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Somalia : US drone crashes in southern Somalia
on 2013/5/29 18:08:05

An unmanned aerial vehicle reportedly belonging to the United States has crashed in the Lower Shabelle region in the south of Somalia.

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Guinea : Clashes in Guinea leave 12 dead
on 2013/5/28 18:08:32

Twelve people have been killed in clashes between opposition supporters and security forces in Guinea's capital, Conakry, a government spokesman has said.

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Mali : Mali presidential elections set for July 28
on 2013/5/28 18:07:55

Mali's government has announced that much-anticipated presidential elections in the West African nation will take place on July 28.

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Central African Republic : Kimberley Process suspends Central African Republic
on 2013/5/28 18:07:06
Central African Republic

The Central African Republic has been suspended from the Kimberley Process, an international body responsible for halting the trade in conflict-tainted diamonds, due to the military clashes in the country.

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Sudan : Sudan gives South Sudan ‘last warning’ on rebels issue
on 2013/5/28 18:06:30

Sudan has given South Sudan a ‘last warning’ that it will close an oil pipeline running from the South if Juba supports the ‘traitors’ in Sudan.

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Libya : ‘NATO to give technical support to Libya’
on 2013/5/28 18:06:03

Libya’s prime minister says NATO will give technical advice to the Libyan military in terms of training.

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Mali : France will keep troops in Mali beyond 2014: Defense minister
on 2013/5/26 18:11:42

France has planned to keep a military presence in Mali beyond 2014, the country’s defense minister has announced.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : M23 clashes with phantom army in eastern Congo
on 2013/5/26 18:09:20
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Congolese rebels say they have repelled a dawn offensive by the army and a group of Rwandan Hutu fighters in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Africa : African Union leaders mark 50th anniversary in Ethiopia
on 2013/5/26 18:06:16

Dozens of the African Union (AU) leaders are meeting in the Ethiopian capital city of Addis Ababa to mark the 50th year since the founding of continent-wide organization.

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Guinea : Violent clashes erupt in Guinea-Conakry protests
on 2013/5/26 18:05:49

Violent clashes have broken out between security forces and opposition activists in the capital city of Guinea-Conakry, leaving over a dozen people injured.

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Nigeria : ‘Army razes camps used by Boko Haram’
on 2013/5/26 18:05:04

The Nigerian army says it has razed a number of important camps used by the militant group Boko Haram in the northeast of the country.

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Rwanda : Rwanda is key to peace in eastern Congo: Ban
on 2013/5/26 18:04:30

United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon says Rwanda is the key to ensuring peace and stability in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Ban expects UN Brigade to help normalize DRC situation
on 2013/5/22 18:10:46
Democratic Republic of the Congo

Visiting United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-moon voiced hope here Tuesday that the deployment of UN intervention brigade will help the situation in Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) return to normal.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : UN officials urge to implement peace framework for DRC
on 2013/5/22 18:09:53
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The UN Envoy for Africa's Great Lakes Region on Tuesday called for implementation of framework agreement for the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC), while voicing concerns over renewed clashes in the country's eastern areas.

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Kenya : Kenya to put more emphasis on sportspeople-oriented policies
on 2013/5/22 18:09:15

Kenya will put more emphasis on sportspeople-oriented policies as opposed to those rules that favor only sports managers.

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Morocco : 5 migrants die off Moroccan coast on way to Spain
on 2013/5/22 18:08:51

Five migrants died overnight after their boat capsized off Nador coast of northern Morocco on their way to Spain, Moroccan interior ministry said Tuesday in a statement .

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South Africa : S. African president orders swift justice amid initiation death toll rising
on 2013/5/22 18:08:18
South Africa

South African President Jacob Zuma on Tuesday called for a swift legal action as the initiation death toll in Mpumalanga Province reached 27.

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East of Africa : UN chief to visit African Great Lakes Region in support of peace deal implementation
on 2013/5/22 18:07:46
East of Africa

UN Secretary-General Ban Ki- moon, together with Jim Yong Kim, president of the World Bank, will visit the Great Lakes Region of Africa this week, with the purpose of promoting the implementation of a crucial peace accord, a spokesperson told reporters here Monday.

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Ghana : Ghana's skate soccer fans appeal for state support
on 2013/5/22 18:07:00

Skate soccer fans in Ghana on Monday appealed to the government and well-to-do individuals to assist in raising the sport to a higher level.

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Uganda : Ugandan police close 2 newspapers, 2 radio stations over sensitive letter
on 2013/5/22 18:05:57

The Ugandan police on Monday closed two local newspapers and two radio stations in a bid to retrieve a sensitive letter and other documents alleging planned assignation plots of key government officials and military officers.

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