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Africa : Cancun Talks Should Focus On 'Specific Items' for Agreement
on 2010/6/29 14:47:17


Johannesburg — December's global climate talks in Cancun, Mexico, should focus on areas where agreements could realistically be reached, leaving the debate on a legal framework for the deal to next year's conference in SA, European Union (EU) climate change commissioner Connie Hedegaard said yesterday.

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Africa : EAC Common Market Opens
on 2010/6/29 14:41:01


Kampala — The East African Community (EAC) Common Market, a customs union in which all factors of production move freely with the right of establishment and residence, will commence on Thursday July 1, 2010.

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Africa : Small Firms Benefit from 70 Million Euro Grant
on 2010/6/29 14:39:52


Kampala — The Netherlands government has introduced two instruments through which small, micro and medium firms in the East African Community (EAC) among others can get grants.

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Africa : At the World Cup, We're All Ghanaians
on 2010/6/28 13:09:13


With the five other African representatives - South Africa, Ivory Coast, Nigeria, Cameroun and Algeria - already eliminated in the first round, Ghana has been adopted by the entire continent to carry her banner at the on-going World Cup in South Africa. There were celebrations across the continent from Lagos to Nairobi and from Accra to Cairo as the Black Stars sent the USA packing.

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Africa : China rebuffs US trade criticism, says US to blame
on 2010/6/28 12:10:08


China has dismissed U.S. comments that Beijing is blocking a new trade agreement, saying that it was the United States that was stalling progress in the World Trade Organization's long-running Doha round.

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Africa : G8 says economic crisis threatens anti-poverty goal
on 2010/6/28 12:07:11


G8 wealthy countries said on Saturday the global economic crisis threatened to undermine 2015 global targets for halving extreme poverty around the world.

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Africa : G20 searches for common pace in uneven recovery
on 2010/6/27 14:30:00


World leaders cast about for a common approach on Saturday to securing an uneven economic recovery that is showing signs of fading.

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Africa : Burundi gropes in the dark ahead of EAC trade pact
on 2010/6/24 12:07:06

Only few days remaining to the implementation of the East African Community (EAC) Common Market Protocol, Burundians ate still behind with regard to business opportunities and access to services. Mr. Jean Rigi, Burundian Permanent Secretary in the ministry in charge of EAC Affairs added that behavioural change takes time.

He however said, if Burundian wants to be competitive in EAC region, they have to change their behaviour and work more hours like others. He appealed to local traders to work in association and mobilize adequate finances in a bid to get access to the market with required monetary strength.

The five East African Community partner states that is Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda will from July 1 implement the EAC Common Market Protocol. The code of procedure entails free movement of people and goods in the region.

Africa : President Kikwete seeks new term
on 2010/6/24 12:03:00

Tanzanian President Khalfan J. M Kikwete picked nomination forms in Dodoma, the new capital of the Tanzania to defend his seat in the coming general elections in October.

The ruling Revolutionary Party of Tanzania (Chama Cha Mapinduzi – CCM) Secretary General Yusuf Makamba handed over a presidential candidate form to President Kikwete, who is also CCM Party Chairman at CCM Head Office in Dodoma.

The president is at present the only CCM presidential candidate must be endorsed by 250 members from 10 regions on the Tanzania mainland and Zanzibar, according to party rules.

Africa : African Researchers to Use Latest Genetic Tools for Health and History
on 2010/6/23 11:41:09


Research into the health of Africans takes a big step forward with the launch of the Human Heredity and Health in Africa Project.

The U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the London-based Wellcome Trust are funding the project, with support from the African Society for Human Genetics.

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Africa : G8 Called on to Better Address Malnutrition
on 2010/6/23 11:40:00


A medical aid group says if G8 leaders want to improve mother and child health, they must first solve the malnutrition problem.

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Africa : African Countries Take Lead in Overall Millennium Development Goal Progress
on 2010/6/23 11:38:57


African countries are making the most overall progress in achieving the Millennium Development Goals. So says a new analysis by the London-based Overseas Development Institute and the U.N. Millennium Campaign. The report’s been released prior to the G8 and G20 summits at week’s end in Canada.

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Africa : Smelly socks to fight malaria
on 2010/6/22 16:51:36


A group of scientists from the central Netherlands University of Wageningen have discovered that an imitation foot odour could be the latest weapon to fight against malaria - the deadliest tropical disease - in Africa. The specialists hope to produce socks with special aroma to shy away mosquitoes at night.

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Africa : EU sees solar power imported from Sahara in 5 yrs
on 2010/6/21 15:00:00


Europe will import its first solar-generated electricity from North Africa within the next five years, European Energy Commissioner Guenther Oettinger said in an interview on Sunday.

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Africa : Australia mine executives aboard missing Africa plane
on 2010/6/21 14:50:00


Executives from three Australian mining firms, Gindalbie, Sundance Resources and Western Areas are missing after their aircraft disappeared in West Africa, the companies said on Monday.

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Africa : Economic crisis 'must not disrupt vaccine programme'
on 2010/6/20 11:27:55


The global economic crisis must not be allowed to interfere with the delivery of new vaccines to the developing world, a global health body has warned.

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Africa : G8 Leaders Called on to Address Poverty, Maternal and Child Health
on 2010/6/20 11:10:00


In the run-up to next week’s G8 and G20 summits many NGOs and humanitarian organizations are calling on world leaders to boost funding and fulfill past promises. But the troubled global economy may play a role on what leaders decide to do.

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Africa : "Africa should watch its step in SSC"
on 2010/6/20 11:02:48


The United Nations Center for Trade and Development (UNCTAD) advised the continent to watch its step and take advantage of South-South Cooperation (SSC).

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Africa : Voluntary refugee returns 'plunge'
on 2010/6/16 12:30:38


The number of refugees voluntarily returning home has plunged to its lowest rate in two decades, partly due to chronic insecurity in war-torn nations, according to the UN refugee agency.

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Africa : Job cuts loom in tobacco growing nations
on 2010/6/15 11:07:54


The International Tobacco Growers' Association (ITGA) has expressed outrage at the devastating impact that the latest set of recommendations from the World Health Organization's Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) would have on the jobs and livelihoods of millions of tobacco growers around the world.

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