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Mali : Mali presidential elections set for July 28
on 2013/5/28 18:07:55

Mali's government has announced that much-anticipated presidential elections in the West African nation will take place on July 28.

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Mali : France will keep troops in Mali beyond 2014: Defense minister
on 2013/5/26 18:11:42

France has planned to keep a military presence in Mali beyond 2014, the country’s defense minister has announced.

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Mali : France wants elections be held in Mali
on 2013/5/11 18:09:14

French President Francois Hollande has demanded that nationwide elections be held in July in the former colony of Mali, where a French-led war is raging.

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Mali : French forces leave Mali’s Timbuktu
on 2013/4/29 17:44:15

Dozens of French forces have left the Malian town of Timbuktu in the country’s north several months after they invaded the West African country.

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Mali : French troops to stay in Mali even after UN forces arrive, defense minister says
on 2013/4/27 18:04:20

France’s defense minister has reaffirmed that the country will keep 1,000 troops in Mali to fight armed groups even after the arrival of more than 12,000 UN peacekeepers later this year.

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Mali : UNSC OK’s peacekeepers for Mali
on 2013/4/27 18:03:18

The United Nations Security Council has approved more than 12,600 peacekeeping forces for the West African country of Mali.

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Mali : Malians cautiously welcome approval of UN force
on 2013/4/26 18:44:45

Many Malians say they cautiously welcome the news that a United Nations peacekeeping force will be deployed to their country.

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Mali : French journalist expelled from north Mali
on 2013/4/25 20:44:48

The Malian military says it has expelled a French journalist from northern Mali who had documented civilian deaths blamed on Malian soldiers.

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Mali : UN 'considers' peacekeeper deployment in Mali
on 2013/4/23 17:37:43

Experts from the 15 Security Council members due to meet on Tuesday to discuss resolution, drafted by France.

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Mali : Doctors Without Borders says 74,000 Malian refugees need urgent aid
on 2013/4/13 17:20:51

Doctors Without Borders (MSF) says 74,000 Malians who have taken refuge in the desert of Mauritania need urgent help and humanitarian assistance.

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Mali : French forces launch major offensive operation in Mali
on 2013/4/9 17:24:49

French forces have launched one of their largest offensives against what they claim to be extremist militants in the West African country, Mali.

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Mali : Malian PM reaffirms presidential and legislative polls to be held in July
on 2013/3/26 16:58:17

The Malian prime minister said on Monday that the government was determined to organize the presidential and legislative elections in July in conformity with the transition roadmap.

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Mali : Mali army: Suicide bomber kills 1 in Timbuktu
on 2013/3/22 19:43:42

A suicide car bomber killed a soldier near Timbuktu's airport, officials said Thursday, the first such attack in the fabled city where French forces ousted Islamic extremists from power almost two months ago.

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Mali : 15 local fighters killed in Mali: France
on 2013/3/6 17:25:03

French Defense Minister Jean Yves Le Drian says soldiers fighting in Mali have killed at least 15 local fighters in overnight clashes in the country's northeast.

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Mali : Militant leader Belmokhtar 'killed in Mali'
on 2013/3/3 18:32:57

Chadian soldiers operating in Mali have killed militant leader Mokhtar Belmokhtar, the Chadian Army says.

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Mali : French troops to stay in Mali until July: Officials
on 2013/3/2 17:37:25

French officials say the country’s forces will remain in Mali until at least July amid reports of a serious humanitarian crisis in the northern areas of the country caused by the French-led war in the West African nation.

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Mali : US opens drone base in Niger to boost Africa presence
on 2013/2/23 16:55:57

The US has set up a new drone base in Niger reportedly aimed at fighting al-Qaeda and its affiliates in Africa and helping French troops in their war on Mali.

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Mali : German government agrees to send up to 330 troops to Mali
on 2013/2/20 18:09:14

The German government has approved the deployment of up to 330 military personnel to Mali to back France in its war on the West African country.

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Mali : French soldier killed in northern Mali
on 2013/2/20 18:06:50

A French soldier has been killed in clashes with fighters in a mountainous region of northern Mali.

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Mali : US to play active military role in Mali: US Senator
on 2013/2/19 18:05:44

An American Senator says the United States is likely to play a more active military role in Mali, where a French-led war is raging, after the West African country holds elections.

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