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Tanzania : Clerics, Leaders' Reform Call in Easter Messages
on 2011/4/24 14:43:08


Dar es Salaam — Religious and political leaders yesterday called on Tanzanians to maintain peace and harmony in the course of celebrating Easter, while ensuring that matters of national importance, including constitutional reform are discussed soberly.

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Tanzania : Tanzania leader says opposition provoking violence
on 2011/3/1 10:50:00


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's president accused the country's main opposition party on Monday of provoking violence to try to remove his government.

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Tanzania : Two Killed, Dozens Hurt in Opposition Party Protests
on 2011/1/8 11:21:12


Arusha — Police confirmed yesterday that two people died in Wednesday's demonstration called by Chadema.

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Tanzania : Tanzanian leader to name constitution review team
on 2011/1/2 8:53:20


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - President Jakaya Kikwete said on Friday he was appointing a team to work on a new constitution for Tanzania, after growing calls for changes to the country's political system.

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Tanzania : Police use teargas to disperse Tanzania protesters
on 2010/12/29 15:37:50


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzanian police fired teargas and water cannon to disperse hundreds of opposition protesters marching in the commercial capital, Dar es Salaam, on Tuesday calling for a new constitution, police said.

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Tanzania : Tanzania imposes Christmas power cuts
on 2010/12/25 12:46:27


DAR ES SALAAM (Reuters) - Tanzania's state-run power utility said on Friday a shortage of natural gas supply to turbines has led to a 40 megawatt deficit on the national grid and forced it to ration power for up to 10 hours a day.

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Tanzania : MV Panama Pirated in the Far South of the Somali Basin
on 2010/12/11 10:55:58

EU Navfor

On the afternoon of 10 December, the MV PANAMA was pirated by 2 armed skiffs with a total of 5 pirates on board.

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Tanzania : Tanzania trains rats to sniff out landmines
on 2010/11/14 7:59:20


Light, with a great and acute sense of smell, giant African pouched rats are being trained to sniff out landmines in fields in Tanzania. The country is campaigning to train the highly effective 'weapon' to be used in ordinance clearing.

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Tanzania : Kikwete Promises to Defend Unity As He Takes Presidential Oath
on 2010/11/8 8:52:00


President Jakaya Kikwete yesterday morning took the oath of office for his second and final five-year term, with an impassioned appeal to fellow Tanzanians to forget their political differences and forge national unity to foster economic prosperity.

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Tanzania : Ban Praises Tanzanians After Peaceful Elections
on 2010/11/7 9:01:18

UN News

Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon has congratulated the people of Tanzania for the peaceful conclusion of the recent general elections following today's confirmation of the official results.

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Tanzania : Tanzanian President Sworn-in for Final Term
on 2010/11/7 8:55:19


Tanzanian president Jakaya Kikwete has been sworn-in for another five years following general elections earlier this week, in which he was re-elected with 61 percent of the vote. The polls were marred by a low voter turnout, with the main opposition candidate Wilbrod Slaa, of the Chadema party, claimed there was vote rigging. He took 26 percent.

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Tanzania : Tanzania’s president re-elected to office
on 2010/11/7 8:45:56


Tanzania's incumbent President Jakaya Kikwete has been re-elected to office following last weekend's elections, officials say. The election commission said Kikwete won just over 61% of the votes, beating candidates from opposition parties. The commission dismissed claims of irregularities in the count.

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Tanzania : Ruling Party Accepts Bunge Results
on 2010/11/3 17:20:00

Daily News

CHAMA Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) said on Tuesday it had retained 78.24 per cent of the constituent seats in parliament after losing 51 to the opposition and declared that it accepted the results.

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Tanzania : Eight convicted of terrorism
on 2010/11/3 17:00:00

Daily News

Eight Tunisians have been sentenced to two to six years in prison for incitement to join a terrorist organization. Aged 23 to 35, the defendants were tried under the Terrorism Act in Tunis, according to their lawyer Me Samir Ben Amor.

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Tanzania : Factors That Would Shape General Election Outcome
on 2010/10/31 11:31:06


Dar es Salaam — It is already being billed as one of the fiercest and most closely contested campaigns since the first multiparty General Election in 1995.

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Tanzania : Kikwete - We Will Win By Landslide
on 2010/10/31 11:26:49


Dar es Salaam — The CCM presidential candidate, Mr Jakaya Kikwete said yesterday he was poised for a landslide victory in the Sunday general election and dismissed claims by the opposition that the results could be rigged.

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Tanzania : Kikwete Leads Less Thirsty Nation to Polls
on 2010/10/31 11:15:11

Daily News

Dar Es Salaam — PRESIDENT Jakaya Kikwete walks with his head high, his chest thrust forward, the gait of a proud man who has made significant achievements. The president may as well walk taller on Sunday as the nation he has led for the past five years goes to the polls.

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Tanzania : The Final Lap
on 2010/10/31 11:04:17


Dar es Salaam — The three major political parties wind up their election campaigns today, ending a tough battle that has seen the presidential candidates traverse the width and breadth of the vast country, to woo the 19.6 million eligible voters.

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Tanzania : Kikwete Expected to Retain His Seat As Citizens Vote
on 2010/10/31 10:00:00


Tanzanians go to the ballot on Sunday, with some 19.6 million registered voters expected to elect the country's next president, 239 MPs and over 3,300 councillors.

Voters will decide who between President Jakaya Kikwete of Chama Cha Mapinduzi (CCM) -- who is widely expected to retain his seat for a second five-year term -- Dr Willibrod Slaa of Chadema and Prof Ibrahim Lipumba of the Civic United Front (CUF) triumphs.

Their verdict will also bring to an end one of the most fiercely contested political race in recent times, with the incumbent's re-election bid facing a stiff challenge from Dr Slaa whose sudden entry into the race and his campaign for change appeared to strike a chord with the masses.

It is the fourth General Election since the introduction of multi-party politics in 1992. According to the National Electoral Commission officials, polling centres will be opened as early as 7am and they expect the exercise to end at 4pm.

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Tanzania : Tanzania Drops in Gender Equality
on 2010/10/24 14:48:15


Uganda is the leading country in gender equality in East Africa, according to the World Economic Forum's Global Gender Gap report 2010.

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