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Central African Republic : Ousted Central African Republic president flees to Cameroon
on 2013/3/26 17:03:38
Central African Republic

The ousted president of the Central African Republic, Francois Bozize, has taken refuge in neighboring Cameroon as France sends more troops to the African country.

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Central African Republic : 13 South African soldiers killed in CAR capital
on 2013/3/26 17:03:11
Central African Republic

At least 13 South African soldiers have lost their lives in clashes with rebels at a checkpoint on the outskirts of Central African Republic's capital, Bangui.

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Kenya : Second chance for Kenya's runner Chebet to jump start career
on 2013/3/26 17:01:29

She arrived in Poland three years ago without much fanfare, but when Emily Chebet left Bydgoszcz, she had clinched both the World Cross Country gold medal and a lucrative contract with Addidas to bout.

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Kenya : Kenya allays fears of spread of dengue fever
on 2013/3/26 17:00:26

The Kenyan government said on Tuesday there was no cause for alarm following an outbreak of dengue viral disease in the East African nation's costal region in the past two days.

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Sudan : Security deal between Khartoum, Juba progressing well: Sudanese army
on 2013/3/26 17:00:01

The Sudanese army said Tuesday that the security deal between Khartoum and Juba is progressing well and that the two sides are fully committed to the agreement.

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Egypt : Egypt orders arrests of activists after presidential warning
on 2013/3/26 17:00:00

Egypt's prosecutor general on Monday issued arrest warrants and a travel ban against five prominent political activists accused of inciting violence against President Mohamed Morsi's Muslim Brotherhood.

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Zambia : Former Zambian president Banda denies abuse of authority charge
on 2013/3/26 16:59:22

Former Zambian President Rupiah Banda Tuesday denied abuse of authority charge leveled against him in connection with a Nigerian oil procurement deal.

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Zimbabwe : 81 Zimbabwean individuals off EU sanctions list
on 2013/3/26 16:58:53

The European Union has removed 81 Zimbabwean individuals and eight companies off its sanctions list, leaving on the travel ban the last ten influential people including President Robert Mugabe, his wife Grace Mugabe, and top military officials, reports said Tuesday.

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Mali : Malian PM reaffirms presidential and legislative polls to be held in July
on 2013/3/26 16:58:17

The Malian prime minister said on Monday that the government was determined to organize the presidential and legislative elections in July in conformity with the transition roadmap.

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Egypt : Abducted Israeli, Norwegian tourists freed in Egypt
on 2013/3/26 16:57:49

An Israeli man and a Norwegian woman who were kidnapped Friday in Egypt's governorate of South Sinai have been freed, a local security source told Xinhua Tuesday.

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Central African Republic : Central African Republic rebel chief declares transitional rule, further drawing int'l condemnation
on 2013/3/26 16:56:15
Central African Republic

The rebel leader in Central African Republic suspended the constitution, dissolved state institutions and declared a transitional rule on Monday.

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South Africa : BRICS gives S. Africa chance for nation-building: expert
on 2013/3/26 16:54:51
South Africa

The BRICS mechanism provides an opportunity for South Africa to learn from other members in nation-building and for the whole Africa to stimulate economic growth, says a local business executive.

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Africa : Fifth BRICS summit critical in redefining the future of the developing nations: ANC
on 2013/3/26 16:52:24

The Africa National Congress (ANC), South Africa's ruling party, on Monday said the 5th BRICS summit is critical in "redefining" the future of the developing nations and establishing world economies.

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Democratic Republic of the Congo : Regional presidents support DR Congo's peace agreement
on 2013/3/26 16:51:43
Democratic Republic of the Congo

The presidents of Rwanda, the Republic of Congo, Uganda and the Democratic Republic of Congo (DR Congo) met on Sunday to discuss the security situation that is prevailing in the Great Lakes region.

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Central African Republic : Rebels push closer to C. African Republic capital
on 2013/3/23 19:06:04
Central African Republic

A military official says that rebels in Central African Republic are pushing closer to the capital, Bangui.

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Nigeria : Achebe inspired generations of Nigerian writers
on 2013/3/23 19:05:12

Nigerian author Adaobi Tricia Nwaubani was just 10 years old when she first read Chinua Achebe's groundbreaking novel "Things Fall Apart."

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Central African Republic : Rebels advance toward C. African Republic capital
on 2013/3/23 19:03:36
Central African Republic

Rebels in Central African Republic are advancing on the capital, Bangui, after taking the town of Damara on Friday, a rebel spokesman said.

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Rwanda : Rwanda won't hinder US Embassy warlord transfer
on 2013/3/22 19:44:40

Rwanda's justice minister said Thursday his government will not hinder the transfer of the warlord Bosco Ntaganda from the U.S. Embassy in Kigali to the International Criminal Court.

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Mali : Mali army: Suicide bomber kills 1 in Timbuktu
on 2013/3/22 19:43:42

A suicide car bomber killed a soldier near Timbuktu's airport, officials said Thursday, the first such attack in the fabled city where French forces ousted Islamic extremists from power almost two months ago.

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Central African Republic : C. African Republic rebels reject president offers
on 2013/3/22 19:42:02
Central African Republic

Rebels in Central African Republic on Thursday dismissed the president's offer to release some political prisoners, saying the fighters would still consider retaking up arms despite signing a peace agreement two months ago.

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