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Tunisia : Six Takfiri terrorists killed by Tunisian security forces
on 2014/10/25 19:11:33

Click to see original Image in a new windowTunisian security forces have killed six Takfiri terrorists who had taken a number of people hostage in a suburban house near the capital Tunis, Press TV reports.

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Tunisia : Tunisia dictator's last FM to run for president
on 2014/9/14 17:30:15

Click to see original Image in a new windowTunisian former dictator Zine El Abidine Ben Ali’s last foreign minister, Kamel Morjane, has announced his intention to stand in the country’s upcoming presidential election.

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Tunisia : Tunisia launches crackdown on militants near Algeria border
on 2014/7/20 17:51:14

Click to see original Image in a new windowTunisian forces have launched a crackdown on Takfiri militants’ positions and radio stations associated with them after a militant attack that killed at least 14 soldiers in a region near the country’s border with Algeria.

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Tunisia : 1000s of Tunisians stage anti-Israel protest
on 2014/7/12 18:02:22

Click to see original Image in a new windowThousands of Tunisians have held a demonstration in the capital, Tunis, to condemn the Israeli regime’s attacks on the besieged Gaza Strip.

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Tunisia : Tunisia parliament withdraws motions to censure ministers
on 2014/5/10 21:30:45

Click to see original Image in a new windowTunisian lawmakers have withdrawn motions to censure two of the country’s ministers accused of trying to bring about normalization of ties with the Israeli regime.

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Tunisia : Tunisia pres., parl. polls to be held in November
on 2014/5/4 20:51:13

Click to see original Image in a new windowTunisia's presidential and parliamentary elections will possibly be held in the second half of November, the head of the African country’s election agency says.

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Tunisia : Tunisians protest over energy issue
on 2014/3/8 17:38:12

Tunisians have held protests against what they call the continued control of foreign companies over the country’s energy sector, Press TV reports.

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Tunisia : 100s hold demo in Tunisia against terrorism
on 2014/2/18 11:18:35

Over a thousand Tunisians have demonstrated in the city of Jendouba to denounce the weekend killings of four people by militants.

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Tunisia : Protesters in Tunisian capital slam Israeli crimes
on 2014/2/2 17:21:45

Tunisians have held a demonstration against Israeli crimes in the occupied Palestinian territories, Press TV reports.

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Tunisia : Tunisia set to vote on new constitution
on 2014/1/25 0:19:39

The spokesman for Tunisia's Constituent assembly has announced that a final vote on the new constitution is to be held on January 25.

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Tunisia : Tunisian protesters call for govt. resignation
on 2013/11/16 17:58:46

Protesters have taken to the streets in the Tunisian capital Tunis to call for the resignation of the government.

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Tunisia : Tunisia Crisis Deepens after Failure to Pick New PM
on 2013/11/7 11:58:26

There was no end in sight Tuesday to Tunisia's months-long political crisis after ruling Islamists and the opposition failed to agree on aTunisian independent premier following two missed deadlines.

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Tunisia : Tunisia parties fail to choose new premier
on 2013/11/5 16:05:13

Tunisian political parties have once again failed to reach an agreement on appointing a new prime minister to replace outgoing Prime Minister Ali Larayedh.

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Tunisia : Bomb blast hits resort near Tunisian capital
on 2013/10/31 21:54:12

A bomb attack has been carried out in the tourist resort of Sousse near the Tunisian capital of Tunis, with the bomber having been killed in the assault.

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Tunisia : ‘Tunisia forces kill ten militants’
on 2013/10/21 19:03:31

Tunisia says its security forces have killed ten militants involved in a recent deadly attack against police officers.

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Tunisia : Tunisia capital demo supports Syria govt.
on 2013/10/13 17:48:58

Tunisians have staged a demonstration in the capital Tunis to support the Syrian government and denounce the Israeli regime, Press TV reports.

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Tunisia : Tunisia capital demo supports Syria govt.
on 2013/10/13 9:58:56

Tunisians have staged a demonstration in the capital Tunis to support the Syrian government and denounce the Israeli regime, Press TV reports.

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Tunisia : Tunisian forum reacts to Italy disaster
on 2013/10/10 19:48:56

The Tunisian Forum for Social and Economic Rights says the death of over 300 African refugees in a recent shipwreck off the Italian island of Lampedusa was the outcome of Europe’s ‘war against migrants.’

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Tunisia : Anti-Israeli sentiments rise in Tunisia over
on 2013/10/9 13:29:55

Anti-Israeli sentiments have increased among Tunisians following recent revelations of the presence of Israeli spies in the North African country, Press TV reports.

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Tunisia : Delegates begin gathering for Tunisia crisis talks
on 2013/10/6 9:42:35

Click to see original Image in a new windowDelegates have begun assembling for the start of a dialogue between Tunisia's ruling party and the opposition in a move to end a political crisis in the North African country.

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