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Libya : Libya, Malta, Turkey approve on dual collaboration
on 2020/8/9 14:52:35

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The Turkish Foreign Ministry stated that Turkey, Malta, and Libya on Thursday approved to endorse combined collaboration, ease the return of Maltese and Turkish businesses to Libya and reoccupy trips between the three countries.

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Libya : Erdogan: Egyptian-Greek agreement is null and void
on 2020/8/9 14:50:00

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The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said that his country continues to implement the Libyan-Turkish Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), signed between Tripoli and Ankara in November last year, confirming that his country would not negotiate with entities who possess no rights in the said areas of maritime jurisdiction.

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Libya : Libya’s GNA response to Egypt, Greece after maritime border demarcation: ‘We will not allow anyone to violate our rights’
on 2020/8/9 14:50:00

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The Turkish-backed Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA) stressed that it will not allow any party to violate its maritime rights, responding to the conclusion of an agreement on Thursday between Egypt and Greece on the demarcation of their maritime borders.

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Libya : U.S. sanctions against oil smugglers receives Libyan welcome
on 2020/8/9 14:45:09

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The U.S. imposition of sanctions on Thursday against Libyan and Maltese smugglers of its oil has received positive Libyan acclaim.

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Libya : West and east Libya agreement on need for de-escalation and dialogue: U.S.
on 2020/8/9 14:42:47

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The U.S reported yesterday that there is agreement between the contesting sides of western and eastern Libya on the need for de-escalation, resumption of oil production and exports and a return to the UN-led political track negotiations.

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Libya : Trump steps back from involving himself in Libya’s bloody civil war
on 2020/8/9 14:39:53

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Recent pleas by the leaders of Turkey, Egypt and others for Trump to get involved in the conflict have fallen on deaf ears, several foreign and US officials tell CNN.

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Libya : Egypt, Russia deploy anti-aircraft systems in Libya to support Haftar
on 2020/8/9 14:35:56

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Radio France Internationale (RFI) has confirmed that there are Twitter accounts close to Egyptian authorities saying Cairo has sent a Russian anti-aircraft system to Ras Lanuf in Libya.

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Libya : US ambassador reviews with Al-Sarraj, Bashagha consolidation of Libya's ceasefire
on 2020/8/9 14:34:03

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The US embassy said Saturday in a statement that it would remain actively involved with all Libyan parties, including the Government of National Accord and the House of Representatives, that reject foreign interference and seek to come together in peaceful dialogue.

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Libya : Libyan Parliament’s Speaker to visit Egypt Sunday
on 2020/8/9 14:31:00

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Speaker of the Libyan Parliament Aguila Saleh will visit Egypt Sunday, according to Libyan media outlets.

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Libya : Fear of Instability Behind Egypt's Readiness to Send Troops to Libya, Experts Say
on 2020/8/4 15:56:48

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Libya’s civil war and its role in regional stability have become more uncertain since June 20 when the Egyptian parliament authorized its troops to cross the border to help the forces of General Khalifa Haftar against Turkey-backed Government of National Accord (GNA).

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Libya : Haftar warns Erdogan: Stay out of Libya or you face our bullets
on 2020/8/4 15:49:14

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Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan was warned on Sunday to keep his forces out of Libya or face an armed response.

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Libya : Egypt- LAAF urges international monitoring of Libyan ports to stop Turkish weapon inflow
on 2020/8/4 15:46:07

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Egypt- LAAF urges international monitoring of Libyan ports to stop Turkish weapon inflow

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Libya : Libya score-settling moves closer to Turkey’s borders
on 2020/8/4 15:41:58

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Turkey’s intervention in the Libyan war is driving its adversaries to retaliate beyond Libya in conflict zones along Turkey’s own borders.

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Libya : Russia moves to secure its investment in Libya
on 2020/8/4 15:40:00

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Mercenaries with ties to Kremlin seize oil fields, complicating a wide variety of conflicts.

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Libya : Haftar asks Washington for intervention to stop support for Libya's GNA
on 2020/8/4 15:35:01

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Khalifa Haftan has asked the United States, in a letter sent to Washington, for international intervention in Libya to prevent the arrival of weapons to the Government of National Accord (GNA), as well as telling the US that he won't negotiate with Turkey, Saudi-Emirati Al-Arabiya TV said.

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Libya : Drah says Libya's GNA ready to liberate Sirte once negations fail
on 2020/8/4 15:32:36

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The spokesman for the Sirte-Jufra Operations Room Abdelhadi Drah has reiterated that the forces under the command of the Government of National accord (GNA) are ready and have all needed preparations to liberate Sirte and Jufra once negations for Khalifa Haftar forces' withdrawal fail.

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Libya : Libyan Minister to Asharq Al-Awsat: We Fear Demographic Change Due to Syrian, African Mercenaries
on 2020/8/4 15:27:57

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Interior Minister of the east-based government Ibrahim Boushnaf declared that officials have “not abandoned” their duties towards western Libya.

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Libya : Turkey criticizes Bahrain for calling UAE 'constructive', Akar remarks
on 2020/8/4 15:11:45

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Turkey on Monday condemned a recent statement by Bahrain's Foreign Ministry which criticized remarks made by Turkish Defense Minister Hulusi Akar and called the United Arab Emirates’ (UAE) destabilizing acts in the region “constructive.”

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Libya : Libya’s Intl.-backed govt. denounces overnight airstrikes against recently-recaptured airbase
on 2020/7/7 12:14:08

Click to see original Image in a new windowLibya’s UN-backed government has lambasted alleged overnight airstrikes against a recently-retaken strategic airbase in the war-torn country’s west, stressing that the raids were conducted by a “foreign air force.”

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Libya : Turkey says Haftar forces must withdraw from Libya’s Sirte for lasting truce
on 2020/6/27 12:30:00

Click to see original Image in a new windowTurkey says forces loyal to Libya’s renegade General Khalifa Haftar need to pull out of the strategic city of Sirte for a lasting ceasefire, denouncing France for “jeopardizing” NATO’s security by supporting the strongman.

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