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Egypt : Egypt MB compares army rule to that of Hitler
on 2013/10/4 10:32:29

Muslim Brotherhood has slammed the Egyptian army for the ouster of former president, Mohamed Morsi, comparing the country's military rule to that of Adolf Hitler in Nazi Germany.

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Nigeria : Eight killed in Lagos plane accident
on 2013/10/4 10:32:05

At least eight people have been killed in a plane crash in the Nigerian city of Lagos, a rescue agency says.

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Libya : Armed men attack Russian Embassy in Libya
on 2013/10/3 15:52:29

A group of unidentified armed men has stormed the Russian Embassy in the Libyan capital Tripoli, but no embassy staff member has been injured or killed in the incident.

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Gambia : Gambia pulls out of 'neo-colonial' Commonwealth
on 2013/10/3 15:52:03

The Gambian government has announced it is withdrawing from the Commonwealth, saying it will "never be a member of any neo-colonial institution."

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Mali : Mali frees 23 prisoners as part of peace deal
on 2013/10/3 15:51:35

The Malian justice minister says the government has freed 23 rebel prisoners under terms of a June ceasefire agreement in a bid to revive a troubled peace process.

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Kenya : Al-Shabab threatens to escalate attacks in Kenya
on 2013/10/3 15:51:03

Somalia’s al-Shabab militant group has threatened to increase its deadly attacks against Kenya, days after they killed tens of people at a mall in the Kenyan capital.

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Nigeria : Boko Haram militants kill 6 in Nigeria: Report
on 2013/10/2 17:55:33

Click to see original Image in a new windowSuspected members of the Boko Haram militant group have killed at least six people in Nigeria’s northeastern Borno state, a report says.

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Egypt : Army chief calls for speedy transition in Egypt
on 2013/10/2 17:54:57

Click to see original Image in a new windowEgyptian army chief Abdel Fattah el-Sisi has called for a speedy end to the transitional period in order to restore peace and stability in the violence-wracked country.

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Rwanda : Rwanda asks Dutch for genocide suspect extradition
on 2013/10/2 17:54:13

Click to see original Image in a new windowRwanda has sent an extradition request to the Netherlands, asking the Dutch officials to deport a suspected Rwandan national for his role in the African country’s 1994 genocide.

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Afran : Poachers poison 91 elephants
on 2013/10/2 17:53:14

The stench of rotting elephant carcasses hangs in the air in western Zimbabwe, where wildlife officials say at least 91 elephants were poisoned with cyanide by poachers who hack off the tusks for the lucrative illegal ivory market.

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Somalia : Canada reinforces African Union forces in Somalia
on 2013/10/2 17:52:01

Canada announced Tuesday funding to bolster African Union forces in Somalia, after a deadly mall attack in Nairobi by Shebab Islamists last month.

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Kenya : Al-Shabab threatens to escalate attacks in Kenya
on 2013/10/2 17:49:38

Somalia’s al-Shabab militant group has threatened to increase its deadly attacks against Kenya, days after they killed tens of people at a mall in the Kenyan capital.

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Central African Republic : Recent fighting displaces 170,000 in CAR: UN
on 2013/10/2 17:49:14
Central African Republic

The United Nations says 170,000 people have been displaced in recent fighting in the Central African Republic (CAR).

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Libya : Torture widespread in Libya detention centers
on 2013/10/2 17:48:44

The UN has warned about widespread torture in Libyan detention centers run by revolutionaries who took arms against former dictator Muammar Gaddafi in 2011.

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Côte d'Ivoire : ICC issues arrest warrant for Ivorian ex-minister
on 2013/10/2 17:48:10
Côte d'Ivoire

The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued an arrest warrant against Ivorian ex-minister Charles Ble Goude over allegations of crimes against humanity.

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Sudan : Sudan defends crackdown as protests enter second week
on 2013/10/1 17:12:09

Click to see original Image in a new windowSudan has pointed to "fake" victim photos and foreign interference in defence of a deadly crackdown on protesters, which drew fresh criticism from inside the ruling party as rallies continued.

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Nigeria : President pledges national dialogue to heal 'divided' Nigeria
on 2013/10/1 17:10:27

Click to see original Image in a new windowNigerian President Goodluck Jonathan on Tuesday promised a national dialogue to heal what he said was an ethnically and religiously divided nation, and urged his compatriots to unite against extremism to avoid the fate of Syria.

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Republic of the Congo : Refugees fleeing Congo fighting swelling: UN
on 2013/10/1 17:05:26
Republic of the Congo

Click to see original Image in a new windowA new UN report says the number of refugees fleeing the violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo has risen by more than 350,000 over the past few months.

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Nigeria : Nigeria cannot handle violence: Former VP
on 2013/10/1 17:04:33

Click to see original Image in a new windowNigeria’s former Vice President Atiku Abubakar says the government lacks the ‘vision’ to handle violence in the country, a day after militants killed over 50 students.

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Kenya : Kenya MPs to call for Somali refugee camps closure
on 2013/10/1 17:03:29

Kenyan lawmakers will call for the closure of Somali refugee camps in the country following the deadly siege of a mall in the capital Nairobi.

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