchuti will make a ruling on the application today.

Mr Mutangadura alleges that on November 9 2007, the City of Harare indicated that they wanted Stand 389 Derbyshire measuring 25, 83 hectares — an industrial stand, then owned by Pinnacle, a subsidiary of Kilima Investments.

The two companies belong to Mr Chiyangwa.

The city officials had allegedly expressed an interest in procuring a portion of the industrial land equivalent in value to a piece of land situated in Gunhill measuring 10,23 hectares.

Pinnacle allegedly accepted the offer and the city proceeded to value both pieces of land commensurate with the values of land exchangeable from either side. Kilima passed transfer of Stand 389 in favour of the city.

The city of Harare allegedly failed to perform its obligations to transfer the land, citing that the said piece of land had, by virtue of a ministerial directive, been earmarked for a national project that was underway.

The complainant, through its lawyers Kantor and Immerman, demanded specific performance as the city was in breach of contract.

To rectify the said breach, it is alleged, the city demanded the entire Stand 389 Derbyshire and in return, substituted the Stand in Gunhill with pieces of land measuring 17,13ha in different areas in Harare.

At all material times, Pinnacle dealt with the town clerk who allegedly said he was duly authorised to consummate the transactions and that all mandatory internal procedures had been complied with.

On December 17 last year, a special committee was appointed by a special resolution of council.

The special committee was made up of the eight councillors under Masunda’s instruction, it is alleged.

The committee was tasked to investigate the city’s land sales, leases and exchanges from October 2004 to December 2009 with particular regard to (former commission chairperson Sekesai) Makwavarara’s era, the commission era, the caretaker council era and the current council.

In March this year, the accused persons allegedly produced a 54-page dossier entitled "Special investigations Committee’s report on City of Harare’s Land sales, Leases and Exchanges from October 2004 to December 2009."

The document produced was marked "strictly confidential" and carried a confidentiality clause binding all members of the committee.

It is the State’s case that on a date unknown to the prosecutor, but during March 2010 before the report was tabled before a full council for debate and possible adoption, the nine, acting in common purpose allegedly published or leaked the document or its contents to the Standard and Sunday Times newspapers and other media.

The Standard of March 28 to April 3 published an article on its front-page titled "Probe orders arrest of Phillip Chiyangwa."

The Sunday Times of March 28 2010 published an article on its front page titled "Borrowdale Land Grab with (pictures of) Mr Phillip Chiyangwa, Minister Ignatius Chombo."

The State argues that the contents of the document were false in the material particulars.

The assertions made by accused persons are that the complainant was an unscrupulous businessperson who has abused the City of Harare’s internal procedures in collusion with corrupt city officials.

The State further alleges that there was a sting in the entire report and a wrongful perception was created that the entire property portfolio under Mr Chiyangwa’s companies of 500 hectares was the city’s land, fraudulently and corruptly acquired by him. They alleged that the complainant was a fraudster, a scam artist or is corrupt, a dishonest businessman, a land thief, a scandalous businessperson and shady.

There was other abusive language in the report, which is conclusive that the complainant is untrustworthy and dishonest.

They allege that the publication of the report attracted widespread coverage the world over.

The special investigations committee’s report, The Standard newspaper of March 28 2010 to April 03 2010 and The Sunday Times newspaper of March 28 2010 will be produced in court as exhibits.

Afran : Govt shelves relocation of families
on 2010/4/21 14:05:20


Government has shelved the relocation of nearly 800 families of the Chitsa clan who have been staying near Gonarezhou National Park because they have valid offer letters to live on that land.

The State says the area occupied by the families is not within Gonarezhou and will not affect the Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park.

The Transfrontier Park brings together Gonarezhou, Mozambique’s Limpopo National Park and the Kruger National Park of South Africa.

The Great Limpopo Transfrontier Park will be the world’s biggest wildlife sanctuary on completion.

Masvingo Provincial Governor and Resident Minister Titus Maluleke said the Chitsa families would not be relocated as they lived beyond the park’s boundaries.

"The families have valid offer letters and there is no rationale in relocating them.

"There is also no need to move them on the basis that they are settled inside the game park and they will not in anyway affect the creation of the Transfrontier Park," Governor Maluleke said.

The families had launched a spirited fight against Government’s initial decision to move them to the nearby Chizvirizvi Ranch. Government was struggling to raise money to fund the relocations.

The clan accused the Ian Smith regime of conning them out of their land by claiming the area was infested with tsetse flies before pegging it for Gonarezhou National Park.

The families moved back onto the land in 2000.

Afran : Outcry as PE murder suspects walk free
on 2010/4/21 14:04:29


Charges against the five suspects arrested in connection with the murder of a 60 year-old grandmother and five children in Port Elizabeth three years ago have been dropped. The latest development has caused outrage in the community and left the parents of the deceased children devastated. Julia Deliwe was found murdered in her Zwide home.

Five little girls were found lying on top of each other in a full bath - all drowned. The murders shocked the community and their frustration grew with lack of progress by police in making an arrest.

Towards the middle of last year Deputy Police Minister Fikile Mbalula visited the city to speed up the probe. A police task team was formed and four suspects were arrested in August. Now the case seems to be back to square one. Police spokesperson Marinda Mills says the charges have only been temporarily withdrawn. This is in order to pursue further avenues of investigation. However, this gives little comfort for the family.

The ANC Women's League regional task team says justice was failing the families.

Afran : JSC to decide whether to appeal Hlophe judgment
on 2010/4/21 14:04:05


The Judicial Services Commission (JSC) says it will decide within the next two weeks whether to apply for leave to appeal a Western Cape High Court ruling that nullified the JSC's decision to drop misconduct charges against Cape Judge President, John Hlophe. The High Court yesterday found that the JSC was not properly constituted when taking its decision. It also found that it was wrong not to include Western Cape Premier Helen Zille in their proceedings. JSC spokesperson, Dumisa Ntsebeza says they are still studying the judgment.

"In terms of the rules of court, the rules provide for a period of time within which an appeal process can be lodged by the losing party in any litigation. The situation is no different. I have not had sight of the rules immediately, but I think it is anything between 10 to 15 days."

Meanwhile, lawyers for Hlophe, say the court ruling does not mean that the disciplinary proceedings against their client will start anew. Hlophe's lawyer, Barnabas Xulu, elaborates: "There is a judgment which says the decision of the JSC was null and void and was set aside, but it does not say whether the JSC must start the whole process all together. Also the decision or the judgment does not deal with the merits, it deals with the procedure or the procedural aspects of the way in which the JSC was constituted."

Zille earlier said she is waiting for an invitation to attend a new inquiry into misconduct charges against Hlophe.

Afran : Selebi 'not tired' after hours in the witness box
on 2010/4/21 14:03:38


Former Police Commissioner Jackie Selebi has insisted that he is not tired as his corruption trial was adjourned in the South Gauteng High Court in Johannesburg. Selebi has spent more than five hours in the witness box. The State asked for an adjournment, saying Selebi must be tired.

Prosecutor Gerrie Nel and the Defence Advocate, Jaap Cilliers, had long agreed to adjourn proceedings early in the afternoon.

Selebi insisted that the prosecution should not use him as an excuse, if they wanted an early adjournment. The adjournment comes on the back of intense cross examination and renewed bickering between Selebi and the prosecution.

Selebi denies ever having had the draft 2005 National Intelligence Estimate report in his possession, let alone showing it to convicted drug trafficker Glenn Agliotti. Instead, Selebi says he declassified a police report about information peddlers and showed this to Agliotti.

Selebi says he wanted to find out more about businessman Jurgen Kogl, an information peddler and the source of an allegation that the murdered mining magnate Brett Kebble had bribed Selebi. He says he has the declassified report at home, while the classified version was submitted by his defence in court.

Selebi is accused of corrupt relationships with convicted drug lord Glenn Agliotti, murdered mining magnate, Kebble and former Hyundai boss Billy Rautenbach.

The charges allege that Selebi accepted at least R1.2m from Glenn Agliotti, a convicted drug trafficker who is awaiting trial accused of murdering mining magnate, Kebble. Selebi is alleged to have helped protect drug shipments into South Africa by 'turning a blind eye'. According to the indictment, he also passed on to Agliotti confidential UK intelligence reports about his trafficking. Selebi has vigorously denied the accusations.

Agliotti, nicknamed 'the landlord' for his extensive role in the narcotics trade, has since pleaded guilty to smuggling two tonnes of Pakistani hashish into the country under a plea bargain that saw him receive a suspended 10-year prison sentence and a fine in return for agreeing to be a witness against drug syndicates.

Afran : Zille demands public apology from ANC for 'forged email'
on 2010/4/21 14:03:02


Democratic Alliance (DA) leader, Helen Zille, is demanding a public apology from the ruling ANC party for disseminating what she termed, 'a fabricated racist e-mail'. This follows the findings of a forensic investigation into an alleged racist e-mail saga raised by the ANC.

The ANC says they will not back down and stand by their statement that the DA continues to perpetuate racism in the Western Cape.

The saga started when the ANC's Western Cape leadership claimed they received the e-mail containing racist language used in a discussion about by-election results and in-fighting in the Stellenbosch municipality. The e-mail was reportedly sent by the acting municipal manager, Petrus du Plessis to the Local Government Minister, Anton Bredell.

Zille immediately hired auditors to investigate the matter. They found that du Plessis did not have access to the e-mail account from which the message allegedly originated. Zille says the e-mail in question either originated from the ANC or it was fabricated by a third force and then given to the ANC. The investigation cost R72 000.

“Every time this happens it wastes the taxpayer and public money. On that basis we will reclaim the money and the ANC – they must pay for it,” says Zille.

But the ANC is sticking to their guns: “This matter must be investigated. We are still taking the matter to the Equality Court and the Human Rights Commission,” says ANC’s Mandla Dlamini.

However, Price Waterhouse Coopers stated in the report that they could not verify the authenticity or validity of the records and documents made available to them.

They also stated the scope of their work was limited to review of all the evidence made available to them.

Afran : Malema neither defied, nor disobeyed Zuma: ANC
on 2010/4/21 14:02:32


The ANC says its Youth League president, Julius Malema, has neither defied nor disobeyed President Jacob Zuma. This relates to his singing of certain freedom songs, Malema's criticism of Zuma, his public backing of Zimbabwe's President Robert Mugabe, and expulsion of a BBC journalist from a meeting.

The party's officials briefed the media in Johannesburg today following a meeting between the ANC and league members. The meeting came amid reports that Malema had been formally charged with ill-discipline.

The ANC Youth League says the ruling party will not discipline Malema despite defying Zuma's warning to stop inflammatory comments. The league says this follows a long meeting of the top six officials of the ANC including President Jacob Zuma last night. According to the league, it was agreed that the league rather than the ruling party should deal with Malema.

ANC deputy secretary general, Thandi Modise, says the ANC will consider the charges against Malema at its own leisure. The party says that it will not allow the media to pressurise it to make the findings of the investigation public.

Afran : Young people still engage in risky behaviour: Research
on 2010/4/21 14:02:08


Young people continue to engage in risky behaviour, according to research conducted by the Medical Research Council of South Africa (MRCSA). The survey was conducted among 10 000 learners between Grades eight and eleven from across the country.

Government says the results will be used for policy intervention targeting young people.

The research indicates that around 38% of young people have had sex, 15% carry weapons, 38% have driven under the influence of alcohol and 21% of them have attempted suicide in the past.

But there are interventions that can be made to reduce the effect of this risky behaviour.

According to the MRCSA’s professor Priscilla Reddy, the government needs to develop human capacity by training young people to become experts in health education and health promotion. "Those young people will in turn work with those communities to develop tailored specific and comprehensive interventions.”

The National Youth Development Agency says it will align their programme with this newly found research.

This survey shows a slight improvement from the first survey conducted in 2002. The survey is to be repeated every three years to check if there are changes in the patterns of behaviour.

Afran : Rev. Jesse Jackson calls for United States of Africa
on 2010/4/21 14:01:47


American Civil Rights activist Rev. Jesse Jackson says it would be ideal for the continent to form a United States of Africa. Jackson was addressing students and academics at the University of Zululand.

Jackson says a common currency will fight inequalities among African states. He said this would prevent the influx of people from poorer countries to those with stronger economies. Referring to South Africa, Jackson said although the country was politically free, the majority are still trapped in what he called ''Economic Apartheid".

Jackson said: “It is a vast continent - but one message should be a common message on economic growth and fair trade and transparency, it should be a common message on equality, we are all free but we are not all equal, inequalities are the threats of our time and challenges of our time”.

Jackson told the students that the only way they could free themselves from poverty was by getting an education. Jackson said: “we respect each other - everybody is somebody, everybody matters - we will go forward by hope”.

During his stay in the country, Jackson will receive an Honorary Degree from the University of KwaZulu Natal. He will also visit the Nelson Mandela foundation before holding talks with deposed Haiti leader Jean Bertrand Arestide.

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