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Kenya : Kenyans urge IMF to cancel over $2B loan
on 2021/4/7 13:17:19

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Over 160,000 Kenyans sign online petition saying previous loans to East African country lost in corruption

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Kenya : Biden team to review Kenya, Trump trade talks
on 2021/4/6 11:10:00

The Biden administration will review bilateral trade negotiations and targets that ex-President Donald Trump regime made with Kenya last year over a potential free trading deal.

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Kenya : Japanese firms rank Kenya top investment spot
on 2021/4/6 11:10:00

Kenya is the most attractive destination for Japanese firms seeking to make new investments in Africa, a survey has shown, beating the continent’s larger economies like South Africa and Nigeria.

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Kenya : Kenya's Economy to Rebound Fastest in Africa - World Bank
on 2021/4/6 10:59:59

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The World Bank has predicted that Kenya’s economy will be among one of the fastest to recover in 2021, post Covid-19 pandemic.

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Kenya : Biden Administration Dampens Kenya's Hopes for Bilateral Trade Deal
on 2021/4/6 10:50:54

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The Biden administration's plans to review foreign trade policy and refocus it on America's economic recovery have thrown long-running free trade negotiations with Kenya into disarray.

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Kenya : Kenya's Plan to Close Two Camps Worries Refugees
on 2021/4/6 10:38:59

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The Kenya Interior Ministry's announcement last week of its intention to close two major camps has increased uncertainty for hundreds of thousands of refugees, leaving many of them distraught.

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Kenya : IMF approves $2.3 billion aid package for Kenya amid coronavirus crisis
on 2021/4/6 10:31:51

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Considering a hard year that Kenya has had due to the existing financial constraints and the added pressure of the coronavirus pandemic, the IMF has approved a $2.34 billion aid package for the country.

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Kenya : Kenya joins The Canada-Africa of Business
on 2021/4/6 10:29:50

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Today, the Republic of Kenya has joined The Canada-Africa Chamber of Business ( as a full member of the 27-year-old organization, committed to accelerating Canada-Africa trade and investment.

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Kenya : Kenya exports to Africa markets hit 8-year high
on 2021/3/30 15:52:08

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Kenya’s exports to key markets in Africa rose to an eight-year high in 2020, provisional international trade data show, defying delays at border points caused by efforts to stem the spread of the global coronavirus pandemic.

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Kenya : Kenya's Peter Mathuki picked to head EAC Secretariat
on 2021/2/28 11:00:00

Dr Peter Mathuki, the Executive Director of the East African Business Council, who was on February 27, 2021 appointed secretary-general of the East African Community.

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Kenya : Biden comes calling as Kenya takes helm at AU Peace and Security Council
on 2021/2/28 10:40:00

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In the first formal telephone call with President Uhuru Kenyatta since he took charge, Mr Biden pledged a lasting partnership, and a focus on regional peace and stability, taking advantage of Kenya’s membership of the UN Security Council

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Kenya : Kenya Hires US, UK Lawyers in Somalia Ocean Case
on 2021/2/23 15:00:00

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Kenya has tapped top-level international lawyers in order to lead the maritime case against Somalia that has been ongoing for more than six years.

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Kenya : China's Debt-trap Diplomacy? Beijing Delays Kenya's $245 Million Debt in 'Repayment Holiday'
on 2021/2/21 15:33:29

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Kenya was scheduled to pay 27 billion shillings ($245 million) to China from January through June. The announcement of delayed payment came a week after the Paris Club of creditors agreed to delay $300 million in payments by the government of East Africa’s biggest economy.

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Kenya : IMF and Kenya reach preliminary agreement on $2.4bn loan
on 2021/2/21 15:28:30

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The three-year deal is aimed at supporting the country’s response to the coronavirus pandemic

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Kenya : Kenya to raise debt ceiling again as headroom reduces
on 2021/2/21 15:25:44

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Kenya will raise its debt ceiling of Sh9 trillion to accommodate gaps in its expenditure needs amid underperforming tax collections, the National Treasury has said, confirming reports that emerged from corridors of Parliament early January.

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Kenya : Why foreign fishing vessels run the show in Kenya’s deep waters
on 2021/2/21 15:22:27

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Kenya’s deep waters are currently being exploited by foreign industrial fishing vessels due to challenges facing local artisanal fishermen.

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Kenya : Seek EAC consensus for a new Kenya, UK trade deal
on 2021/2/21 15:21:21

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The decision by the British Parliament to delay the ratification of a new trade deal between Kenya and the UK is a wake-up call to negotiators to seek consensus among all parties likely to be affected by the pact.

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Kenya : Kenya to host virtual Dubai expo
on 2021/2/15 10:36:57

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Kenya will host the Dubai Week in Africa 2021 this week as the country looks to build trade relations with the UAE.

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Kenya : Growing desperation over Al-Shabaab threat in Kenya's north
on 2021/2/14 12:19:25

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Kenyan soldiers arrive at the scene of a bomb attack claimed by Shabaab militants in Mandera in 2016. The county of Mandera is increasingly coming under the control of Al-Shabaab, the area's governor warned recently.

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Kenya : USS Hershel “Woody” Williams Enters Mombasa, Kenya
on 2021/2/14 12:11:08

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The Expeditionary Sea Base USS Hershel “Woody” Williams (ESB 4) arrived in Mombasa, Kenya for a port visit, February 8, 2021, in support of its 2021 African coast deployment.

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