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Sierra Leone : Unfulfilled Promise of Free Maternal Health Care for Mothers
on 2010/10/18 8:58:41
Sierra Leone


Freetown — Marie Musa, 37, is devastated. After the mother of four gave premature birth, her baby boy died a few hours later - because the hospital did not have enough incubators to rescue the infant.

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Sierra Leone : Draw with Egypt stuns Sierra Leoneans
on 2010/9/7 11:00:36
Sierra Leone


West African nation Sierra Leone is in a festive mood after the Leone Stars held the Pharaohs of Egypt in a 1-1 draw at the qualifying series of the African Cup of Nation in Cairo, Egypt.

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Sierra Leone : President fires police chiefs
on 2010/8/25 11:37:22
Sierra Leone


The head of Sierra Leone's Police and his deputy have been fired without any reason. President Ernest Bai Koroma said the Inspector General Acha Kamara and deputy will be replaced by Francis Alieu Munu and Richard Moigbe respectively following parliamentary approval.

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Sierra Leone : African finance ministers meet in S Leone
on 2010/8/18 11:44:31
Sierra Leone


A two-day conference of African Finance Ministers and Bank Governors has started in Freetown, Sierra Leone. The meeting which is tag the African Caucus will discuss issues relating to African in the context of global financial and economic crises, lessons learnt and the way forward.

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Sierra Leone : Campbell diamond testimony under the spotlight
on 2010/8/9 12:32:01
Sierra Leone


AMSTERDAM (Reuters) - British supermodel Naomi Campbell's testimony at the trial of former Liberian president Charles Taylor will be put to the test on Monday when her former agent is expected to contradict her over a gift of diamonds.

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Sierra Leone : Actress to Testify Before UN-Backed War Crimes Trial of Former Liberian Leader
on 2010/8/8 10:49:05
Sierra Leone

UN News

The actress and humanitarian activist Mia Farrow is set to give evidence on Monday about blood diamonds that are the current focus of testimony at the ongoing trial of the former Liberian president Charles Taylor at a United Nations-backed war crimes tribunal.

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Sierra Leone : Low turn-out at Taylor trial
on 2010/8/7 10:46:21
Sierra Leone


The testimony of black British supermodel Naomi Campbell at the Special Court for Sierra Leone is currently the lead news item in almost all major news network around the world today but Sierra Leoneans on whose behalf the UN-backed court is prosecuting alleged culprits of the conflict, have not shown any interest.

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Sierra Leone : Special Court Prosecutor Impressed by Courage Shown
on 2010/7/25 11:00:00
Sierra Leone


Freetown — On her second visit to Sierra Leone as the Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone, Ms. Brenda J. Hollis expressed pleasure in the courage displayed by Sierra Leoneans in demanding justice for the wrongs done to them during the country's decade-long civil war.

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